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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. Why is Hall a "reach"? He's considered the best RB in this draft class and a first round talent. I don't want the Bills to reach for a player at any position. Don't try to rewrite history. White might have been a reach at #10 but wasn't considered one at #24 or #25 where the Bills took him. The controversy with White was that the Bills traded out of the #10 pick when they needed a QB and 2 excellent prospects, Mahomes and Watson, were available. Taking White also seemed to be part of the same old, same old Bills management pattern under Ralph Wilson/Russ Brandon regime during the salary cap era: allowing good/great players to walk rather than give them a second contract and using the draft to fill the hole left in the roster. The Bills passed on a QB to draft a DB because they had allowed Stephon Gilmore to leave in FA earlier. I'm a ZJ fan myself and would definitely want the Bills to take him over Hall if both were available. However, most of the posters arguing against Hall also don't want a first round IOLer. They simply don't want RBs because of their short "shelf lives" and they don't want IOLers because they're "too expensive" if teams exercise fifth year options. Neither is a particularly compelling reason, especially when few, if any, of the posters in this thread arguing against the Bills taking Hall at #25 have actually named a WR or CB that they'd like the Bills to take. It seems to me that if you don't want the Bills to take Hall, then you ought to offer the name of a specific alternative, ie, an actual prospect not a generic WR or CB.
  2. I agree with this view of Beane. I was very skeptical about him early on but he's proven that he's not only all about building a winning team but really good at it, so I'm good with whomever he takes in the first round although my personal preference would be IOLers Zion Johnson or Tyler Linderbaum if they're available. As for the fifth year option argument, I think it's overblown. With first round draft picks expected to start contributing as rookies, teams generally know what they have in a player well before they have to make a decision on a fifth year option.
  3. Agree with all this, especially the interior OL positions. I have always been a BPA advocate, but I think that in this draft with the Bills draft position, BPA and need may very well coincide, especially in the first round. #25 is an excellent spot to find a top quality center or guard, and drafting one that could start in September could be the best way to improve the running game even if the Bills don't add a RB early. That's not even considering how much improved protection could help the passing game.
  4. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally.
  5. If Linderbaum or Johnson are on the board when the Bills get their turn, they should definitely take him for exactly the reasons you list plus the fact that it's likely he'll be a significant upgrade over Morse who's a decent but not outstanding center. Moreover, both of them can play guard IIRC, so that's a big bonus.
  6. Unfortunately, there's no respect for OLers, including Linderbaum and Johnson, because the draft gurus here don't think IOLers are "valuable" enough to be drafted in the first round. IOLers are never appreciated until you don't good ones and your QB pays the price.
  7. No under-sized "one hit wonders" on the DL or at LB.
  8. I voted for Zion Johnson, Boston College. The Bills need a computer nerd on the OL!
  9. Agree. The Beatles themselves started out as simply a band seeking commercial success, and the Stones started out in the mid-Sixties as just another British Invasion Beatles imitator band seeking commercial success like Herman's Hermits or Jerry and the Pacemakers. The Stones matured like the Beatles did, but they were followers of trends rather than creative geniuses ala the Beatles led by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.
  10. I think that if there's a push for an international team, it will be Mexico City rather than London simply for logistical reasons.
  11. After decades of being on the receiving end of manure from Pats, Fins, and Jests fans because this franchise was so hopeless for so long, I revel in knowing that we have one of the very best organizations in the NFL that found a generational talent at QB. I don't get my jollies rubbing other teams' proverbial noses in poop on a MB. The Bills kicking butt during the season and playoffs is sweet enough revenge. Totally agree. IMO, Belichick wanted Jones because he thinks he can coach him into a facsimile of Brady. Maybe he can but he probably won't, but certainly Brady and Brees are examples of guys without rocket arms who are going to Canton on the first ballot. Unfortunately, QBs like Rodgers or Mahomes or Allen don't come along that often. That's why they're "generational talents". Mostly, the best a team can realistically hope for is getting a Russell Wilson or a Ben Roethlisberger or Drew Brees. They're great QBs but a team that finds a Rodgers, Mahomes or Allen has a horseshoe up its butt. For a team to get into the position to draft a top QB prospect when it needs one usually means having several circumstances to fall their way. The best QB in a draft class may very well not be the #1 overall pick. Rodgers (#24), Mahomes(#10) or Allen(#7) weren't the first QBs taken in their draft classes.
  12. This "conversation" is simply a poor attempt to dump on Jones (and the Pats) and pretend it's not by making generalized statements about physical traits being supreme. That's nonsense. What makes Allen an elite NFL QB isn't his arm strength but all his "intangibles", especially his drive, his processing ability, his decision making. He came with the drive but he's had to work on his mechanics to improve his accuracy, he had to learn to read/recognize defenses, and he had to improve his decision making based on his experience. Guess what, most QBs who have come into the NFL with great arms have never improved nearly as much as Allen has, which is, again, why he's special. If Jones has as much drive and other intangibles as Allen, based off of his rookie season, Jones may very well become a successful NFL QB if he continues to work on his game. He won't be in Allen's level but there aren't many QBs who are.
  13. Physical tools don't mean much without the ability to process information quickly and make good decisions. The history of the NFL is filled with highly drafted QBs with "elite physical tools" who crashed and burned on their inability to master the mental nuances of the pro game. Conversely, there are QBs with lesser tools who have successful careers because their ability to make plays because they make good decisions. Andy Dalton, Joe Flacco, Kirk Cousins, Derek Carr, and Jimmy Garappolo are all examples of not the greatest physical tools that have been successful. If elite physical tools were so "huge", so many QBs with elite arms wouldn't fail in the NFL.
  14. Agree with both main thoughts here. Jones reminds me of Brady as a first year starter in 2001. He wasn't that impressive except that he tended to make good decisions, especially for a QB with such limited experience (the game after Bledsoe got injured was his first NFL start). For several years after 2001, there were always debates on the old BBMB over whether Brady was a "system QB" or "a franchise QB". I guess we all found out he was for real. It wasn't Brady's arm strength that made him the GOAT any more than it's lack of arm strength that has sent Carson Wentz from Philly to Indy to Washington, DC. It's a combination of traits, but more than anything, it's decision making -- knowing when and where to throw the ball. Mahomes and Allen have shown they're truly special. Mahomes has shown that since his first game in 2017. Allen took a couple of years to develop because he was so raw when he came into the league. I think that the most likely candidates to join them on the podium are Watson, Herbert and Burrow although it's likely that not all of them -- or possibly none of them -- actually achieve the same status.
  15. The premise of this thread is silly. Arm strength is only one factor that contributes to making a great QB just like speed is only one factor that makes a great WR. If arm strength was the most important thing, Jeff George would be in the HOF just as if speed was the key to making a great WR, none of the track stars drafted into the NFL over the last two decades would have crashed and burned instead of being rarities.
  16. IMO, the posts related to this particular topic are a runaway April Fool's Day joke. That's why I didn't respond to the original post on Friday and I'm not responding to Poleshifter's preposterous postings in this thread since.
  17. My point was simply that rising crime isn't unique to NYC as some posters seem to be claiming but a growing problem all over the country, and certainly violence isn't restricted to large cities or metros.
  18. On the current Bills roster, "legitimate starters" have to be pretty good, especially on offense. This regime isn't going to draft a guard -- or WR or CB -- in the first round to be a JAG. They're looking for players, whatever their position, who are better than what they've got on the roster now and have the potential to be among the top players in the league at their position. Maybe there's nobody that's that caliber available when they pick, so they have to make the best of it. What I sure don't want to do is to pass on a super talented guard to take a lesser talented player at a supposed "more important" position. Yeah ... guards seldom actually change games until some gem like Ross Tucker or Bennie Anderson whiffs on a block and your QB leaves on a cart, maybe for the season.
  19. Woodstock, Kingston, Saugerties are about 2 hours from NYC, not "an hour or so". There have always been people commuting to NYC from these areas but probably not as many as there are now. Again, this kind of thing is happening all around the country outside major cities. All of Northern Virginia has become a Washington, DC suburb, out as far as Fredericksburg into the horse country beyond. The outer suburbs of cities like Atlanta, Houston, Phoenix, Denver, and Chicago stretch out 50-100 miles from these cities. Commutes are even worse in California. Remote work since the pandemic has exacerbated the transition of exurbia into suburbia. Your claim that recently soaring property values have increased taxes for long time property owners is not accurate. In NYS, recent price increases are not going to impact long time residents' tax bills until there's a general property reassessment or unless the owners did remodeling. It's more likely that new home buyers would see their taxes raised because they paid more for their properties than they would have last year. Technically, local assessors in NYS aren't supposed to do that but sometimes they do. An increase in population and demands for new or improved services (example might be establishing a municipal water system to replace private wells or paving more roads) can increase taxes for long time owners, but that's because tax rates increase and it applies to all taxpayers. This is something that happens whenever there's large scale new development in a formerly largely rural area -- from the Catskills to the South Carolina Low Country to small towns outside Nashville. Six people were killed and twelve more were wounded in downtown Sacramento, CA yesterday. Last week, a twelve year old kid in South Carolina shot a classmate. Violence ain't just a NYC problem. Spoken like somebody who thinks he is exempt from having his rights violated by the police or by some government entity just because he's never had his civil rights violated. FYI, it can happen to you even if it's a minor thing and you are the most upstanding citizen.
  20. Stuff that spoils before you use it sure isn't a bargain, even at half the current price! OTOH, it makes sense to buy some extra non-perishable items like paper products or laundry detergent or shampoo when they're on sale, so you don't have to pay full price because you need it. I wasn't really impacted by the toilet paper shortage during the pandemic because I always have an adequate stockpile of essentials, and I was able to restock my supply when it was available.
  21. I grew up on a farm in the Stone Age (1950s) and I lived through the Blizzard of 77, so I always have supplies on hand, including food as well as batteries for flashlights and oil for my oil lamps. If I lived in a rural area and depended upon a well for water, I would have a natural gas generator but I live in a city with public water. If I lived in a tornado prone area, I'd certainly make sure I'd have some kind of basement/safe room/tornado shelter. I think people who have lived through natural disasters like a hurricane or blizzard tend to take reasonable preparedness more seriously than many people. OTOH, the "doomsday preppers" preparing for the "invasion" of whatever menace du jour is disturbing their peace today are simply bat-poop crazy.
  22. In a lot of ways, migration shapes politics rather than vice versa because long term migration trends profoundly change places. Nowhere is this more evident than in North America, and especially the US which has witnessed huge mass migrations over its entire existence, starting with the influx of Europeans displacing Native peoples, but also including: the forced migration of African slaves to the New World; the relentless Westward Movement from the 18th century to the present; the mass immigration of eastern and southern Europeans in the late 19th and early 20th century; the migration from farms to towns and cities because of industrialization since the mid-19th century; the Great Migration of southern Blacks from the South to the North, Midwest and West the began around WW I (concurrent with the"Hillbilly Highway" migration of poor whites out of Appalachia for similar places); the Okie migration to the West Coast because of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s; the migration of Hispanics, especially Mexicans, into the Southwestern US over the last century; the migration of Americans out of central cities into suburban and exurban areas since WW II. The migration of middle class people out of large HCOL metros for places with more moderate costs may be the start of a new mass migration. It may also be one of the first and most easily identified ways that the covid pandemic has changed the country, but it's highly unlikely to be the most profound one.
  23. Like many very large cities, I think that New York City is a great place to live if you're very wealthy and can afford to take advantage of the all the city has to offer. I think the quality of life declines quickly for NYC residents as income levels approach middle income, much more so than for residents of other major cities. Long before housing prices in the rest of the country went berserk, NYC suffered from an affordable housing shortage even for people earning six figure incomes. It's worse now, but many people who embrace the city willingly sacrifice a lot to live there. When I lived in Albany, I would visit NYC for work a couple of times of a year. I share with others the idea that NYC is a great place to visit but wouldn't want to live there. I'm good with living in an overgrown small town of 30k where the local dining choices are Olive Garden or the Lakewood Rod and the big event of the summer is the Lucille Ball Comedy Festival.
  24. That's simply untrue. In 20 drafts between 2000 and 2019, 5 guards were taken in the top 10 and 1 was drafted to be an OT. 2 were Pro Bowl and All Pro caliber. In 20 drafts between 2000 and 2019, 11 guards were taken between #21-#32. 5 were Pro Bowlers and 2 were All Pros. The bottom of the first round frequently does yield stud guards. Guards taken in the first round since 2000: 2001 - 17 - Steve Hutchinson - 7 PBs, 5 All Pros 2002 - 20 - Kendall Simmons 2004 - 19 - Vernon Carey - started 107 games for Miami between 2004 and 2011 2005 - 32 - Logan Mankins - 7 PBs, 1 All Pro 2006 - 23 - Davin Joseph - 2 PBs 2007 - 29 - Ben Grubbs - 2 PBs 2008 - 15 - Branden Albert - converted to LT, made 2 PBs at LT 2010 - 17 - Mike Iupati - 4 PBs, 1 All Pro 2011 - 15 - Mike Pouncey - 4 PBs 2011 - 23 - Danny Watkins 2012 - 24 - Dave DeCastro - 6 PBs, 2 All Pros 2012 - 27 - Kevin Zeitler - started 151 games between 2012 and 2021 2013 - 7 - Jonathan Cooper 2013 - 10 - Chance Warmack 2013 - 20 - Kyle Long - 3 PBs 2015 - 5 - Brandon Scherff - 5 PBs, 1 All Pro 2015 - 9 - Ereck Flowers - converted to OT and then went back to G 2015 - 28 - Laken Tomlinson - 1 PB 2016 - 28 - Joshua Garnett 2016 - 31 - Germain Ifedi 2018 - 6 - Quenton Nelson - 4 PBs, 3 All Pros 2018 - 23 - Isaiah Wynn, starter in NE 2019 - 14 - Chris Lindstrom, starter in ATL Furthermore, where a particular player was drafted becomes irrelevant after he's played in the NFL for a few years. If your #25 guard or your #55 guard or your UDFA guard turns out to be a stud, he'll command stud guard money. If you choose to pay him or not is your choice, but keeping DTs and LBs off your elite QB might be worth something.
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