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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. Josh Allen's first two seasons ... 2018 11 games 52.8% completions 2074 yards 10 TDs 12 INTs 67.9 QB rating 49.8 QBR 89 rushes 631 yards 8 TDs 8 fumbles 2019 16 games 58.8% completions 3089 yards 20 TDs 9 INTs 85.3 QB rating 49.4 QBR 109 rushes 510 yards 9 TDs 14 fumbles There were a lot of critics who didn't think that Allen would become a good NFL QB much less one of the best in the NFL. It's a little early to write off either Tua or Hurts since neither has been a dumpster fire in their second seasons, just not Joe Burrow good.
  2. Because the US is the elephant in Canada's room, genius! Your "poast" suggests that you suffer from the same shortcomings as the OP ... except that since you aren't Canadian, you're just infinitely more ignorant than the OP ... or living in an alternative universe where up is down and left is right. Another example of somebody's elevator not going to the top floor.
  3. This is untrue. I don't "personally know a vaccinated family member that got the virus from another vaccinated person". All two vaccinated people that I know who got covid got it from unvaccinated family members. How does that prove that the vaccinated person got the virus from another vaccinated person?
  4. Yeah, but an old white guy who's not particularly good at ANYTHING has to be a genius at governing everything, right? The First Amendment doesn't apply just to college graduates.
  5. Four years too many. Ronnie was lucky to escape with her life, but she lost most the earnings from her songs as well as custody of her her sons. Spector killed his last girlfriend. He was in prison for that when he died of covid early in 2021.
  6. I think there's a big difference between a first or second round QB who doesn't quite develop as hoped for but is a decent starter for several seasons, especially when playing for a mediocre team, and a first or second round QB who never develops into a good starting QB although he might have a good season or put together some good games. Brees was a second rounder who played well enough to be named to the starter for several years that the Chargers allowed to leave after he was injured because they had Rivers waiting in the wings. Alex Smith was the starting QB in San Francisco for 7 seasons (he missed 1 season because of a shoulder injury). He wasn't great but he wasn't a failure, just not as good as hoped for on a team that was pretty poor. He made the Pro Bowl three times on the Chiefs with a better team around him. KC traded him after they drafted Mahomes. Ryan Tannehill was much like Alex Smith: a decent starter on a pretty crappy team for a number of years. He was traded to a better team and blossomed. Mitch Trubisky failed in Chicago just as Wentz failed in Philadelphia. Neither one has much potential to become a good starter elsewhere because they both have failed to develop into decent starting QBs.
  7. The Colts aren't the Bills during the Russ Brandon/Doug Marrone regime. I think that Fitz is very likely to call it a career. I don't think FO or HCs seriously consider failed QBs as serious "reclamation projects" because they don't seem to exist. Off hand, I can't think of a single "reclamation project" QB who has turned into a legitimately good NFL QB on another team in the last decade. By legitimate, I mean a QB who's successful as a starting QB for multiple seasons. I think in the modern NFL, the things that really separate good/great QBs from the rest aren't "fixable", ie can't be coached: leadership, drive/determination, decision-making, reaction time etc. Either a QB has these traits or he doesn't. Josh Allen, as poor a passer as he was early on, always exhibited these traits, especially leadership and the will to win. A QB can improve his mechanics (as Allen has) and learn from experience what to do and not do in most situations but some QBs just make the right decision more times than not and others do the opposite.
  8. My friends are the drivers these days, and they don't like walking, so we park close to the stadium and tailgate while the traffic clears. That's great when the weather's decent but not for late season games when there's negative wind chills.
  9. Not a bad plan but you might consider parking on Sheldon Road off Abbott. Sheldon is the road between the Abbott Road Animal Hospital and the Mobil station at the corner of Abbott and Southwestern. There are all kinds of small private lots along that road (at least there were the last time I parked there about 7 or 8 years ago). It's a good walk to the stadium, but leaving is the best part about those lots: you turn away from Abbott when you come out of your lot and follow Sheldon to the first cross road (Brompton Drive). If you take a left onto Brompton, you'll be at Southwestern at the next stop sign. Take a right to go into Hamburg. If you take a right onto Brompton, you'll end up on Mckinley Parkway. A right there takes you up to 179 and the Thruway. A left takes you to Southwestern where you get a light to turn right onto Southwestern.
  10. Cry me a river for the Jests. Between 1967 and 1985, the Bills racked up 13 losing seasons, 5 winning seasons, and 1 8-8 season. Between 1967 and 1972, the Bills won 4, 1, 4, 3, 1, 4 game(s) each year. .The Bills lost 12 games in 1976 and 11 games in 1977. In 1984 and 1985, the Bills racked up a pair of 2-14 seasons. Between 1967 and 1985, they won 97 games. They made the playoffs 3 times and won 1 WC game. Between 1967 and 1985, the Jests racked up 10 losing seasons, 5 winning seasons, and 4 7-7 or 8-8 seasons. They won 129 games during that time period. They made the playoffs 5 times and won the Super Bowl after the 1968 season. Oh, and BTW, the Bills failed to make the playoffs from 2000 through 2016, which is 17 seasons, not 10.
  11. Excellent find! The two hosts outlined EXACTLY the Chargers remarkable ability to "***** defeat from the jaws of victory" despite all their talent over the last 15 years. Sunday night's game was more of the same ...
  12. The difference was that unlike the Bills, the Chargers only made to the conference championship once (2007). 2004 - 12-4 -- lost to the Jests in OT in the WC game - coach: Schottenheimer 2006 - 14-2 -- lost to the Patriots in the divisional round after bye for the WC - coach: Schottenheimer 2007 - 11-5 -- beat Titans in WC, beat Colts in divisional round, lost to Patriots in the conference championship - coach: Turner 2008 - 8-8 -- beat Colts in WC, lost to Steelers in divisional round - coach: Turner 2009 - 13-3 -- lost to the Jests in the divisional round after bye - coach: Turner 2013 - 9 -7 -- beat Bengals in WC, lost to Broncos in divisional round - coach: McCoy 2018 - 12-4 -- beat Ravens in WC, lost to Patriots in divisional round - coach: Lynn They also missed the playoffs 4 times while going 9-7 between 2005 and 2020, including losing 3 of their last 4 games in 2005 and 2014.
  13. Are you referring to me as "low info"? Well, when it comes to "low info", you certainly know what you're talking about. You're rebuttal is a gigantic FAIL because Bryan Curtis' Twitter rant is just a litany of his grievances against mainstream social and political thought bleeding into sports reporting. He's pissed off because newspapers and tv/radio outlets don't advocate for the NFL team in Washington, DC to keep its racist "Redskins" nickname; the continuation of the exploitation of amateur athletes by colleges and universities; or banning LGBT athletes from sports. He also doesn't like that sports journalists report on athletes making/taking right wing political statements or actions that subject them to criticism from the Left but he's okay with the opposite. Curtis also whines about journalists daring to express their own political views on Twitter, although that's which is EXACTLY what he does. He's the quintessential right wing pot whining about left wing kettles. Curtis doesn't mention a single instance of a currently employed "leftist journalist" spreading his/her ideology on mainstream media, either print or video.
  14. The persecution of white Christian heterosexual males by Blacks, non-Christians, gays/lesbians/transgender people, and women has been so egregioius ...
  15. I think they should watch the Bills highlights lowlights from the Dick "Play Not to Lose" Jauron era to gain some perspective. Urban Meyer is available.
  16. For those who are too young to remember or who didn't follow football back then or just forgot, the Chargers Chargering goes back to the mid 2000s. In the 2004 draft, the Chargers had the #1 pick and Eli Manning was the prime pick. Eli stated he wouldn't play for SD, so the Chargers traded the #1 pick for the #4 pick and a carload of additional draft picks which the Chargers turned into a talent loaded roster. For several years, they dominated the AFCW and were always the #1 or #2 AFC seed -- and they almost always were one and done in the playoffs. Fans blamed HC Marty Schottenheimer. As their talent declined, the Chargers started missing the playoffs -- sometimes in very strange ways but frequently finding ways to lose games they should win easily -- blame fell first on GM AJ Smith and later, QB Phillip Rivers. All the usual suspects are long gone. The Chargers can't even blame the San Diego water supply since they've moved to LA, and they're still finding new ways to screw up. Chargers are gonna Charger.
  17. Who died and left you boss? My question was for another poster who made a statement that he can't support. YOU don't get to deflect MY challenge to that poster with your whataboutism, so unless you have a response pertinent to my challenge to that poster's BS -- like providing even a single specific example of a "lefty journalist" inserting his/her "opinions and lies" into sports, including naming said journalist -- butt out.
  18. Right-o. There are so many "lefties" inserting their "opinions and lies" into sports that you can't even give one example. Well, dude, I call bull manure. When you "get pissed off" about somebody spreading "opinions and lies" as "fact", you should in a mirror.
  19. I'm rooting for the Browns over the Bengals. If the Browns beat the Bengals, the Bills can not only win the AFC, they will move up to the third seed behind Tennessee and KC by smacking the Jests I'd like to see Roethlisberger go out a winner but I'd also like to see Jason Huntley to win a game. He's a real feel good story. The Colts look flat. I hate the Raiders, but I think the Chargers are more dangerous so I suppose I have to root for the Raiders.
  20. ROTFLMAO. How, exactly, are "radical lefty journalists" polluting the purity of sports with "politics"? What specific "opinions and lies" are these journalists spreading that "piss you off"?
  21. Not happening. None of the major players in the stadium talks are considering a dome. Moreover, the only northern or midwestern teams with domes are Detroit, Indianapolis, and Minneapolis. That includes many stadiums built in the last decade or so. Think about it ... cold weather teams like the Patriots, the Jests, the Giants, the Browns, the Bears, the Packers, the Broncos and the Chiefs all have open stadiums. I think most cold-weather cities/teams building new stadiums opt for open stadiums because of economics. Not only are open stadiums cheaper to build, they are infinitely cheaper to operate. It's much cheaper to heat or cool smaller spaces like concourses, boxes, locker rooms, etc than a giant dome ... not to mention that for most of the season, most of those northern teams are not going to be playing in really cold or snowy weather.
  22. Ignorance is bliss. Protests in American Sports Actually the first fly over took place in 1918 (during WW I) but didn't become widespread until after the 9/11 attacks. Playing the Star Spangled Banner before sporting and other events dates back to the Civil War. History of the Star Spangled Banner
  23. Ummm ... even if there's no signed release from this guy's parents, wouldn't one of them had to have given permission for him to be photographed since he's not alleging he was kidnapped, just that his image was exploited. Obviously, his parents knew what they were doing since they told him. If the record company just took a photo of a naked little baby in a pool and the parents didn't know about it, then that might be exploitive. Of course, then the grown up baby wouldn't know he'd been exploited ... but he did know for years. My guess is that the guy's parents took a cash payment to allow their baby to be photographed rather than going through the formal steps of exchanging their signature(s) on a release in exchange for royalties.
  24. IMO, this is like worrying about a giant asteroid is going to hit the Earth. It could happen but not very realistic. Media companies are like other companies, they exist to make profits, and they don't make money by unnecessarily alienating fans of their sports products. FOX SPORTS broadcasts three sports I watch frequently: NFL football, NASCAR, and Racing Across America (horse racing). Whatever FOX's political views, their politics don't bleed into their sports programming. I'm totally with Gunner Bill. Politics bleeds into sports through society not through media ownership.
  25. This game isn't meaningless! The Bills will win the AFCE if they beat the Jests regardless of what New England does. It's also not meaningless for Indianapolis, LA Chargers, and Raiders. It's also not meaningless for Arizona, LA Rams, New Orleans, and San Francisco. It's not even meaningless for the #1 AFC seed Tennessee. If they lose to the Texans, they might lose their #1 seed. That's at least 10 teams that can change their playoff status depending on the outcome of this week end.
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