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Posts posted by SoTier

  1. 18 hours ago, BritBill said:

    An example is when there’s been a general election and a winning political party has been declared winner, the leader of the party has to go to the monarch to request permission to form a government. Technically permission can be denied but as this is “ceremonial” it won’t be. 

    I’m sure there will be a few more but the internet can probably feed your interest more than I can 👍 


    "Technically" I think the last time a British monarch tried to thwart the will of Parliament, he lost his head. 

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  2. 9 hours ago, BillsFan130 said:

    I will take the ugliest super bowl win ever lol


    YES!!!   I have been a Bills fan since 1963 -- 59 years!!! -- and this is exactly my sentiment.   Make the playoffs.  Win the AFC Championship.  Win the Lombardi.   I don't give a damn how they do it.  Just do it.

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  3. 6 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Botox and surgery too.


    Kids! Stay off that ***** too, and out of sun!


    We all age every day we live, and if we stick around long enough, we all end up looking pretty decrepit.   The only thing that stops aging is dying.

    • Agree 2
  4. << shrugs>> She looks like a 66-year-old woman who's spent a lot of her life in the sun, and has chosen not to try to hide her age with heavy makeup on a casual day out.   Big deal.


    What does Arnold look like in his 75th year?


    BTW, what will you look like at 66 or 75 compared to how you looked at 35? 

    • Agree 2
  5. 13 hours ago, Ridgewaycynic2013 said:

    Many years ago when working good paying jobs I could afford to keep a large feeder filled with nyjer seed.  I eventually moved out for a few years.  Upon my return and now retired, I found that hungry finches will settle for the black oil sunflower seeds I feed the chickadees, nuthatches, cardinals.


    I think that the goldfinches' food of choice here in WNY is thistle seed, but thistles don't ripen for about a month yet.   There are a lot of sunflowers ripening now, so they'll eat those, even settling for oil seed in feeders.  I've found that they never come to my feeders in the late summer/fall until my volunteer sunflowers around the feeder pole open and set seed.   They do stop by for a day or so during spring migration.  Most spend the summer in the nearby rural areas, especially where farming is still active.

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  6. The hummingbirds have apparently abandoned my yard since their favorite flowers -- bee balm, trumpet vine, early blooming hostas, crocosmia -- are past their prime, but they've been replaced by some other seasonal visitors, most notably by goldfinches.  They come mostly for my sunflowers, but if the sunflowers aren't ripe (they aren't yet) they feast on my tube feeders filled with black oil sunflower seeds.   This morning I had a dozen crowding the two feeders, including the bright males and the olive colored females.   I've also had flocks of young bluejays coming for peanuts and recently fledged song sparrows and wrens.

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  7. 3 hours ago, MarkyMannn said:

    This.  Without ArriveCan you are not crossing over


    It looks to be no big deal.   I downloaded it to my phone and set up my account.  I didn't load photos of my enhanced DL and vaccination card yet.

  8. For what you need to enter Canada from the US:   Successfully entering Canada.


    You  will need a valid passport to enter Canada by land but some others might be able to use an enhanced driver's license from Vermont, New York, Michigan, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Washington State.   All these states border Canada except South Dakota (is that a typo in the web site?   North Dakota neighbors Canada, South Dakota doesn't).    Land Travel to Canada


    You will also need to put the ArriveCAN app on your phone and upload your documents more than 72 hours before your arrival date in Canada.



    On 8/25/2022 at 9:26 AM, WhoTom said:

    Nobody's mentioned the Maid of the Mist. I'd recommend it.



    BEST ATTRACTION IN WNY (Bills games excluded)  ... and you can get the ride from both sides of the border.   In the distant pass when I was a teacher, I thought that being a Maid of the Mist captain (pilot?) would be the ideal summer gig!


    I'd recommend either Lewiston or Niagara-on-the-Lake, depending upon which side of the border you're on.  If you like typical touristy things, that's Canada.  If you are more interested in getting closer to the water, then the American side might be your pick. The Cave of the Winds is awesome.  You can walk on the catwalks at the brink of the American Falls there.   You can take the steps down into the Devil's Hole downstream from the Falls and hike the Niagara Gorge.  Somebody already measured the Power Authority.  There's also Artpark in the Lewiston -- and some nice dining choices in the village.  Finally, there's Ft Niagara in Youngstown.





    On 8/21/2022 at 7:54 PM, Einstein said:


    We are either thinking of different people, or I never realized in the 20 years I read their posts that it was a woman.


    The WYO I know ran a business called WyoWings where he/she sold their barbecue sauces.


    I don't think that was the "Wyo" from BBMB. 


    On 8/22/2022 at 12:55 AM, Comebackkid said:

    This wyo was an  older woman who I believe was a retired school teacher.


    This is the "wyo" from BBMB.  Her name was Robyn.  Her official screen name was WyoBillzFan or WyoBilzFan, and she was a retired nurse living in Wyoming who grew up in the Southtowns.   She was a mod for a while IIRC.


    18 hours ago, HOUSE said:

    I would be interested why members changed their names? 

    Seems very suspicious to me :flirt:



    I changed my name when BBMB closed down.  Nothing suspicious about it.  I just decided I liked to identify with my particular part of "God's Country".



    1 hour ago, Gugny said:


    I joined the Chiefs board to troll them after we beat KC in the regular season last year.  It only took me a couple days to get banned.


    Nominating Andy Reid for Father of the Year did the trick.  They didn't like that.


    I used to troll Finheaven and GangGreen, but trolling just doesn't have the same allure any more.  While I admit that I still do enjoy seeing the Fish and the Jests get spanked with regularity by most of the NFL's good teams, and especially by the Bills, I don't get much satisfaction dissing obviously inferior teams on their own turf.   I guess having a real football team changes your perspective.  Now, I'd rather watch the Bills likely rivals to see how/what they're doing than to insult the fans of bottom feeder teams.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. Congrats on the new job and the new house. 


    My condolences on your nearly 2600+ mile trip with 2 cats.  I moved 2 cats (plus a well-traveled dog) just 300+ miles once, and I guarantee cats are NOT good travelers, especially since most only travel to and from the vet's office.   My suggestion: get them microchipped and teach them to walk on leashes with harnesses so you can take them out of the travel crate(s) or so that you can secure them before you open the crate(s) to feed/water/clean.   I would also plan the route to travel shorter periods than when traveling without pets.  


    Good luck.


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  11. 9 hours ago, TheyCallMeAndy said:


    That brings up another fun game… does the best player on each drought team start on this current team? 🤔


    Jason Peters at LT and Marshawn Lynch at RB certainly would have. Both were Pro Bowlers when on the Bills, and went on to be All Pros.  Peters had a HOF career.  Lynch may become a HOFer, too.


    The problem with the teams during the drought wasn't that they lacked good/great players (except during the Russ Brandon/Dick Jauron regime).  It was that the Bills refused to hire top class HCs and assistants coupled with their disinterest in re-signing the talented young players they developed.  Numerous former Bills players from drought teams went on to play in the Super Bowl, and some of them were instrumental in their teams'  Super Bowl wins. Virtually none of the Bills former HCs or assistants went on to coach on good teams.  Off hand, I can think of only 2 -- Perry Fewell and Anthony Lynn.

  12. I voted for the Chiefs.   The demise of the Chiefs is a bit premature because they still have the best HC and the best QB not to mention they still have at least as much talent as any of their rivals.  They are a talented, experienced team under one of the great coaches in the game that knows how to win important games.


    The rest of the AFC West teams have added shiny new pieces but it remains to be seen if the new players and new coaches can perform up to the preseason hype. 



  13. My guess is that Kyler would probably be a better QB/leader if somebody on the Cards coaching staff (like the HC) had taken him in hand when he during his first three seasons.   That's when he should have been introduced to the obviously alien idea that the NFL is a different animal than college football, and talent alone isn't enough for long-term success.  Instead of redesigning their entire offense to suit Murray, the Cards should have also included plays that would have forced Murray to work at mastering them.   I was a teacher for nearly ten years.   Many students who could ace multiple choice tests -- or even fill-in-the-blank tests -- struggled when writing essays because they had to think.   There were no crutches to help them out. 


    I don't think that Kingsbury ever demanded that Murray demonstrate that he could do the football equivalent of writing an essay exam, so Kyler now figures that he can continue to slide by without putting in the effort that other starting QBs do.   Unfortunately, I don't think Kyler is going to change his attitude toward his game prep unless -- until -- something bad happens.  




    4 hours ago, Chicken Boo said:

    The majority of people will look at this development for what it is and not what it might become.  Kyler, 24, could be scary good if it "clicks" for him and he matures.  Not exactly what you want to hear about your franchise QB, but this is the situation.


    He's already above average at the position without studying film.  That's impressive.


    It's an impressive waste of talent.  I can't see how after 3 years in the league, Kyler is going to suddenly change his attitude towards his career.   I think that the only way Murray gets the "attitude adjustment" he needs is if AZ were to cut him before the end of his contract or not re-sign him to a new contract.   it may very well be too late then for him to re-establish himself as a starting QB with another team.


    My guess is that in twenty years Murray will be one of those ex-players that people will say could have been great if only ... 


    3 hours ago, Maynard said:

    The 4 hours of study time per week shows you what kind of guy they are dealing with. Good luck with that! 


    Exactly.   QBs like Brady, Rodgers, Allen, Mahomes, Stafford, etc probably regularly spend 8 to 10 hours a week voluntarily studying film.   Many much less talented NFL QBs voluntarily spend far more than 4 hours a week studying film just trying to get better.





  15. 20 hours ago, Gugny said:


    Yeah, you are right.  He had AZ by the balls.  I hate this part of the business side of football.  


    Yeah, football was soooooo much better when players had to work other jobs during the off-season to make ends meet.


    It's the players who put their bodies and futures on the line to make the bucks for the billionaire team owners.  Nobody is going to pay money to see Jerry Jones sit in his box and smirk or scowl, and ol'  Jerry and his fellow owners aren't going to share the riches they make off the players' efforts unless they're forced to it.

  16. It was an explosion in a transformer which is not an uncommon event on electric transmission lines.  If a transformer on a pole near your home explodes, your neighborhood may be without power for several hours until it's fixed.  I don't know how an explosion at a larger transformer at a major dam would impact electricity production.

  17. I am so sorry for your mother's situation.  I think that you may have to jump through a few hoops to legally get your mother home if you don't already have some of the pieces in place.   It will help if your mother is considered legally competent, which it seems she still is.   That should enable her to assert her desire to return to her home.


    The place to start is, I think, the Chautauqua County Office of the Aging.  The number for the Jamestown office is 716-661-7582.   For the Mayville office it's 716-753-4471.   For the Dunkirk-Fredonia office, it's 716-679-3417.  For the Sinclairville office, it's 716-962-8131.   I think that Mayville is the main office, so you might get the best advice there.


    Another resource is Janell Sluga, Geriatric Care Manager for Senior Life Matters which is associated with the Lutheran Social Services in Jamestown, but SLM doesn't only help seniors at the LSS campus.  When I retired, she helped me navigate Medicare Part D. Her email is  janells@lutheran-jamestown.org and her phone is 716-720-9797.


    Hope this helps.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  18. 14 hours ago, SlimShady&#x27;sSpaceForce said:

    because I thought I had a Mandela Effect moment.   


    It's understandable.  It's the very tail end of the off-season and we're all bored. 

  19. 22 hours ago, 4merper4mer said:

    Also it was not technically a live broadcast.


    I think that one of the Buffalo tv stations may have broadcast the game live.   In 1980, WNY was hockey-mad since the Sabres had been to the Stanley Cup finals about 3 or 4 years earlier plus with the games being in Lake Placid, the local stations had extra coverage.  I remember coming home from work (I was a school teacher) and turning on the game while I was making dinner.   


    Then again, maybe I am suffering from false memories.  :D

  20. I have to go with the Miracle on Ice at the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid.   I can still see the hockey stick flying into the air after the buzzer .


    A lot of people don't remember that the win against the Russians wasn't the gold medal game.   The US team had to beat Finland later in order to take the gold, which they did.

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