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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. ROTFLMAO. What in the history of the Jests in the last half century suggests that a) they will find "their QB" any time soon and b) they will be better at dealing with the forces that prevent dynasties better than teams like the Chiefs, Steelers or Bills?
  2. Everything is better with Dijon. I lose the eggs and add Dijon and dill pickles in my macaroni/pasta salad. Tuna is optional. Marie's refrigerated bleu cheese dressing is better than I could make, and it's way easier.
  3. Exactly. The Bills don't need 2 #1 WRs. They need a more consistent #2 WR, whom they can acquire via FA or draft. I agree that improving the OL is the best way to improve the offense. Allen is good enough to lift his receivers, but he can't do that if he's on his back. Resigning/extending Edmunds and Oliver would be money well spent to help keep the defense better than simply "mediocre".
  4. Were you living under a rock between 2001 and 2016? It sure beats the crap out of managing only 2 winning seasons between 2001 and 2016 while missing the playoffs for 16 straight seasons. I totally agree. I'm happy to eat crow on Beane, McDermott, and especially Allen every single week of the season and into the playoffs. Whaley was always under Russ Brandon's thumb, and was forced to work within Brandon's philosophy of maximizing profits at the expense of wins, which is why the Bills almost always chose to let their best young players walk in FA or chose to trade them away for a fraction of their worth rather than pay them.
  5. I've noticed that good teams seem to "get lucky" a lot more than poor ones while poor teams are "haunted" by "bad luck". IMO, it's simply a case of good teams making their own luck by making more plays when they need to while poor teams come up short too often.
  6. Tua, Bridgewater, whoever the QB was today ... I'll take any of them plus Hill and Waddle being coached by McDaniel over playing against Belichick with that NE defense. Coaching matters even more in the playoffs than in the regular season, and McDaniel just hasn't shown he's a particularly good coach. If the Jests had had Mike White at QB today, they would have rolled the Carp.
  7. This is one of the few times I will be rooting for the Raiders.
  8. Edwards got hit a lot because the Bills had a very crappy OL and he wasn't particularly mobile. It may be that the accumulation of hits that he took all over his body, not just a particular one that caused a concussion, made him gun-shy.
  9. Maybe the "something wrong" was playing for Dick Jauron. A lot of Bills players during his regime seemed to play just like Edwards ... so afraid of making a mistake that they made an even worse mistake. Jauron didn't like players who cared too much about winning; he liked players who embraced his philosophy of playing not to lose by too much. IMO, Edwards checked down the ball rather than try to make a first down -- or my word, a TD -- because of his fear of throwing INTs ... and Jauron approved tof hat, which is why Jauron kept Edwards as his starting QB no matter how unproductive he was on the field.
  10. Aren't there supposed to be observers watching plays to see if a player hit his head?
  11. I think you are dead-on with this take. The combination of the new offensive scheme and talent plus playing a string of crappy teams made them look significantly better than they actually were on both sides of the ball. Now that opponents have film on Miami, they don't look nearly as good as they did. That includes the coaching. They seem to have at least a better than average running game that they tend to completely abandon too quickly when defenses stiffen up.
  12. I agree. In order to expand, the NFL has to identify metros that are large enough to support a franchise, at least one viable would be owner/ownership group willing to ante up the initial cost of joining the NFL, and a cooperative state/local government willing to contribute to building an NFL stadium. IMO, US metros that meet all three of these conditions have been pretty much maximized. I can think of only three large metros currently without teams that can meet the population criteria: Saint Louis, San Antonio, and San Diego. That leaves foreign cities, which is why there's the emphasis on games outside of the US. I think that the NFL is working on cultivating foreign fandom in anticipation of expansion into Mexico (maybe with the 3 US cities I mentioned above) plus into Europe in the decade or two.
  13. Hahahaha!!!! INTs on 3 straight possessions to give the game to the Packers. That's surely impressive ... NOT!
  14. Surprise Christmas present thanks to the Pack!!!!!
  15. RIP Franco. He was a great player, but from all accounts from those who knew him, a better person.
  16. Throwing for PI is SOP in the NFL. It's like a QB using inflection or a long count to try to draw the D offside on 4th and 1.
  17. In light of this weekend's games, I think you might want to temper your pessimism.
  18. Wilson missed again. 14 seconds and it's 4th and 18 from the Jests side of midfield!!!
  19. Exactly. Sometimes, the talent at a particular position when a team picks simply isn't worth a first round pick. I'm an advocate for the Bills to take a OG/C in the first in this draft (I advocated for them taking one last year, too), but I'm not going to throw a hissy fit if they don't. If they can't find at least 1 OLer they like in the first three rounds, however, that would make me angry because it would say that the Bills just aren't trying to improve the OL through the draft.
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