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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. Agreed. A lot of the posts cheering the new FO sound like the ol' Yogi Berra saying, "deja vue all over again". Every time there's a regime change, things are supposed to change, but aside having different scapegoats, making different excuses, and finding different ways to lose football games, especially key football games, not much really changes. In the last decade, the Bills have won 4 games, 8 games, and 9 games once each. They've also had 4 six win seasons and 3 seven win ones. That's 6.6 wins per season. I'll believe there's been a real change in the team when I see it, which means it needs to start consistently winning football games, especially the ones it's expected or needs to win, and making the playoffs more than once every quarter of a century. Until I see some results that say differently, I'm not buying the spiel.
  2. Totally agree. Right now, I'm not optimistic. I just can't invest in this team emotionally any more. It's too painful. I'd like them to do well -- and I certainly wouldn't root against them -- but I don't have a shred of hope that they will do any better this time around than they've been doing for the last decade ...
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