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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. Until Russ Brandon and his FO proteges are gone from OBD, what we've seen the last decade is what we're going to continue to see on the field. That's who has been running the team since Donahoe was fired back in 2005, and the quality of management speaks for itself.
  2. Actually, you're the one who isn't thinking logically. Billsfan1972 is looking at Goff critically as a QB, not at his stats. His criticisms of Goff's play simply echo what numerous other observers have mentioned. On another team, like the 2016 Rams or the 2017 Buffalo Bills, Goff would look like a bust (he was already considered that by some after last season), but he's on the 2017 Rams, a team with a smart, offensive minded young HC who was smart enough to go out and hire one of the master DCs in the game today (similar to Pitt and Tomlin hiring Dick LeBeau as their DC back a decade or so), and a FO willing to go out and get more protection (Whitworth) as well as weapons for their young QB. Taylor's situation is reversed. He's on a team with a questionable OL that has struggled to adapt to new block schemes and with injuries. His entire receiving corps was sent packing and replaced by a JAG WR (Matthews) and a rookie who had the yips for most of the season and then got hurt. Benjamin has been with the team 2 weeks, hardly time to become a viable part of the offense, but one of the reasons that Carolina was willing to part with him was that he wasn't much of downfield threat. The Bills simply do not have the talent at WR to stretch the field, so good defensive teams play the WRs tight, put their safeties up close to the LOS which enables them to shut down both the run and YAC on check-downs, and blitz the QB at will. You can complain about Taylor all you want but the Saints rang up 295 yards and 6 TDs on the Bills D. That's the real problem, and that is solely on the coaching staff and FO, and it's not going to be solved by putting in Peterman or by drafting a first round QB in 2018.
  3. Accept it? Hey, they EMBRACE it! NONE of those players are worth the money they're making! ALL of them don't have the skill sets the Bills want/need. The 2018 draft will SOLVE all the Bills' problems ... and if not 2018, well, there's always 2019 ... 2020 ... 2021 ...
  4. Back in the summer, I said McDermott reminded me of Jauron. Although he's a better coach than Jauron, the resemblance to Jauron remains. This team bears a depressing similarity to Jauron's 2008 team, which also started out 5-2 ...
  5. The only saving grace for the Bills is that Rivers and the Chargers always manage to find ways to lose games even when they outplay their opponents.
  6. Dareus is hardly a "disgrace" to any organization. He's a twenty-something guy with lots of $$$ who got in a couple of scrapes that numerous twenty-somethings with lots less $ get into frequently. Furthermore, the old "he is an eyelash away from sitting on the pines for a year" line is EXACTLY the same one used by fans justifying giving away Marshawn in 2011 ... and how did that all turn out? Isn't it amazing what good coaching and playing for a winning organization can do for a somewhat wayward player? Since the Bills were shopping Dareus since TC, I doubt it really had much to do with Dareus' attitude and much more to do with the Bills deciding they wanted his contract gone. I don't know if McDermott truly has the attitude that if guys don't buy what he's selling he wants them gone and will force them out or if that's simply a convenient excuse used by the Bills FO. Why? Because you want to pretend that the kind of FO manure that's gone on this year hasn't happened before? It's November. The Bills are ALWAYS looking forward to "next draft, looking for the QB, looking beyond this week". Well, "someday" doesn't look any closer today than it did the day after the Music City Miracle. Let me guess ... you're either a spouse, child or sibling of one of the Bills' FO staff. Of course Dareus isn't a starter ... he's only been there for 2 weeks. I think you are wasting your time trying to explain anything to this poster. My guess is that he/she has some connection to the Bills FO and is on a mission to defend the indefensible no matter what.
  7. I have a bridge over Chautauqua Lake that I'd like to sell you. Recently rehabbed deck. Great view. Cheap, too.
  8. We've been hearing the "in the long run I think they are better off without him" excuse for most of this century whenever the Bills have shed a good/great player for whatever stupid reason their "brain trust" had at the time, almost none of which had anything to do with how well said player actually played. Well, like country singer Alan Jackson said in his song "Someday" about the woman telling her man adios: "...sometimes someday just never comes" ... and that sure sums up the situation facing Bills' fans: how much longer are they going to maintain serious interest -- investing their time and money -- in a team that isn't interested enough in winning to put winning teams on the field more than once a decade.
  9. I have a somewhat larger bluetooth AR speaker that can be used indoors and outdoors with batteries or with AC which I can pair to either my phone or my Kindle for hours of music throughout my house as well as outside on my back porch or patio. When I pair it to the phone, I don't need wifi so I can even listen out at our camp. I think that you can pair multiple speakers to the same device to get "stereo" sound ... or sound in different rooms/places. I got it primarily for outdoor use since I have an Amazon Fire Stick on my living room TV plus smart TVs in the upstairs sewing room and in the kitchen and stream music or TV through all of those. I think I paid about $30 for the speaker from Amazon, and all the connections/set up were simple. The Fire Stick wasn't all that much, either.
  10. The root of the word 'fan' is 'fanatic' -- someone who believes wholly and extremely in something -- and it aptly describes the attitude of many to their favorite teams, even when that team, like the Bills, hasn't proven worthy of having faith in -- or even caring about -- for years. I think whether a fan has "faith", ie optimism, or views his/her team more critically depends upon his/her personality. Some people just want -- probably need -- to believe uncritically in something -- and they don't like being reminded of harsh realities. Afraid not. The past always influences the present and the future to some extent. The further away from a specific event in the past a person or team gets, the less the influence of history but good or bad decisions or acts live on. The Bills have made precious few good decisions in this century, and the Pegulas aren't exempt from them, even in their short time span. The Bills are still living with the results of bad decisions made years ago under Ralph Wilson since they missed out on Aaron Rodgers because they traded that 2005 first to get JP Losman in 2004; traded away Jason Peters and Marshawn Lynch; drafted the WR Graham instead of Russell Wilson in 2012; drafted EJ Manuel in 2013 rather than Derek Carr in 2014, etc. However, under the Pegulas, the Bills have also made serious gaffes, most notably swapping out Doug Marrone and his staff for Rex Ryan and his entourage. That McDermott is a better HC than Ryan doesn't necessarily mean he's a good HC. Chan Gailey was a better HC than Dick Jauron. Moreover, the Bills have gotten off to fast early starts in the past. So far, there's nothing that indicates that the Bills under the Pegulas are significantly better than the Bills under Wilson. McDermott is significantly better than Ryan. He's done more than Ryan with less talent. That doesn't mean he's good enough.
  11. Sorry, but not so. Jim Crow lasted well into the 1970s and, in some places in the South, longer. There were multiple stories about segregated proms back in 2013 and 2014: Segregated Proms. Moreover, less obvious forms of racism than de jure segregation (Jim Crow) lingered in the South as well as in urban areas in the North, Midwest, and West well into the 1980s. Buffalo's original magnet school program was an attempt to avoid mass busing after the city's BOE was found guilty of violating federal law by allowing white students to transfer out of majority black high schools on specious grounds. Oh, yeah, the last official black lynching victim in the US was Emmitt Till who was a fifteen year old boy who was lynched in 1955 for not showing enough "respect" to a white woman/girl.
  12. Good story, but simply not true. The dysfunction found among low-income blacks today is also found among low-income whites, particularly those who have migrated to from rural areas/small towns or from midsize cities to larger metros. It's present in low-income Hispanic and Asian immigrant communities to some extent, and it was also found in many immigrant communities at the height of the mass immigration from southern and eastern Europe between 1890 and 1920 as well as among the "Okies" who left the Dust Bowl and trekked to California in the 1930s. Immigration/migration has never been an easy process, and not everybody makes it. Even among those who do make it, the process takes generations. There are other reasons, too, but this isn't the place for the discussion.
  13. I'm familiar with crime data and its virtual lock-step link to socioeconomic factors. I wasn't arguing about the validity of the figures or why they are the way they are but rather about using them to "prove" that those stats justify holding racist opinions.
  14. I don't to "know" anything more about you than the opinions you expressed on this thread. Oh, you mean he hasn't posted a selfie wearing his KKK togs?
  15. Well, you certainly are demonstrating that you know your own.
  16. Your arguments, I suppose, are from the talking points made by your KKK chapter. Bigots who want to justify racism always find a way. FYI, since there are about 3 times more non-Hispanic whites in the US than there are blacks, the police should be killing 3 times as many whites as blacks in order for your numbers to represent anything but racist propaganda.
  17. What's wrong with day-glo chartreuse? They're perfect when playing in rain, mist, and fog, which Seattle gets frequently.
  18. Holy crap! That Arizona game was already a pyrrhic victory ... if they lose Wilson for any games, they're toast. Can you say LA Rams, NFCW division champs???
  19. Baltimore has a bye this week, and GB plays at Chicago. Even at 4-5, the Ravens may have a better chance than the Bills to get to at least 9 wins since they play at GB, Texans and Lions at home, at the Steelers and the Browns, home to the Colts, and home to the Bengals. Only the Lions and Steelers are likely to finish with winning records. In contrast, the Bills play the Saints, at the Chargers, at KC, NE twice, Miami twice, and Indy at home. Going 5-3 is the second half of the season will be a lot harder for the Bills even if they play their best in every game than going 5-2 or even 6-1 will be for the Ravens if they play just a bit better than they have.
  20. My thoughts exactly. Baltimore has played well enough to chalk up 9-10 wins if they ever got their act together and started playing consistently. They don't seem to have a lot of the issues that have plagued several AFC teams that looked like potential playoff teams before the season like QB issues/injuries and crappy coaching. I think Miami is the poster child for those teams, not only losing its QB in preseason but also seeming to have a HC who appears ready to implode.
  21. McVay is the youngest HC but I don't know if Wade is the oldest DC or the second oldest behind Dick LeBeau. Okay .. it's not even close. Dick is 80 years, 61 days (born 1937) and Wade is a youngster at 70 years 141 days (born 1947). Still cool though.
  22. They still have Irsay as the owner though ...
  23. I don't see the logic here. Bradford hasn't consistently looked all that great when he's been healthy that the Bills should jettison Taylor for him IMO. It's true, he hasn't played on particularly talented teams until Philly and the Vikies, but still, I think swapping out Taylor for Bradford is just "the grass is greener with a former #1 pick" syndrome. The Bills have a decent QB who knows the offense and has proven to be durable and adaptable. Until/unless they draft a younger QB who can prove he's better, you stick with what you've got IMO.
  24. That was stupid on my part since I had already talked about the Chargers at Jax and the Rams are NOTHING like the Chargers!
  25. Why do you say that? The Vikes have been winning games with Keenum most of the season so why should they suddenly stop now? Detroit has some significant problems of its own, like it can't seem to score TDs against decent Ds, so until the Lions prove otherwise, the Vikes are in charge.
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