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Everything posted by vanhalen26

  1. My concern is injury, especially for those recovering or nursing injuries. I’d be quick to pull or limit snaps for some.
  2. On the cold side in Detroit but not much snow…
  3. Thanks for sharing, it’s hilarious and worth the full listen!
  4. I would DQ the thread from any record due to topic drift. I’m a spoil sport and a purist.
  5. And that dumb ass play right before almost lost it!
  6. If I were OBJ, I’d probably lean to Dallas as my #1, but it would be very close. Cowboys just seem a little more well rounded, we have a big drop off on offense after Josh and Diggs. But our D kicks ass.
  7. Yea, look at my history. I’ve never come on with anything stupid. I subscribed to his twitch channel earlier today and he started breaking down the play he got hurt and talked about it for a bit, then continued on to play call of duty for awhile and I dropped off. That’s what these guys do to fill their time I guess. I’m mid 50s so this is a bit beyond me - streaming your games live. But it’s a thing with the millennials and so on.
  8. He’s on twitch again playing call of duty. I heard him say the limited treatment he’s already had has helped and he’s hoping it’s 1-2 games and then he’ll give it a try. So no reason to believe the gloom and doom just yet, we’ll see. It’s give it a try vs good to go, so he really doesn’t know the season outlook.
  9. I dealt with them for another event earlier this week and their response time on questions was brutal. And they close their phone lines at 11. That’s not bad for us, but if you bought a west coast event and have an issue you’re screwed. And they don’t answer questions directly either - they say we have a guarantee we’ll stand behind. I bought seats to a sold out event and the seller wasn’t delivering the ticket. Meanwhile more seats were made available thru Ticketmaster and I couldn’t get a direct reply on whether they’d refund or buy me a similar replacement … so I couldn’t just buy a new ticket from Ticketmaster. I don’t like them at all. I’d either make all free or all paid. If there’s a bunch of free ones Stubhub will be flooded with cheap seats and then people who paid at todays onsale will feel dumb. I won’t be happy if I pay a couple hundred a seat and then similar seats are on Stubhub for $20. But what can you do, they are doing the best they can on a short window and also want to make sure they get some asses in the seats. Im wondering if it’s reserved or general admission of some sort. Hoping reserved, just seems calmer and more organized.
  10. I wonder which side of the field the bills will claim. Normally I’d assume the lions side, but McDermott seems to like consistency. Since they play again Thursday it wouldn’t surprise me if the bills setup on the visitor side. Curious as i prefer sitting on the bills side so I’d hope to know before I buy my tickets.
  11. But it was free that time and an extra day notice. We’ll see.
  12. I had one for a knee injury and he wanted me on crutches for a couple days to let it work.
  13. If he’s out two, I’d guess it’s 3. Doesn’t seem worth rushing back for lions on a short week. If he skips lions, then next up are Pats on a Thursday.
  14. Probably needs a couple days to see if it’s just swollen and settling with treatment, or genuinely injured and needs time to heal. That’s probably why they are delaying saying anything, they just don’t know.
  15. If you were a vet who already had ‘generational money’, is there any other team you’d rather play for if chasing a ring (or another in this case)?
  16. Still can’t believe it! So awesome!
  17. I think VM sat out either the last KC drive or the 3rd or first of the 4th, and then came back after. It was a key point in the game at the time. Had me wondering if he’s ok. Anyone else notice and know what was happening?
  18. Love this. Thanks. I’m also from out of town - can you do a pizza poll to? I had 9 11 tavern this week, quite good!
  19. What a mess. Sounds like a bot. Looks like barcodes are required by sept 17 so this scam will wrap up by then. It’s quite clever actually if it’s running across a high number of events. If it’s all automated, even a low sales rate can collect some descent profit by doing nothing.
  20. Seems weird. I often list on both Ticketmaster and stubhub when I can’t attend. And the listings are linked through a Ticketmaster / stubhub partnership where if they sell on one platform the other listing gets removed as well. And when I list on stubhub I need to provide a barcode. I wonder why they are allowing listings without bar codes. It’s sure creating issues. It looks like they aren’t requiring the barcodes for listings until Sept 17. I guess the workaround is just list on stubhub first, and then Ticketmaster. Then whoever is doing this won’t have the chance to create a shadow listing of your tickets. If they are getting any sales, they must be making a fortune.
  21. Get your mouses ready, seats go onsale for individual games May 12. If your looking for tix, jump onto one of these methods to get the game(s) you want. I got two emails from the bills, they seem a little contradictory. I have seasons and they will be providing a code for preferred access with a limit of 6 tickets per game per account, with the onsale at 8pm May 12. Got a second email to an address not associated with my season seat account, and it also offers preferred access if you create a profile on the app. Same day/time as the season seats - 8pm May 12. So I guess seats are available to all, provided you follow one of the two steps above. The first email made it sound like season seat holders get an earlier presale but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Now let the schedule leaks begin so we can start planning!! Go bills, can’t wait! I’m in Canada and with all the border crap, extra starved to get back to games this year. Only made it to MNF last year, and then that turd Trudeau basically closed the border again unless you jumped thru a bunch of hoops. I’m so starved to get back!
  22. I’d love to know the PSL price ranges sooner than later, just to set up expectations.
  23. And PSL seat fees will probably pay the owner share. Hopefully they kick in. This asset (owning the team) is appreciating by billions for them.
  24. Josh was supposed to watch year 1, can’t hold that year against him.
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