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  1. I haven’t paid a lot of attention to Bishop this season. Can he handle it? I think how he performs could have a big outcome on the game.
  2. My biggest pet peeve is flexing games, especially when they move days. Total disrespect for fans who plan months ahead and book flights and hotels.
  3. I guess the gameday call ups will help reveal how confident they are in what players will make it through the game.
  4. Flight prices were very high. We entertained going but it’s too much for 3 people.
  5. I haven’t looked at stats but from just watching it seems like Knox’s hands have improved and he’s more reliable now when he’s thrown to. Seemed like a lot more drops early in his career. I think Kincaid is decent, but didn’t live up to the expectations vs where he was drafted. It might be a bit redundant having both of them once Kincaid starts costing more $.
  6. A couple betting sites now showing 6:30 Sunday. Sportsinteraction and MGM. Last week DraftKings beat the tv announcement, so the two sites above are probably correct.
  7. It’s simple. Victims of their own success. It’s expensive to go to games. If you’re gonna go to one or the other you’ll go next week. if they lose tomorrow you’ll be just as happy you skipped it, and if they win you’ll have saved some bank for tickets for the Divisional round. We’ve got 3 seasons. Seats to this week and next are around $1.5k. Over and above that we have PSL payments monthly. At some point, it gets to be a bit much to attend every game.
  8. I guess AFC finals are in KC
  9. That’s what I thought, a half sack at best.
  10. On the replay it didn’t like it should go to Von, but good for him. Now he can sit.
  11. Really? Your just hoping a local bill will stop by and say congratulations?
  12. I was at the game and throughout the game, even before the last drive, the calls felt very unbalanced and one sided. But I didn’t have the benefit of TV replay so I’m not entirely sure. I’ll watch the broadcast this week to get a better sense of whether most calls were legit or the officials had a bad game.
  13. It’s a shameful disrespect to the ticket holders. But I expect no less. Apparently it’s a one year test (having the ability to flex games into Thursday). It will be interesting to see if anyone stands up for the fans this off season when they review how it went, but I doubt anyone will.
  14. Not sure there’s a better option before the off season.
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