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Everything posted by thenorthremembers

  1. It tends to be when I am already having a crap day I can always count on the Bills to play like crap.
  2. Serious question because I heard none of the pregame. Why was Kincaid inactive?
  3. I literally feel like our OC is throwing darts at plays and seeing what he comes up with.
  4. This is what kills me the most. Can we get some easy throws to backs? A f'ing jet sweep...no we get crossing routes against good linebackers while their cbs are beat up. My God!!!!
  5. Because they are scared he will get hurt.....eventhough every analytic out there says QBs are more likely to get hurt in the pocket than scrambling.
  6. 3rd and Inches...in shotgun....
  7. Biggest mistake the coaching staff made was convincing Josh not to the run the football.
  8. Dorsey needs to figure out how to mix run and pass. Not just run, run, run...pass, pass, pass.
  9. Do we have any other pass catchers beside Diggs?
  10. This is getting very irritating.
  11. Everyone has bad games but I think part of what makes Purdy good is the surrounding cast. Deebo being out seems to be impacting him.
  12. Do announcers think viewers are complete idiots? Just watched a Sehawks wide out get absolutely brained by a Bengals safety and the announcer goes out of his view to say the safety led with his shoulder. Dude it's on video.
  13. I have a teenage son. I started telling him the same thing a few years back. If a woman comes into my office, I ask her if it would be ok to move the conversation to a common area or I invite another person to join the conversation. I will never go through what I went through again. My career would have been ruined.
  14. About 10 years ago I was promoted to a job where I had 8 reports, all women. One woman in particular was very upset I was promoted, as she wanted the job. 5 months into the job my boss called me out of the blue while I was at the gym, and asked if I had ever considered promoting the woman who was upset over not getting the manager job. I told him I hadn't, she had a terrible attitude, and didn't have a college degree which was part of the job requirement to move to a Sr. Position. He said fair enough but I think she has great potential. One month after that conversation my local HR came to me to let me know I was under investigation for sexual harassment. And that corporate HR was coming to investigate me. Wanna guess who filed the complaint? Corporate HR investigated me, interviewed my other reports and came to the conclusion that they couldn't find any wrong doing with me towards my other reports, but because it was her word against mine, I wasn't going to be fired but if anyone ever made a claim against me again I'd be let go. A month later a different department, oddly enough law, offered me a position with no direct reports for a substantial raise. I took it, and 10 years later I am still with the company. My boss was fired after the corporate investigation however because come to find out he was sleeping with the woman who made the claim against me. He was in his 50s and married, she was in her twenties. She was sleeping with him and he was calling all the department heads trying to get her a promotion. Point is, I went to college and worked for a degree. Then I busted my butt to get my career to the point where I was being promoted and making good money. Make no mistake, this was a career, not just a job. And it was about to be taken away because someone made a false claim. To this day, I won't go to lunch with a female colleague. I won't be in an elevator or in an office alone with them. I don't talk to a female colleague about anything other than work. Maybe it only takes one but I am not taking the risk the one just happens to be the one I am talking to or alone with. This woman ruined my life for an entire month just because she could. Like it or not people are inherently selfish, entitled, and manipulative. It takes self control and maturity to overcome those things. There aren't many emotionally mature people walking around.
  15. So the announcers are going to justify that? Holding maybe. Pass interference hardly.
  16. He isn't better than Gabe Davis right now so essentially he'd be the 3rd wideout here. He is also in a contract year. If he can be had for a conditional 6th or a 7th sure give it a whirl, otherwise let someone try the 8 or 9 game experiment.
  17. Have this awful memory of watching the movie Wired with my parents, I was 6. There is a scene where "Belushi" is dead on a gurny in it. Not sure what the hell my parents were thinking.
  18. You need so much help. I hope you get it.
  19. Not at all. Its just blatant horse crap. Christianity does not equate to only white Americans. Any proliferation of the opposite by a white person is in itself racist as it discredits the faith of millions of people of color. There are studies out there that say a larger portion of the African American and Latino populations are Christian than the percentage of white Christians. I am white and I am Christian, but I am also fiercely against devisive tactics like the stuff you spew on these boards. Its just bias nonsense.
  20. Right because I've never seen an African American Christian in my life. Meanwhile in China underground churches are happening. If all else fails blame whitey or call someone a racist.
  21. I can get on board with this. Especially adding in the play design portion.
  22. The best the Bills have ever been in YAC since Josh took over as QB is 14th. So it makes more sense to you that they consistently sign wideouts who can't separate for the last 6 years than it is to say Josh's throwing style doesn't lead to YAC yardage? They've had how many different tight ends and wideouts since 2018? I can count 10 without trying, and all of those guys can't separate? Yes, I am repeating my opinion on this redundantly, because it comes up multiple times a year.
  23. People keep pounding on the YAC point, its the QB, not the wideouts. Its not something that is ever going to change with Josh as the QB. He is often throwing off platform. How many times have you seen our wideouts hit in stride allowing them YAC? Now think of how many times you've seen our wideouts catching the ball low or late or while they are already on the ground? I love Josh. Wouldnt trade him for pretty much anyone in the league, but the low YAC is a direct result of his playing style.
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