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Everything posted by thenorthremembers

  1. Pretty sure the drummer for The Police was Martin Nance.
  2. Watched football for over 30 years now, and I've found the teams with great quarterbacks seem to do just fine. I am not sure the Chiefs had a true #1 wideout last year and they won a championship. As far as our WR group goes I'd argue that NE, Chargers, Green Bay, Atlanta, NO, and Arizona all have less or similar talent as the Bills. The only spot I worry about being deficient at is QB.
  3. I am in my early 40's. Old enough to have seen a ton of NFL Films on those 70's and 80's teams but too young to have watched it live. I can't speak to fans aged 50 and beyond, but the ones I've met in their 20s-40s are not only delusional they cant be moved off their opinions, even with logic. I spent 2014-16 being told Earl Mithcell was not only going to be an All Pro on their team, but he was a future Hall of Famer.
  4. You'd be very surprised. Dolphins fans are one of the most delusional in all of sports.
  5. Pascals wager. The good news is if you're right than I go to sleep and never know pain again. If I am right then eternity is going to be very painful for non-believers. I appreciate your dedication to your beliefs. But, I've always found it baffling to try and comprehend why intelligent people, who know how a body works, who know that a mother can make milk specifically designed for a baby directly after birth, or to heal a sick child can't at the very least fathom intelligent design. That said, I am sure you could come back with a million things as to why the idea of Christiantiy is baffling to you as well. All the best to you brother. Hoping for many happy days ahead for you. At least we can agree on Go Bills!
  6. Understood. There are lots of viewpoints, it's a special part of this country. Some viewpoints are good others are bad. People can practice their faith anyway they'd like. We even have feminists and LGBTQ people converting to Islam. When it comes to the Bible being the literal Word of God, I am gonna go ahead and roll with mine.
  7. It's not imposing your belief system on something. It's allowing people with free will to either believe the foundation of your religion or to not. If you do not believe the Bible is the Word of God you're practicing an altered version of the faith, not the faith itself. There are plenty of people who call themselves Christians who pick and choose what they believe from the Bible. There are churches who believe homosexuality isn't a sin. There are churches who say hell doesn't exist. There are churches that dont believe Jesus is the son of God. Those are not Christian churches. Those are churches who want to appeal to societal beliefs and not the beliefs of the actual doctrine the church was built around.
  8. I am not going to argue with you about what theologians think or whether doubt exists among many Christians about the content of the Bible. I struggle with doubt myself. But I will tell you that I 100% disagree with you if you think the very foundation of the Christian faith isn't that every word in the Bible is the living breathing Word of or from God. I would go a step further and say that any arm of Christianity that doesn't believe that isn't being true to tenants of Christianity. I appreciate that. I am admittedly sensitive to that. I don't know what Butker was thinking and I don't want to say what he thinks of stay at home Dad's. My thinking is in a stroke of irony he left out stay at home dad's as it's not the general norm. He also could just be a human who is way too young and wealthy to be speaking in broad terms in a commencement speech.
  9. It's intentional because the number of stay-at-home Mothers is three times greater than Fathers. I added Fathers here because I wasnt directly quoting Butker, only attempting to explain the lie that is told to people across the world. As far as me using so much detail, you can choose not to read it. Where does he say he doesnt love sinners in his address?
  10. For the Word of God to be specific to one time period God himself would have to be relegated to one time period. God is omnipresent and omniscient, so his Word is as well. The Bible is the Word of God, as such it covers all time not just one epoch. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
  11. The seven deadly sins are a creation of the Catholic faith. Pope Gregory denoted those as the "worst of sin." The Bible doesn't differentiate. The Bible calls all sins deadly if not given grace and mercy through Jesus Christ. Romans 6:23- For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus. Sin is sin. But all sin without repentance is deadly. Christians believe the Bible is a living doctrine. Theologians may say the Old testament is based on the time, the Universalist Church believes the same thing.
  12. There is an entire thread about this already.
  13. I am not going to get into his stance on COVID because it's frowned upon on this board. Like you I am a father of girls. I have four daughters. One just finished her freshman year of college and has told me on multiple occasions she feels like her calling in life is to be a mother. Part of her feels like she would like to stay home. If she is afforded that luxury I would be proud of her. I will also be proud of her if she finishes her studies and becomes a pediatrician, which is also a dream of hers. I also know you can't serve two masters. The life of a stay-at-home Mom is vastly different than a Doctor of Pediatrics. What I took from Harrison's speech was if there were women in the graduating class who felt like they were torn between the societal norm of graduating college and having a career, and a feeling their calling was to stay at home and nurture their children and their household, that they shouldn't bend to the societal norm. The lie he was referring to is the thought that women have to be exactly like men, which to me is anti-feminist. That if you're a stay at home Mother or Father for that matter, that you are not as successful as someone who works a 9-5. The truth is, someone who stays at home and raises a child is worth as much, if not more than someone who brings home the paycheck. Our society completely ignores the fact that women and men are biologically different, both physically and emotionally. Thats the lie. The same people pointing to science in some instances, like to ignore it in this instance. Is it an absolute, no. I know this firsthand. My wife attended a private college. Racked up close to 200,000 dollars in student loans, and then had the pull to stay home after our first child was born. She is now a stay-at-home Mother who homes schools four of our children. In her profession she worked with end-of-life patients. God gave her an amazing ability to nurture and comfort people with horrible life ending illnesses. God also gave her an incredible ability to Mother and educate our children. However, her calling was towards the second. A big reason for that calling is she could ensure their education included the Bible, which they would never be taught in public school. Part of being a Christian is being a good steward of our faith, public school does not help with that. In some respects, public school is anti-Christian. Society would like to say "she is just a stay-at-home mother" but looking at society I'd say we need more parents who can raise their children properly and less people working 70 hours a week and missing out on their children's upbringing altogether, just my opinion. Her staying home is also a luxury I know not everyone is blessed with. His stance on LGBTQ is very much in line with the Bible and the Christian faith. Like I said in my other post, I have people very close to me in that community. My brother-in-law who I love dearly in married to another man. The hard truth is our faith and his sexual orientation conflict with one another. Thats part of life. You have to navigate those things in your own way according to your beliefs. But it should be navigated with love, like the Bible calls us to do. But what Butker said does not conflict with what Christians believe.
  14. It's not quite an admission, I think it's pretty well known that in the Christian faith, it's a sin. It's not a fun truth, and I have many people in my life who I love dearly who are part of that community. Just like I have many people in my life who have lied, stole, committed adultery, who are prideful, lustful and greedy. All things the Christian faith views as deadly sins. I am a sinner as well. So it's not my place to judge sins. However, what he said is the truth he believes in.
  15. May I ask which words exactly? I am a Christian as well, read the transcript, and aside from the following, which is an assumption on his part, I find nothing remotely repugnant. "but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world."
  16. If the NFL really cared about that they'd suspend a player for life the moment he hit or raped a woman. Some women actually do want to stay home and raise their children. 0% of woman want to be physically abused and raped. If a woman continued watching football when Tyreek Hill beat his pregnant girlfriend, or broke a woman's leg. If they continued watching when Deshaun Watson forced upwards of 20 woman to perform sex acts on him and continued to watch when one of the largest owners in the sport participated in a child sex ring...do we really believe they would stop watching because someone suggested a woman who thinks she may be happy staying home and raising a child, do that, rather than bending to societal norms? Lets just call a spade a spade. Butker is being roasted because he is a Christian that's the long and short of it.
  17. This is being blown way out of proportion.
  18. Twist and turn it all you like. My point was it makes complete sense the economy would rebound after a Global Pandemic when businesses were literally not allowed to function. Taking credit for that is akin to winning a race where you were the only participant. Now let's talk about continued inflation despite being four years past a pandemic. The cost of gas, the cost of groceries, replacing high wage jobs with low wage jobs and calling it progress, and sending millions upon millions of dollars to other countries while our country's debt is on pace to go up 100 billion more under Biden than Trump. I suppose you also think Trump snuck into a lab in Wuhan and released a global virus that created the so called "Trump's Mess."
  19. They are fine with him having opinion. Just mad its not the exact same opinion they have. The party of free thinking wants you to think exactly like the Government does. They were protesting Jews the day irony was taught.
  20. Not at all. Your own fearless leader's Press Secretary admitted the economy was poor because of the pandemic. It was her excuse for him not knowing his own inflation rate when he became President.
  21. Wild how the economy was suffering when the country was on lockdown from a pandemic.
  22. It's very different. A lot of money involved. It's really just gambling at this point. I still enjoy it a great deal, but have to watch the wallet and make sure I am responsible with what I buy.
  23. Those were the days huh? Almost broke down and bought a PSA 8 for $250 dollars at the last card show I was at.
  24. 11-12 wins. The better the Bills get the less I care about drafts and schedule releases. Feel like they can win any week, any time, against any team.
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