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Everything posted by thenorthremembers

  1. Guess you forgot Biden going at him first but good narrative
  2. What kind of cold does this fella have? Whatever it is I don't want it. Probably something from a bat.
  3. Pretty amazing how a guy who made 150k a year or less most of his life is worth 10 million dollars. Absolute stock market wizard I tell ya.
  4. People forget the Trump presidency before COVID.
  5. a crook is better than a corpse who is also a crook.
  6. No because one of these guys is going to be President for the next 4 years
  7. This we can celebrate together.
  8. Andddd Biden doesn't know the difference between Medicaid and Medicare...
  9. They can only do what they are told to do and your bumbling idiot on stage allowed thousands of illegal immigrants to storm our borders to seek asylum. You support the guy who allowed it to happen but not the guys who have to battle this crap everyday?
  10. So you don't support the people who protect our borders? I would guess some of these guys are former military men. Horrible take.
  11. Someone get this geezer a wheelchair
  12. His favorite things are all mashed. Mashed potatoes, mashed squash...pretty much anything soft.
  13. George W. Bush doesnt know what in the sam hill you're talking about!
  14. If our President hurts a few people's feelings, particularly those who dont live here, all the while putting American money back where it belongs, who cares? It's incredible to me what President's can get away with as long as they speak well and dont hurt people's feelings. We look at the other way when Obama kills hundreds of civilians with drone strikes, but at least he dresses well and can speak.... give me a break.
  15. How do you expect he will just "perk up"? And yes we can allow Trump to take office, especially if the people say so. Had a lot more jack in my pocket when Orange Man bad was President. DJ Poopy Pants is a horrible President.
  16. At this point they could get Jared from Subway and still have a better shot.
  17. Just a hop skip and a jump to the border. I can already taste that sweet sweet poutine.
  18. On a high level business meeting with colleagues in Thailand and they are very interested in our Presidential debate. I wanted to tell them I was embarrassed...
  19. If I am hiring a head coach and see they invested in Nissan and Hyundai in any fashion...I probably pass on that fact alone.
  20. More people watch WWE Raw than the Stanley Cup Finals. I think this one should be a pretty easy decision.
  21. Maybe not my favorite, but its up there and the most recent. Took my family on vacation to Hershey, PA last week. On Wednesday we went to Hershey Park and I wore my McBeane jersey. Heard a giant Go Bills behind me to which my entire family responded Go Bills. Got another one leaving the park. That said, my favorite moment of the day was in the gift shop when a Patriot's fan approached me. He said "Dont you have any Pats gear you can put on that Jersey is making my stomach hurt." I said "Not with me, and not for nothing the Pats made my stomach hurt for 20 years." He said "We sure as hell are getting it back now arent we." Very funny and cool moment with a fan of a different team.
  22. So you're saying it'd be taken well if someone started the National Straight White Men's Flag Football League as long as it allowed all genders, all races, and all sexual preferences? No, it would be looked at as a racist, misogynistic group of men trying to show their superiority. The difference here is exclusivity by accepted societal norms is considered fine. I am sorry but Firefighting and Police work is not the same as who you take to bed. Whatever the case, not a hill I am looking to die on.
  23. My guess is those leagues have players of all races, and sexual preferences.
  24. Completely bummed the Mavs lost but man did I have a blast watching the playoffs with my son. Congrats to the Celtics. They play great team basketball.
  25. Couldn't care less about who someone shares their life with. Just kind of odd that the meaning of the word inclusive has now been changed to exclusive. After this thread dies I won't give it a second thought. But could you imagine the uproar if someone started the National Straight Mens Football League?
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