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Everything posted by thenorthremembers

  1. Chiefs got lucky on this one. The Bills being the team that drafted him and then released him ruined their chances of getting him back.
  2. If it looks like a douche and walks like a douche you can be sure it's a douche.
  3. I was sitting in the 300s and thought he made it. It was low but it had a chance distance wise.
  4. Rush hour to an extent but I left my house at 2:30 in the afternoon. I was on the 90 by 3. Serious question is rush hour that early on a Friday afternoon? I lived on Deleware 20 years ago and don't remember it being like that ever.
  5. It was close brother lol. It was hit or miss. Noticed Spencer Brown get blown by once. On tje next play he got help from the guard. Middle of the line struggled with Oliver. It's really not much of a scrimmage or live simulation. These players stood out as having a good night. Oliver, Spector, MVS, Ray Davis, Zach Davidson, Taron Johnson, tecorey Couch and Dalton Kincaid. On the bad side of things I am not sure our wideouts are very sure handed. Curtis Samuel in particular needs to hold onto the ball. Otherwise it was just a training camp practice in the stadium.
  6. Oh yeah the Donkey Department was in full effect today. Felt like I was on Rochester not Buffalo
  7. The stuff on the 90 wasn't because of the game just two accidents that turned into 4 because people think they need to get where they are going faster than everyone else. The absolute cluster down by the stadium had me close to going full Falling Down. Note to everyone using California Rd. If you're turning left onto the road you do not have the right of way over people turning right onto it. You also don't earn the right of way by turning onto the road and trying to fit your car between two other cars. If you do this you're an idiot and shouldn't be driving.
  8. It usually takes me 1.5 hours to get to the stadium. Took me 3 hours today. The 90 was backed up from just before the transit road exit almost all the way to the stadium. Then when I finally got to the backside of the stadium I was in a standstill for another 35 minutes. I ended up parking a ways from the stadium because I wanted out of the car. Absolute fluster cluck.
  9. It wasn't as bad as the tweet made it sound. The play was pretty well over.
  10. Loved him coming out of Texas. Imagine speed is a bit of an issue.
  11. Absolutely hate it. If they were worried about the lack of kick returns they could have just made the endzone out of bounds on kickoffs. It doesnt look like professional football in the least.
  12. Some of you guys really need to calm down. Its what, the second week of training camp?
  13. Over 5 weeks until the start of the season. Wounds heal.
  14. and if anyone knows about NFL greatness its RG III. Jets to the Super Bowl confirmed.
  15. Reminds me a lot of the hot takes when the Patriots were leading the division. The Dolphins got Dante Caulpepper the east is tightening Rex Ryan has shown his defense confuses Brady the east is tightening Drew Bledsoe and Lawyor Milloy are in the Bills the east is tightening Brady wont be the same after the ACL injury the east is tightening The Patriots are a mess after the Hernandez thing the east is tightening The Giants have shown that pressure up the middle is the way to stop Brady the east is tightening The Patriots dont have Randy Moss anymore the east is tightening All preseason nonsense. Until it is actual tightening its not.
  16. That's ok buddy. I know who I am. Its not the same thing in the least. You also forgot to mention how I said religion, and race didn't need to be a part of the ceremony. One of us carries hate in their heart for people of a different opinion and it's not me. No matter how much hyperbole and sensationalism you use.
  17. Try again. My brother in law is gay. He is married to another man. They are both amazing people who we love dearly. He is one of my favorite people on Earth. My kids ask questions about them all the time and understand it very well. While it is not my job to judge anyone, we do raise our children as Christians and I would hope my brother in law has the same love and respect for us and the way we choose to live our life as we do his. My point was we should be able to sit down and watch the frickin Olympics without being inundated with sexuality. Does it make any sense for two people whether gay or straight to be mock making out during the opening ceremony? Should a guys balls be out? Why is a family with young kids not allowed to sit down together and watch the Olympics and not just have it be about sports?
  18. I'd never seen the picture before you posted it. I was also a teenager when the Sopranos was at its height. It's off putting without question. Just glad they kept their nut sacks in their pants for that one. And just to clarify my issue with the ceremony had more to do with my kids wanting to watch it. A family should be able to watch the Olympics without homosexuality, nut sacks, and blasphemy being perpetuated. When you watch the Sopranos you know that's going to be on the menu so you aren't likely sitting down with your 4 year old to watch it.
  19. Galatians 6:7 do not be deceived God will not be mocked. For you reap whatever you sow. Jesus tells us to forgive those who do us wrong, yes. But can you not understand people who get upset at their God being mocked? Christians literally believe Jesus died for us. So while we forgive, it is not without righteous anger. Even Jesus turned over the tables of people he thought were making a mockery of his Father.
  20. Can you imagine of they'd done the same thing to Muslims?
  21. Probably not but she might have sex with you.
  22. You make a lot of assumptions my friend. You clearly have some issues to work through. You seem like an angry guy. Irony is a funny word to use here. Considering Harris voters idealogy tends to align more with 18-24 year olds. Meanwhile Trump voters idealogy aligns more with older voters. Who has more common sense and street smarts out of those two groups? As for me. I grew up dirt poor. I am the first member of my family to graduate from college. I worked my ass off to get where I am in life. It took the life lessons I learned from growing up poor living in a single family household and what I learned in school to be who I am today. I worship only one man and his name isn't Trump. However, I will loudly support whomever I damn well please because that is my right. That Irony thing again....
  23. I've told you this before and I'll say it again. Your party's move when they have no leg to stand on is to call people names. Specially, your team likes to call Republicans stupid, hillbillies, low class, uneducated, dumb etc. You think we dropped out of high school, got our GED, and went to work a low paying job. Problem is, many of us are well educated. Some of us have multiple degrees. We have good jobs and nice homes. We are not stupid. We just don't agree with you. And that's the part you can't fathom. You're so arrogant that your deluded brain can't understand that people may see life differently than you. I was a registered Democrat until Obamas second term. I thought George W. Bush was an absolute moron. I don't love some of the things Trump has done in his life. But I do like when our country wins. And the guy your team put in office is an enemy of the United States. He padded his pockets with our money. Sold us out to foreign countries and interests and spent billions of dollars to fund foreign wars. Joe Biden is the worst President of my lifetime because he didn't lead, he was led by the machine. Kamala Harris will just be more of that. I support Trump because he leads. He isn't led by the Republican think tank.
  24. My 4 year old absolutely loves to swim. She saw the ad for the Olympics and asked to watch it. I thought it'd be cool for our family to watch the opening ceremonies so I turned it on last night only to see two men fake kissing. I immediately turned it off. I am more than willing to explain things to my kids. But not over the Olympics and especially not to a 4 year old. I am not sure why families just can't tune into things together without being spammed with race, politics, religion or sexuality.
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