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  1. You are so busy being outraged that he's not in the league that you are ignoring the fact that he sucks at football. Once again; He lost his job to BLAINE ****ING GABBERT. He didn't even get beat out by a halfway decent quarterback. The dude sucks. Get over it.
  2. If he's an above average NFL QB like people are saying he would be dominating the XFL. If he were dominating the XFL, somebody would give him a shot. Look at Duke Williams. Went and dominated the CFL, suddenly he's on an NFL roster.
  3. Ajai says hes good to play. Sign him for free.
  4. It's not a lazy argument to point out the fact that owners will weigh a players ability into the decision on whether or not a guy is worth keeping. If a udfa is caught drunk driving you can bet he will be cut. If your starting quarterback is in the same situation you keep him. If a good player makes noise about his cause and does what Kaepernick did nobody cares but since hes likely a backup at best it's not worth the distraction. Kaepernick was recruited for XFL and CFL but turned them down because he is not willing to be paid what he's worth on the field. Hes not on a team because he is not good enough to offset his distractions. Just like Ramsay is worth multiple firsts and millions of dollars despite his constant ***** talking. Hes good enough for it to be worth keeping him. It all comes down to the fact that Kaepernick simply is not a good quarterback. If he was hed be playing. He wasn't top half of the league. He lost his job to Blaine ***** Gabbert.
  5. Ray Lewis was great at his job. Kaepernick isnt. Theres no comparison to make there. Use a realistic comparison or dont bother. If Kaepernick was serious about playing football hed play in the CFL or XFL. Hes not though hes just using the situation to make money for doing nothing and to bring attention to his cause.
  6. For Williams, I don't think I would do a 2nd unless we've spoken to him and know hes in game shape and willing to actually show up. Also, Ford + a 2nd is way too much.
  7. Is it the half of the fanbase that wants a good qb? Because if so I agree. This whole kneeling drama is bull#### and shouldn't matter. Its performance that counts, and hes simply not a good qb. If it weren't for the drama he might be a backup for a bad team, but I dont think hed even be a starter in Miami right now.
  8. It could be an overreaction to the sheer number of points they gave up a few weeks ago to Tampa bay.
  9. We will probably move up the list by the end of the year after we play Miami twice and a few other bad teams on our schedule.
  10. If we were to make that deal, I'd start him on the right side. Give him time to shake off the rust. Hes probably not even in game shape at this point.
  11. The colts have a pretty cool stadium/convention center combo in the middle of the city. Its pretty nice but parking there sucks. Badly.
  12. My brother in law is a Panthers fan and has been saying it's about time to move on from cam since last year. He was already souring on him during the superbowl run. Personally I think Norv Turner needs to get the axe first.
  13. The league needs to do a better job holding the refs responsible for bad games/calls. People say that bad refs don't get playoff games but that's bull####. Bad refs shouldn't get any games. If I was as bad at my job as some of these refs are my ass would be fired. Replay is showing us how bad the problem really is. Getting rid of it is like saying that pharmaceutical companies are getting caught selling tainted drugs, and the FDA is calling them on it. Without the FDA it would be harder to catch. Let's get rid of the FDA. That's clearly the problem.
  14. I would say wood. Gilmore is a man coverage type guy. Not as good in zone. I don't think he looks as good in our defense. Same reason Ramsay didn't really make sense for us. Theres nothing wrong with being a good player that is a bad fit. Robert wood with our current wrs would look pretty good I think.
  15. The rams needed the help on d, but I think 2 firsts + is too much for a cornerback.
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