I think he does a great job of striking the correct balance between "I am the coach" but "I am also one of you"
The team seems to respect him as a leader him but also really likes him as a friend
Today I signed up for 4 very low row seats on the 45 yard line
Also have access to 4 others in good sections but
Looking to reduce my basis by selling 2 at a premium or the rights to the other 4
DM if interested
I am not sure that "full time officials" will make a difference - what will they do with the extra time to get better at making split second decisions in a live action games at a packed stadium?
I think some sort of replay / review / challenge system would fix a lot of the egregious mistakes - e.g, the two non face mask charges last night against Burrow
To make it fair, in the playoffs, if the receiving team in OT scores a TD, the other team gets a chance as well
So why is this not the rule in the regular season?
We won a game in 2007 in Washington when Joe Gibbs called 2 timeouts in a row
For all of those who want to to fire McDermott even with his flaws - this is why we keep him - who knows who the next guy is going to be and how he will turn out
Thanks for the clarification that is helpful (and very obscure)
Really surprising that this was not mentioned on the broadcast - there had to have been other people thinking the same thing
That was an awesome catch.
Not sure if I missed something but it looked like his "Both feet" were the left foot 2x.
Everyone focused on the "shin" It looks like the right foot did no come down until his left was totally out of bounds.
I never knew that it was spotted 25 yards from spot of kickoff. I just assumed that it was the 40 yard line
Heads up by the Texans to do that. Rule will probably be changed