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Bills Pimpin'

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Everything posted by Bills Pimpin'

  1. Stupid Hypotheticals???. 99% of this board is filled with stupid hypotheticals. That's the point isn't it? Hypotheticals, what ifs, who's better, who should have started, who should be fired, etc. All stated by arm chair GM's and coaches, who know little can can do nothing. But whatever, I understand that's the easy way out for Tyrod fanboys. I understand how uttering another QB's name next to Tyrods for comparison will make your Tyrod lovefest seems that much more ludicrous. FYI, I hope Tyrod plays fantastic on Sunday and the Ravens lose just like you so the Bills make the playoffs.
  2. Name one starting QB that would give the Bills a worse record than it is now.
  3. The point is, take any of the other starting quarterback (except Kizer and whichever QB is starting for Denver) in the NFL and the Bills have the same or a better record today REGARDLESS of the teams other shortcomings. Tyrod Taylor is the weakest spot at OBD and that can not be debated. He is the worst starting QB in the league and the team is 8-7. Think about that. Think about all of the great things other people have to do in this organization to make up for that fact, to make up for "Tyrod Taylors shortcomings". ANd you people defend him. You can't make this stuff up.
  4. Because of a great coach, a surrounding offensive cast that is not nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be, a good defense (with a spectacular back end), a potential rookie of the year shut down corner, a future HOF running back with a top 5 rushing game, and one of the only home field advantage in the NFL. With 27 of the other 31 QB's in the league we are already in the playoffs. You must believe that, do you not?
  5. Dude, you just compared Tyrod to: Glennon, benched for a rookie Hoyer, benched for a rookie then traded Simien, bench for Osweiler Osweiler(???), benched for Lynch And TJ Yates who is only starting because Watson tore an ACL and Tom effing Savage is concussed. So please, please stop defending Tyrod. He is a lousy QB which is most likely the 2nd best QB on this roster a even though the backup threw 5 picks in a half which I am positive you will bring up.
  6. Interesting you didn't name a starting QB in your list, and curiously all named have been benched this year. At least you are in the right area for comparisons sake. Thanks for making the argument for us.
  7. With the Jimmy G revelation in SF, I can only think of 2 starting QB's I would start Tyrod over if you take out the Texans starting QB because Watson is hurt. My 2 would be Kizer of the Browns, and whichever (*^*&%^$^#is starting in Denver this week. Maybe Miami's Cutler is a toss up but in a pinch I think I would choose him too. Definitely Tannehill is better. And that includes the backups in Philly, Arizona and Green Bay. In all reality, considering years in the league, you could argue he is the worst starting QB in the NFL. And folks on this board are defending him. It's really incredible.
  8. Yes Belichick is amazing and that is what McD should strive to be. That doesn't happen overnight, in 3 years or even 5 years. In fact I would argue that if McD does turn out to be a HOF coach, the Bills will have to show amazing patience for it to happen in WNY. That being said I think McD does have some Belichick in him. He is striving for a culture, BB is all about culture. At least early, McD will release players he doesn't see fitting in at any time without fear, we have seen BB do that on many occasions. He also has a defensive mind like BB and I am not worried about that side of the ball at all. His eye for talent seems amazing with the likes of Poyer, Hyde, White, and Milano all added in one off season. The back end was fixed very quickly and I see no reason why the front 4 won't be the same. The challenge will be finding the Franchise QB and OC in the molds of TB12 and Josh McDaniels. I honestly believe McD was hoping his 5th round pick Nate Peterman was going to be BB's 6th round pick Tom Brady and he still may be, but it was a tragic error to start him in LA that will take time to overcome. BB may have made similar mistakes early in his career, but it was so long ago and he has been so great no one would ever remember. Anyways, The next few years will be interesting on the offensive front and I think the QB decision and the performance of the offense will, in the end, make or break this young coach in Buffalo. I hope he makes the right ones.
  9. Nice summary Shaw. One thing that stood out to me was how much more physical NE was. There were Bills laying on the ground getting medical help it seemed like at least once every series in the second half. They hit harder both on offense and defense. Shady came out after a single play being tackled many times throughout the game mainly because he was tackled so hard. When Tolbert is in the game on second or third down consistently, the offense is doomed. I believe Cadets injury was instrumental in the lack of offense towards the end of the game because of this. When NE was on offense, the offensive line blocks so hard, by mid third quarter the defense was spent. They couldn't handle them physically and the Bills knew it and the Patriots knew it. The Bills need to get some nastiness on the D-line this off-season. Actually they need some nastiness everywhere, including the QB position. Tyrod is too passive, to quiet, too unemotional, too... Pussified and it affects his play. He doesn't want to throw into tight windows so when he does it's off. He so scared to make a mistake he takes terrible sacks and the more critical the situation the more magnified it gets. There were obviously some nice things too, they are just hard to point out after the finish. I agree they are on the right path, you can sense it. Romo continuously said how well coached the Bills were on the broadcast and I agree with him. We havent had that in some time. Things are looking up because of that. Go Bills
  10. Obviously Tyrod should start next week but obviously it will be his last game. You can have both of those opinions. You. An defend Taylor til the cows come home but in big moments he fails. The bigger the moment the worse he is. That is an absolute fact. He got worse as this game went on and made terrible game changing plays. It's over for him. Everyone should be excited to never have to watch him play a game in a Bills uniform after next week.
  11. 6 sacks because Tyrod won't throw it is as bad as picks. Also it is demoralizing to the Online and the receivers. It wears on the entire team throughout the game. I think that's part if the offensive problem as the game goes on.
  12. I would love to watch Peterman tomorrow but he can't. Next week is Tyrods last game.... And unfortunately I think he gets an L.
  13. Tyrod gets worse at the biggest moments. He can't handle them.
  14. There has not been one flag against the Patriots this entire game.
  15. Anyone who blames the coach for this game is a complete moron.
  16. I hope to God a team takes them down. I hate them so much.
  17. Next 10 minutes of football will seal Tyrod Taylor's fate as a Bill IMO.
  18. 26 points in 5 and a half quarters and people want them to change the defense?????????
  19. Are you !@#$ing kidding me? It was a perfect play call he was wide open. You are a joke.
  20. I'm shocked some the folks here don't realize we are not a blitzing team after 15 games.....
  21. That was a perfectly coached 1st quarter...impossible to shorten the game anymore than they have.
  22. Holy shitballs this is a big game.... I forgot what it feels like to have real life playoff opportunities.
  23. Here if we play a game in January. No where if we don't....
  24. Also, according to many on this board Tyrod needs at least 2 years to feel comfortable with any new receiver. Theres that too.
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