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Maguire's Beer

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Everything posted by Maguire's Beer

  1. And the ball just keeps bouncing toward Faneuil Hall.
  2. When he sucks, he sucks. But he doesn't always suck. He going to need to not suck in two weeks if they want to win, because neither the Colts nor the Pats will roll over like the Aints.
  3. But what could Payton do if he were stuck in the same division as the Patriots? Precious little except learn through losing, I imagine.
  4. It will never end. If you want a picture of the future, imagine Tom Brady's Manolo's For Men boot stamping on a drunk Cheektowagan's face -- forever. All hail our chowder-slurping overlords.
  5. Look, LT didn't blow Brady after the game. By failing to do so, he revealed himself to be classless and worthless, despite the fact that he was far and away the best player in the NFL this year. Or something like that. I dunno.
  6. I'm sorry. LT could have walked up to Belicheck and slugged him in the jaw, and I couldn't lose respect for the guy as a player. He's a gamer, and he played well tonight. Not his fault that the rest of the team choked.
  7. Brady's a great QB, but today doesn't help prove that point. He was barely 50%, and he threw 3 picks. Pretty lousy day for a guy who usually shows up in playoff games. I know people have been all over Manning for stinking it up in the last two games, but Brady wasn't any better today. If he plays like this next week, the Colts will probably win.
  8. Heh. Exactly what I said when someone brought up PI. Only the Pats get that call.
  9. Among other similarly situated teams (i.e., teams on the fringe of the playoff hunt) who played at home this afternoon: Atlanta drew 68,834 - capacity is 71,149 STL drew 62,234 - capacity is 66,000 JAX drew 67,164 - capacity is 73,000 The Bills weren't alone on Christmas Eve.
  10. If we're not going to the playoffs, we might as well finish with a better draft pick.
  11. I blame Bettman.
  12. I'm going to guess, based on your user name, that you would have -- quite rightly -- attacked those people who were calling for JP's head five weeks ago. You probably said, or would have said, that he needed more time. And you would have been right.
  13. To be fair, the Titans' front four are a lot harder to run against than the Bills'. I gotta believe that Willis would love to run against the Bills' D.
  14. I've never been this shoked in my life.
  15. Yeah. The Bills' playcalling. The game wasn't fixed. The Bills just aren't a very good team.
  16. Thanks, Detox. One question - are they reliable? How long have you been using them?
  17. Just one in punt formation towqard the end, I believe -- and that hardly counts.
  18. Are you kidding me? After the adjustments that he and his staff made at halftime? The blown time out was a brain fart, but all in all, Jauron has me as confident in the state of Bills coaching as I've been in half a dozen years.
  19. Indeed. Mora said it best.
  20. "Fans like me?" Fans like me realize that JP is a sub-standand piece of a sub-standard offense. I'm sure there are other fans who think JP is the "entire problem," but that's not me. He's just a faulty cog in a faulty machine. "Fans like you," on the other hand, are all over JP's jock even when he's demonstrably atrocious.
  21. Although schadenfreude can never completely make up for a Bills loss, that really does take the edge off a bitter defeat.
  22. If playcalling and the OL are so completely determinative of QB play, we -- and every other team in the league -- might as well start Kliff Kingsbury for the league minimum. JP, like the line, and like the coaching staff, bears a portion of the responsibility for the complete failure of the passing game.
  23. And you don't think that JP bears any responsibility? Who's being simplistic now?
  24. Nah, this one isn't over, even with the miss. There's just a good feeling about this game . . . it's not like Week 1 against the Pats, where the Bills seemed detrmined to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. This one is different.
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