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Maguire's Beer

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Everything posted by Maguire's Beer

  1. No. With MartyBall, you win your division and lose in the first round of the playoffs. With JauronBall, you cover the spread in most games, and finish between 7-9 and 9-7 in 95% of all seasons. Jauronball is a poor man's MartyBall.
  2. Between the utter collapse of our season, the pathetic state of the offense, and the fact that this game is in effing Toronto, this may be as low as I've felt about a game since we lost the last Super Bowl in '94.
  3. Shaun King would be an improvement.
  4. Bullsh*t. I mean, seriously. Name the game when Trent was worse than this. In the Cleveland game -- his worst -- he wasn't half as pathetic as JP is today. And this isn't JP's worst game ever. Now, Trent Edwards is nothing special, but JP is atrocious.
  5. I've never seen a Bills squad just quit like this. (By "squad" I mean the offense. The defense is solid, and has come to play the last two weeks.)
  6. Think that's bad? I'm doomed to end up supporting my new hometown team, Danny Snyder's Skins. The only good part, I guess, is that I'm just about in the final stage of the grieving process for the team that I grew up on. Today, I've pretty much accepted that the dipshits up there in Skydome today will have a team in a couple years, and Buffalo won't.
  7. I certainly don't blame Lindell for the loss . . . but I'd love to see the Falls's own Grey Cup standout Sandro DeAngelis get a tryout.
  8. Ask yourself this: can you imagine any scenario in which Dick Jauron takes the Bills to the Super Bowl? No? Then he should be fired now.
  9. We'll be lucky if we win another game!
  10. Season right here . . .
  11. Well, the D came to play. Fired up, man.
  12. No doubt. But he's not anything like the sole reason we're losing.
  13. Wonder if Lindell gets thrown under the bus as the scapegoat after this one . . .
  14. No one . . . blows TOs like Dick Jauron.
  15. "great work from the Bills' coaching staff" on the replay. Mmmmhmmmm.
  16. My god, I think this is a good challenge.
  17. God, what's Jauron's record on challenges for the year? For his Buffalo career?
  18. It's the least-bad challenge of the year.
  19. I wanna win the lottery, but it ain't happening. Once the Bills leave, that's it for the NFL in Buffalo. Toronto will probably play one game a year at RWS for a few years, and then no more. It sucks, but it's likely.
  20. Oh, I'm well aware of it. There's a reason that this collapse depresses me so much -- it's because there's no more "wait till next year" with this team. We need to win this year or next, because in 2010, maybe 2011, there will be no Buffalo Bills.
  21. I hate the idea of switching coaches yet again, but at the same time, I can't imagine any scenario in which Jauron ever takes the team to the Super Bowl. Consequently, there's no reason -- imo -- to keep him. Might as well can him now.
  22. Though I have never advocated, and will NEVER advocate, for replacing Trent for even a quarter with Losman -- not because Trent's that great, but because Losman is awful -- JP is the guy you want for a Hail Mary.
  23. Complete misuse of a TO? That's our Dick!
  24. All right. Keep fe3eding Lynch. Let him get in a rhythm.
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