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Maguire's Beer

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Everything posted by Maguire's Beer

  1. For every good catch that Royal makes -- and there are some, to be sure -- he makes two boners.
  2. Actually, it's more a logical inference made based on a set of facts than it is speculation.
  3. What can I tell you, man? I didn't like seeing that anymore than you like hearing about it.
  4. Jesus, the guy who hosts the 97 Rock postgame show is a JP ballwasher. It's pathetic.
  5. To be fair, sh*tty QB play didn't stop the Jets from winning today.
  6. I really want to ask what sort of curse Polian laid on this club when he got the sack. Because before he left, we weren't this cursed.
  7. Sorry, your dad beat me to it.
  8. That's the thing. You know that nothing will change until Ralph dies, but you know that the team is gone from Buffalo when Ralph dies. We can't win.
  9. LOL @ you for being a pathetic snob. All work has value, dickhead.
  10. Ha! Oh, THAT one is on JP. No doubt. The difference is that we'll be rid of JP next year. Wilson won't can Dick. And that means that the underlying cancer isn't going anywhere.
  11. Look, I carry no water for Losman, but I'm not blaming him for that one anymore than I'd blame a scorpion for stinging me if I picked it up. Losman is a horrible fumbler. Turk and Dick know this. The fumble is entirely on their heads. Marshawn should tear off Dick's head and crap down the neck.
  12. This is the Paul Snyder/John Y. Brown approach to running a Buffalo franchise.
  13. We could hire Wade back, since he's likely to get canned the day after the season ends and the 'boys miss the playoffs.
  14. Better than Jauron and the Bills over the past few weeks. Skooby 4 Coach!
  15. That there's always next year. For this club in this city, there's maybe one or two more years.
  16. Here's hoping that in 2018 we're not bemoaning the relocation of the Bulls to SUNY/Ontario-Missasauga.
  17. How much to sell our other home games? We could be like a Division I-AA CFB program that gets paid big money to go to Florida and OSU for the early season tune-up games, and just play 5 games at home. Big money there.
  18. Ralph sounded pissed, though 97 Rock missed most of his interview.
  19. Oooh, I resemble that one. After the Miami loss in FL, I was on that train. My bad.
  20. Langston Walker implicitly criticizing DJ/Turk's refusal to run . . .
  21. Stroud, OTOH, called out the Toronto fans as being less rowdy than Buffalo fans, and called the game an embarrassment.
  22. He's not finished till Ralph says he is, and Ralph's about as likely to fire Jauron as he is to take steps to keep the club in Buffalo.
  23. He did just say something about how shocked he'd be if we were somehow out of the playoff hunt. The most emotion I've ever heard from Jauron -- I'd characterize him as "irritated." Irritated at the press for asking questions.
  24. That Toronto could successfully support the Bills on a full-time basis. (That said, they're more likely than not to end up in Toronto on an FT basis.)
  25. I thought Porter was going to permanently fix JP's mouf there.
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