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Everything posted by SydneyBillsFan

  1. If ever my family tells me they don't love me anymore I'm diving back into the TBD vault and digging out this thread for a pick-me-up. Rolled gold stuff.
  2. "Porn Boy" 🤣 That'll be hard to top.
  3. No offence, but if your daughter and her friends require the endorsement of a billionaire pop star to steer them onto a successful path in life or worse, to shape their thinking, then they are probably not destined for much success at all. Independent thought is always the precursor for success in life. EDIT - Caitlan Clark's words in the previous post from Big Blitz prove that she is a far more rational and pragmatic role model.
  4. No lies told by Kommie-La say the Dems: https://thefederalist.com/2024/09/11/25-lies-kamala-harris-told-in-her-debate-against-trump/ They really do live in a parallel universe.
  5. No Milano or Taron, I fear their offense will cut us to shreds. That and they are due for a win. Fish...........33 Bills...........24
  6. Except it won't have anything like maximum impact. Because Swift specialises in entertainment PR - not political PR. And her timing was off. Issuing a statement two or three days after the debate would have made it a standalone news item. This was issued late on a Tuesday night when most people went to sleep. When they wake up on Wednesday morning, the core issue will be the debate itself, which will be sub-divided into dozens of separate talking points - of which Taylor's official statement of support (aimed at mostly pre-pubescent, female teeny boppers, many of whom will be under voting age) will be as watered down and bland as her politics. Sorry to disappoint you.
  7. I think it was a close contest, notwithstanding the sickening ABC bias. Trump's closing argument was very good and very necessary, because IMO he was behind going into the closing argument. If she becomes president the world becomes a much worse place. Nothing she said tonight changes my mind.
  8. I watched the Fins game because that's what ESPN Australia picked. They were average for most of the game, mainly due to the Jags pass rush. And Etienne fumbled into the end zone just before the end of the 3rd qtr, which would have put the Jags up by 3 scores. Miami got out of jail big time.
  9. Bills................17 Cardinals.......14 It'll be a stinker, remembered only for the dubs.
  10. I vote for option 3: BNF - Bills Night Football 🏈
  11. Afraid to debate Trump? Well so she should be - if this is a forerunner of what's to come: (BTW...this is unmissable rolled gold)
  12. As a non-American, I am truly fascinated by the methodology (and the often ridiculous arguments) used to rank quarterbacks in the NFL. In no other team sport that I am aware of is the productivity and success of a player as dependent on the quality (or lack thereof) of those around them as an NFL quarterback. So Mahomes, who has been blessed with Kelce and Tyreek, or Burrow who was kissed on the ***** with Chase, Higgins and Boyd are ranked top two, whilst Allen has basically had Diggs and not much else. Ergo, it is rarely a like-for-like comparison. It truly beggars belief that a clueless Aussie needs to point this out to a bunch of so-called experts who grew up with the sport. Maybe I am biased but allow me to quote our OC: "Give me Josh Allen - all day, every day"
  13. What, for this little fairy hit: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fjv8itdXEAEYCTD?format=jpg&name=small
  14. RFK Jr: "Harris has no policies, no plan. Only smoke and mirrors. And baloons - lots of baloons" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  15. Aaaaaaand....there it is..straight outta the Marxist playbook. Whenever a dem hears something they don't agree with they resort to either threats or insults - it's the democrat way.
  16. Another socialist with "I've got nothing" Thanks for playing!
  17. JaCrispy asked you: "show me where Trump has ever said he wants a national ban on abortion?, I will side with you that Harris is correct…" You're answer equates to "I've got nothing" Which is a fitting - and typical - response from a socialist.
  18. From Australia's finest cartoonist Johannes Leak:
  19. Mitch Trubisky injured - with what, a suspected torn heartilage?
  20. Would that make CeeDee Jerry's sacrificial Lamb?..... ....I'll get my coat
  21. Wait....what?? Damn you broken watch - damn you to hell!!
  22. Chris' podcasts are up there with the best. Enjoy: https://youtu.be/GDuB421909g?si=PT0sisfsgIWgFFCV
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