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Everything posted by SydneyBillsFan

  1. That's a big part of it, for sure. Even if Eric looks more like a DT than a WR these days....
  2. Aniston 🤮 Clooney LeBron De Niro Stiller Beyonce Swift Keaton ...and the list goes on. Not one of them with any idea about the reality of Mr and Mrs Taxpayer living in Struggle Street. It's going to be a massacre. And I can't wait for the Trump Derangement Syndrome to reach unprecedented levels next Tuesday.
  3. Was never in doubt. Brains, work ethic, team first, sticky hands, tough at the point of contact. A top calibre slot receiver. We got really lucky here. Hope he retires a Bill.
  4. Bills............27 Dolphins....21
  5. He is the ultimate master troll: A manly president who grabs beautiful women on the arse - what's not to admire?
  6. Sad news to hear we have lost a Bill brother RIP John
  7. A little known comedian alluded to Puerto Ricans as an island of garbage. The current President labelled ALL Republican voters garbage. Gee....I wonder which is the bigger boo-boo?
  8. ....and will either go unreported by the fake news media OR be relegated to page 17 of the NYT / fake news prints next to the real estate guide. One rule for thee, another rule for me - it's the tried and tested way of the radical Marxist left.
  9. Why don't you get off your arse and find it yourself? Typical Dem - always expecting others to do their work for them and putting their hands in other people's pockets. Your free ride ends next Tuesday!
  10. The fake Afro accent she put on in her PA rally on Sunday was vomit inducing.
  11. I'm tipping a massacre - something like 348 - 190. There is no way that a hollow, political machine-appointed, DEI box ticker like Kommola will beat a true champion of the people who has middle-fingered the fake news media from day one. And then when you compare and contrast their respective records in office - remembering that Trump was only derailed by the Chinavirus at a time when he had the economy humming - it really is a no-brainer. Unless of course if you are a Dem with no brain. I will be waking up a week from now as the last votes are being dropped into the ballot boxes. Ten hours later I will be sitting down to a three-course dinner as the deadbeats on CNN and MSNBC begin their post mortems on where it all went wrong. The former champ will be taking back the heavyweight belt that is rightfully his with a brutal early round knockout. Kommola will need the political equivalent of reconstructive facial surgery when they scrape her off the canvas. I cannot wait.
  12. Yet another reason to give Harris the eviction notice. He's a good man our Steve. Would happily have him involved in a new Trump administration.
  13. No sh1t Sherlock Bezos. But it's about eight years too late. Prepare for your extinction - and you have nobody to blame but yourself!!
  14. Compare that to the deplorable last four years. A drop in the ocean by comparison. This "news" will be tomorrow's pastrami sandwich wrapping. Prepare for the bloodbath - Nov 5. Or migrate to Canada. It's a win-win either way.
  15. What absolute gutter journalism! No mention of the deafening "Tampon Tim" chant. Typical.
  16. The massacre continues. Harris' revenge will be to give back to back interviews on Morning Joe and the Rachel Maddog show. Now that's the Dem equivalent of being hit with a wet lettuce leaf Cannot wait for November 5!!
  17. Where is ol' Jimmy? Come on garlic breath - show yourself!
  18. In what universe can the unfettered and uncontrolled intake of millions of POOR illegal immigrants - some of which are criminals - be in any way a net positive for the budget bottom line? There is only ONE reason this is being allowed to happen and only an absolute moron would be clueless as to why.
  19. They'll all be getting their marching orders soon enough. "Get out of here Carlos - YOU'RE FIRED"!!
  20. BTW....24 million views in 24 hours. Stop the fight - this one's over.
  21. Except she did cheat from he moment she met Willie Brown. And many times thereafter. Ex-San Francisco lawyer Harmeet Dhillon tells the whole career story of how Kommmola became the ultimate ruthless Dem grifter who amazingly kept failing UP:
  22. He was right - it's gonna be a bloodbath on Nov 5. With lots and lots of bright red commie blood. Then comes the fun part.....starting with instant sackings of Jack Smith and fat arse DA's in Georgia and NY, followed by the scrapping of the green new scam. And that's just the first five minutes. I really can't wait. PVR set to record election coverage from CNN, MSDNC and Australia's commie ABC. The salty Liberal tears will be enough to fill the new pool ar Mar A Lago. Its gonna be epic!!
  23. Up to 4.2 million views after less than 6 hours since uploading. I'm calling it now - it's going to be something like a 350-188 bloodbath....meaning that he is even going to win a few unexpected states like New Mexico and Virginia
  24. "Tibsy". Rhymes with "Fibsy" How apt.
  25. You see B, this is why Vegas casinos love loony Dems...they consistently double-down against the odds - even when an obvious loss is staring them in the face.
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