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Everything posted by SydneyBillsFan

  1. Question for the uninitiated (ie - me): What exactly is the Bahamas Bowl and why does it feature 2 teams with 7-5 records? Also, as I am watching it live on ESPN - are there any players on the Bulls that the Bills might be interested in?
  2. One for the rabid lefties:
  3. I can answer this one: Yes, it's a cable/satellite channel on Sky - it is part of the sports package Same deal in Australia - Fox Sports and ESPN are included in the sports package of Foxtel cable/ satellite. Both Sky and Foxtel are owned by Rupert Murdoch. In summary - Brady and the cheats will be sacrificed on the Buffalo altar before a global audience of hundreds of millions!
  4. YES - the game will be live in Australia on ESPN!! The final destruction of the dark side will be witnessed globally. Magnificent.
  5. There is a reason why he is one of the 3 guys still on the roster from the Rex Ryan years.
  6. I suspect that Tyler Kroft made a sizeable down payment on a 2020 roster spot tonight. So proud to be a Bill tonight, but especially proud of our Superbowl calibre defence.
  7. Hope the Steelers fans cry into their terrible towels. Let's go Bills!
  8. JuJu inactive. Vance McDonald inactive. Conner in doubt. Angry Bills. We win.
  9. All he had to do was shut his mouth and train hard for 3 years, and he would have been 51 million dollars richer. Am I supposed to feel remotely sorry for a guy who wastes an opportunity like that? Answers on the back of an AB commemorative stamp.
  10. Why is a 16 year old girl with ADD who has no formal expertise in physics, biology or any other science being given so much airtime and audiences from world leaders? Truly mind boggling. Our beloved Donald has every right to call out her bull#### and antagonise her and others like her when the opportunity presents itself. She is nothing but an annoying, attention seeking brat. And her parents are no better than child abusers.
  11. USA, Australia and now Britain. One common denominator - the voting public got sick and tired of left-wing agendas such as wealth redistribution, open borders, climate change propaganda, tax and spend policies, the stifling of free speech and other assorted cultural crap being forced down our throats. They've also had enough of a leftist dominated media who have replaced factual reporting with intellectually lightweight, one-sided opinion pieces. Where anti-conservative smear campaigns and Trump/Morrison/Johnson bashing have become a leftist media-run national sport. Well, the gig is up. The likes of CNN, Britain's BBC and Australia's ABC among others, have all been exposed as leftist propaganda machines with dwindling audiences. The public have smelled a rat and I suspect that you will rarely, if ever, see another Labour/Democrat victory in these countries for many years to come. My congratulations to Boris Johnson, although truth be told - it was never in doubt.
  12. Nope, we messed up by not beating the very beatable Browns, thus giving us a realistic shot at winning the division. But I agree that getting win number 10 is all that really matters now
  13. Yeah, the Pats were absolutely robbed blind. And boy, does it feel good!
  14. I think it does a bit. Looks like we beat up on a bunch of amateurs.
  15. I think he will be a bust - of the Canton variety!
  16. We really need an upside-down superbowl trophy for this type of "achievement".
  17. How much is a unit? In any event - congratulations!!
  18. Remember that like it was yesterday. Contrary to rumours and speculation, Kiper is a good judge of college talent and footballers in general.
  19. I was nervous when we were 3rd and long, Josh drops back into the end zone and hits Beasley for a critical first down. Shudder to think what happens if he misses or Beas drops. Massive play for mine.
  20. 9 million a season for a 1200+ yard per season WR with a QBR of 158.3 Beane is a talent and bargain scouting GM on another level!
  21. The team has an unbelievable bond and mutual trust at the moment. AB, for all his talent, is a cancerous me-first / team last guy. There is almost nothing to be gained and plenty to be lost by bringing him to Buffalo. Pass.
  22. You're not alone dude. I might be 15,000 miles away from Buffalo, but right here it feels like I'm rubbing shoulders with my brothers. Happy thanksgiving to you and all Bills fans - wherever you may be.
  23. The look on ol' Jerry's plastic face as he exited the VIP box was like someone told him he only had a week to live. Priceless.
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