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Everything posted by SydneyBillsFan

  1. Now that you mention it: Two Australian bushfire experts with 100 years combined experience gave their account on the bushfires on Sky News (Australian version of Fox News) last night. Some of the key points they made include - 1. The various state governments and their agencies (eg - the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Nature Conservation Council etc.) have been negligent in their duties for not adequately reducing fuel loads during the spring. Some estimates indicate that only 33% of hazard reduction targets were met by these agencies. Most notably, many of the people employed by NPWS are greens/environmentalists and are therefore ideologically opposed to hazard reduction, despite being fully aware of the risks posed. 2. Fuel loads in Australian national parks and forests are unique....unlike European and North American forests, the loose matter (ie - bark, twigs, leaves and branches) that falls onto the forest floor does not naturally decompose. Even worse - the matter is incredibly dry and HIGHLY FLAMMABLE. So the load accumulates over many years (because the NWPS believe that this loose matter provides a natural habitat for marsupials and other fauna) - with disastrous consequences. 3. They estimated that, on average, for every hectare of forest there was over a tonne of fuel lieing on the forest floor. They also stated that on a sliding scale, these fires were / are a 40, where the maximum possible firefighting effort - including support from the army - is a 3. The phrase "no bloody hope" was used. 4. One of the gentleman was a CSIRO scientist. He said that in his estimation, this issue was 97% fuel load / inadequate hazard reduction and only 3% temperature / climate. That 29 lives, thousands of homes and businesses, and tens of thousands of square miles of forest have been lost is a tragedy. That the green left have hijacked this tragedy by spreading blatant lies for their bone headed idealogy is an insult to us all.
  2. For mine he is entitled to one more year without scrutiny because: 1. Josh's development is on an upward trajectory 2. Despite some poor playcalling, he was frequently let down by his offense due to poor fundamentals / lack of execution / brain farts 3. Brandon Beane has not provided him with an above average to elite WR1, TE, RT and RB2 to this point Personally I am not a huge fan but I would love it if he could silence the doubters - especially as he is a Buffalo native. I sincerely wish him all the best.
  3. This is fast becoming one of my fave threads on the interweb. Would love nothing more than to see the likes of Warren, Griffin, Azlan etc. be seen eating dog food straight out of the tin with rusty spoons, as well as CNN journos permanently reporting from a phone booth in a crack-infested neighbourhood when the final boxscore of this saga is confirmed.
  4. https://www.smh.com.au/national/teenager-among-180-people-facing-legal-action-over-lighting-fires-20200107-p53pla.html
  5. A link from an Australian government website on the causes of the 2003 bushfires. Further proof, if any was required, that the whole thing is a damn hoax: https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/0/ccb3f2e90ba779d3ca256dea00053977
  6. Aussie/NZ actor Russell Crowe just won an award at the Golden Globes. He was not at the awards so Aniston and Witherspoon accepted the award on his behalf. Then came your typical standard, holier than thou Hollywood elite lecture about climate change and the Australian bushfires. This despite Ricky Gervais's brilliant (and free) advice to all award winners to just accept their awards, thank whatever God you believe in and your agent and f*** off, because: “You’re in no position to lecture the public...most of you spent less time at school than Greta Thunberg” ?
  7. What evidence, information or basic understanding, precisely, do you have over there in WNY that trumps mine who lives less than 50 miles from these bushfires? Your answers on the subject - or at least those of any substance - could probably fit on a postage stamp with room to spare. SNAFU.
  8. You beat me to it. Arson and greenies who have more interest in protecting the loose dry leaves and twigs (which apparently are the natural habitat of the furry-arsed wombat), than human lives. F*** I hate greenies.
  9. 5 years, 85 million, 50 million gtd. Pay the man - and don't be stingy about it. This also sends a message to all FA's - play well in Buffalo and you will be rewarded.
  10. No shame in admitting that I was depressed and completely gutted but that is slowly subsiding and I am already looking forward to the draft andnfree agency period. If we play our cards right we could win the division. That is what has helped me get over the loss.
  11. Best available WR and RT at 22 and 54. LB in rd 3 RB in rd 4. DE in FA. Do this and we are set for playoffs.
  12. https://buffalonews.com/2020/01/05/buffalo-bills-houston-texans-cody-ford-penalty-social-media/LATEST BILLS Bills' Cody Ford says fans told him to 'kill myself' after penalty in playoff loss I find this to be one of the most disgusting things i have ever heard from a Bills fan. We are all upset/angry/gutted/shattered etc. but there is absolutely no excuse for this rot. My heart goes out to Ford at this time.
  13. If this was the end, its a tragic way to finish. All the best Zo!!
  14. Emotions on today's result aside, the key thing with Josh for me is the upward trajectory. If he improves in year 3 as much as in year 2 then I think he will be fine. First thing on the menu - I think he needs to spend a good chunk of time in the off season with Jordan Palmer. I strongly believe that a lot more hard work is required for him to succeed. And with his work ethic being what it is, that gives me confidence. Then add a few more weapons (WR1, RB2 and RT) and its a completely different story. He's our guy.
  15. In chronological order: 1. The overthrow by 6 inches to Smoke 2. The Duke EZ drop 3. The JJ Watt sack 4. the drop in intensity and lapses in concentration by the defence 5. A series of bone headed plays by Josh 6. The teflon tackling of Watson at various stages 7. The dodgy spot on the Hopkins reception in OT 8. The colossally bad zone setup on 3rd and 18 9. The missed double chance sack by Milano and ?? All underpinned by some mind boggling play calling on offense. Yeah, there's definitely room for improvement next season. Now bring on the draft - after I get severely drunk!!
  16. If he ends up playing then the OP is fuller crap.
  17. He was the guy I badly wanted on draft night 2018. Boy am I glad we took Josh.
  18. Whilst i am not as set on cutting him as some, i would rather give his allocated money to Jordan Phillips and draft a DE in the first 2 rounds.
  19. Fancy being trolled by a dopey New York City Eyetie who follows the Jets. Although I must say that throwing barbs at others on line is in keeping with the standard level of Italian bravery....which, incidentally, reminds me of a classical ad from a 1950's British trading post: FOR SALE Genuine Italian WW2 army rifle Never fired, only dropped once
  20. The guy had, what - 4 or 5 , 100-yard receiving games last year. What the hell has happened, how has he fallen off the face of the NFL map?
  21. The Texans will probably rest up as well. So we'd be mad if we didn't do the same.
  22. I still think he could be a franchise QB. And he has improved dramatically compared to last season. But first things first - he has a lot of work to do. I believe he again needs to spend some more time in the off season with Jordan Palmer. Seemed to do him the world of good last off season. He has the good attitude and the work ethic. I for one am not writing him off. And Beane will improve the offence, of that you can be certain. Slow, steady improvement is fine by me.
  23. Defence was poor today. Too much teflon tackling. That or the Pats were all covered in tarantulas. Josh needs another off season with Jordan Palmer. Lots of work to do or else he will be a bust. Bitterly dissapointed.
  24. Congrats to the Bulls on their first Bowl win. Hopefully this is the first half of a Bulls-Bills weekend double.
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