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Everything posted by SydneyBillsFan

  1. Not sure a kicker drafted with pick 188 can be considered a reach. But I agree with the premise of the article - Beane has donned his wizards hat yet again.
  2. Renewable energy myth smashed, debunked, buried and cremated by....MICHAEL FRIGGIN' MOORE!! Yes, that's right....one of their own has fully exposed the world's greatest sham!! You just couldn't make it up ? Well worth watching, except that even after taking a bite out of their own global warming crap sandwich, they still cannot admit that global warming policy is a complete waste of time and money. Grab some popcorn from your eco-microwave and enjoy!
  3. PFF had Throckmorton as our ideal day 3 target: https://www.pff.com/news/draft-2020-nfl-draft-ideal-targets-for-all-32-nfl-teams-on-day-3
  4. Louis Riddick and Daniel Jeremiah are RAVING about him!! Along with GunnerBills endorsement - I'm sold!!
  5. Beane is a seriously good GM. Re-signing him long term is an absolute MUST.
  6. He's so good, he's so good...He's Epanesa good!!
  7. A bit harsh on Booger, but deserved a laugh.
  8. University of Vladivostok?
  9. To break this down: This incoherent, mumbling, bumbling fool is - at least mathematically - a 50% chance of becoming the leader of the free world. My dear God!
  10. B-Man, the only crime I see here is the lunatic left's continued overuse of the word 'racist' to the point where it is now almost meaningless. You can also add 'sexist, mysoginist and homophobe' to that list.
  11. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Aussie conservative blogger and writer who eats lefties for lunch - the great Tim Blair:
  12. I expect nothing less than a full root and branch investigation, Trump style. Most to blame for this debacle: GOLD - China....SILVER - W.H.O.....BRONZE - Leftist media I expect Trump to do the following - no stone left unturned, no individual spared from merciless scrutiny, 100% unfiltered accountability. You can bank on it!! Trump's 2016 election victory is proving to be the political equivalent of the guy who invested all his money in Microsoft shares the day before Bill Gates launched Windows 95. Its the investment that keeps on giving!
  13. I never thought I'd see a Tim Blair piece on TBD and referenced by USA Today - but I am glad I did. A very witty conservative is our Tim. FYI, and to put Tim's piece in context - Sir Donald Bradman is the greatest batter in the history of cricket - Australia's Babe Ruth if you will. A brilliant response to the Chinese communists IMO.
  14. That's because there are none. He speaks clearly - minus the waffle - and gives good technical insights on each and every play. Right up there with the best in the business IMO. There is NO justifiable rationale for labelling Booger a poor NFL commentator.
  15. Takes one to know one, "Wrecks"...
  16. Is it just me or has COVID-19 pushed this hoax well into the background and therefore into complete and utter irrelevance (which is where it belongs)?
  17. Which is exactly why I wrote this: My point being that as global citizens from Western economies we must band together and give China the economical cold shoulder, so that if another pandemic or biological disaster breaks out our reliance on them in largely mitigated. This is a historical lesson that we must all learn from.
  18. Yes, this is the key IMO. In the first instance, you ideally want to be buying "home grown". But failing that, your second preferred option is to establish trade agreements with your traditional western allies with reliable economies, as well as shared or similar ideology, social norms, beliefs and customs. In the case of the US, that would include nations such as the UK, Canada, Australia, NZ, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Japan etc. China should also be made to pay reparations to all affected nations (believe it or not, they have just re-opened their wet markets overnight!!) - and this is where the unbreakable resolve of one Donald Trump will be an invaluable asset. Because as sure as your ass points down to the ground, he will hold them to account. His biggest challenge will be to drag other weak-willed, spineless world leaders along with him in an effort to exert maximum pressure on the world's most dangerous regime. The next 12 months will be very interesting to say the least.
  19. https://www.cityandstateny.com/articles/politics/new-york-city/all-de-blasios-covid-19-missteps.html https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/03/30/de-blasio-nyc-officials-downplayed-covid-19-threat-after-trump-restricted-travel-to-china-here-are-5-examples/ https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/new-york-citys-coronavirus-outbreak-has-exposed-bill-de-blasios-ineptitude Di Blazio. Put this irresponsible moron in jail (and his health commissioner Bardot too)!!
  20. An Australian perspective on the NY state debacle: NY mayor DiBlazio (is that his name?) is copping an absolute pummeling from Sky News commentators (our Fox News) for saying back in February and right through into March that New Yorkers "had nothing to worry about, this is no fault of China or the Chinese, go out at night and enjoy yourselves" etc.. I do not know a thing about this DiBlazio goon, but if this is true IMO he needs to be subjected to the US politicians version of a court martial for gross negligence and reckless endangerment. And further proof - if any was required - that political correctness and new age leftist wokeness is a cancer on western society and is just as badly in need of finding a cure as COVID19.
  21. A very likeable guy and I wish him well. But when I think of Tyrod the first thing that pops into my head is "how in God's name did Brandon Beane obtain pick 65 for a guy we were trying to get rid of"?? Beane could sell a rat's ass to a blind man and convince them it was a wedding ring.
  22. Oh I'm sorry....I should have realised that cutting out a living, breathing child in the 38th week of a 41 week pregnancy period and throwing it in the waste bin like a potato past its use by date was a cause for the celebration of both the modern feminist movement and NY state politics. SNAFU.
  23. Not just tourists, but the number of Chinese people with Australian citizenship is growing each year in percentage terms. Most of our left-wing universities rely on expensive fees from wealthy Chinese students. It's a risky model IMO. We were the only country other than the US who banned travel from China in the very early phase of the Chinavirus. God bless Trump and Morrison! We are now in semi-shutdown mode. 13 dead as of yesterday. But when you have young idiots going to the beach in their thousands and many others ignoring the medical advice then it is bound to get worse before it gets better.
  24. You mean like real scientists with PhD's: Petitionproject.org
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