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Everything posted by SydneyBillsFan

  1. I'll concede that living Down Under may just affect the oxygen flow to my brain so please - help me understand something here: A redneck hillbilly cop takes law enforcement (and disrespect) too far, which ends with 1 death - resulting in squillions of violent protestors and cries of racism. An evil communist regime deliberately masks the spread of a deadly pathogen resulting in over 350,000 deaths - zero protestors and cries of "racism" Someone?...Anyone...?
  2. BG, he is still in grade 1 scribbling with a Crayola. How about you just let him graduate from grade 2 finger painting before setting the bar too high with "Spot Goes to the Farm"!!
  3. OK, now where is the Fitz career flow chart wheel when you need it?
  4. You mean to tell me that I have completely misinterpreted the "watch a redneck cop choke out a black man, get a 55-inch flat screen free" rule?
  5. This thread belongs here: Heck, it prolly needs a reflush:
  6. An Aussie perspective from Johannes Leak, our greatest cartoonist:
  7. How about we just let him play out his pivotal third year with an improved offence against a stronger schedule of opponents and then evaluate his performance before hyperventilating over what we might do in year 4 or 5.
  8. Ok, so the guy had a lapse in judgement and no doubt he regrets his actions right about now. But some people are talking about him missing a bunch of games because of something he did in the off season a long way from an NFL stadium. Myles Garrett used a helmet to assault a player NOT wearing a helmet - an offence which is considerably worse than Ed's. And yet he only missed, what - 6 games?? If he misses more than two games he can consider himself hard done by IMO.
  9. Yeah, half a billion US is a head scratcher when the project is 80-90% complete. Anyhow, it ain't coming out of my back pocket so I won't get too worked up about it. Your average California taxpayer on the other hand (unless this Kronke chap is absorbing the cost solo).
  10. Yes, scope creep is definitely the most likely issue and usually is the issue at that stage as you say. But as I noted earlier, it could be a rise and fall issue....eg - one of the contractors submits a price for the supply and installation of 89,000 reclining plastic seats but with a valid supply date to say January 1, 2020. The seats are made in China but due to the Coronavirus there is a supply and distribution issue resulting in a price rise... subsequently, each additional seat now adds $50 to the project cost because a late handover could cost you over a million per day in liquidated damages. Add in a weaker greenback and your budget just blew out by another 5, 10 or 20 million bucks. That is just one of many possibilities.
  11. Not sure what the US equivalent is, but in Australia I completed both a Building Certificate IV (Trade College) and a Bachelor of Construction Project Management (University).
  12. The blocking component is the big difference because blocking in rugby is illegal. But broken-field kick returns against staggered, rushing defences are part and parcel of the game. IMHO, his ONLY realistic shot at an NFL roster is as a KR/PR. Running back is too complex for a rugby player. Heck, he would be better off as a WR than a RB.
  13. Because in the rugby codes, the position which generally fields deep, high kicks in a similar fashion to an NFL punt returner is the fullback. Wade, if I recall correctly, was a centre and/or winger. Wingers can and do return kicks - but nowhere near as much as fullbacks. Centres do not return kicks. This is NOT an uncommon scenario in the rugby codes, FYI.
  14. As somebody who has worked in construction for over 30 years, I can tell you definitively that this synopsis is far too simplistic. You have not factored in a bunch of issues that regularly contribute to cost blowouts - many of them having little to do with the ethics of contractors or the lack thereof. These include, but are not limited to: - Changes to the scope of work / clients brief - latent conditions - rise and fall clauses - liquidated damages clauses - incompetent design, engineering or project management - frustration of contract - inclement weather - complex legal arrangements and regulatory requirements Construction projects and the myriad of contracts associated with them are anything but simple.
  15. a liberal floater?
  16. We're plenty quick enough, we just need to minimise / reduce the drops and we will be punching into the end zone far more regularly.
  17. Or leftist-greens in general the world over. Birds of a deluded feather.
  18. A press secretary who calls out fake news, hits back at leftist media propaganda and is easy on the eye to boot - What's not to like about Kayleigh? Long may she reign!
  19. Can someone please explain something to the dumb Aussie who loves to bet on the NFL: Why oh why in US betting lines for a two- headed contest does the inconsistency exist where some teams receive a full point start (or "spread") whilst for others there is a fractional points start? For example - why are the Bills giving the Jets +7 instead of + 6.5 or + 7.5?? Who the hell wins the bet if the Bills win 21-14? Is this a deliberate scam? What am i not getting here?
  20. First point - there is still no guarantee that we will see a 16-game regular season. And who knows what a compromised season would even look like and which teams would be advantaged or disadvantaged. Second point - We have lost very little in terms of personnel. Zo was our biggest loss, whilst Shaq and Phillips have been swapped out for Addison and Butler + Harry coming back from the ACL. We also made solid gains both in trading and FA. I also believe we might have struck gold in the draft, although time will tell. And our 1st and 2nd year rookies will be one year older and wiser and they - along with the rest of the roster - will no doubt still be burning over the WC loss. All things being equal, we are more likely than not to improve dramatically - which you would think puts us in pole position to win the division. This automatically means a home WC or divisional round game. Anything less than this would be dissapointing and could be considered a failure. So a top 6 ranking is not a stretch by any means.
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