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Everything posted by SydneyBillsFan

  1. Staggering. It's almost as if they are not even trying to hide their bias. So brazen.
  2. Yes. Fancy stating that a massacre in Tulsa is OK. Not sure I would want someone like Greg Parsons anywhere near my children.
  3. More leftist hypocrisy - this time from the Melbourne Age: https://www.theage.com.au/world/north-america/trump-rally-a-dangerous-move-as-coronavirus-cases-spike-in-us-20200615-p552ke.html Funny, that despite a clear directive from the Victorian state government (Melbourne is the capital) to not gather in crowds of more than 50 people, there was a BLM protest with over 25,000 people in attendance in the Melbourne CBD last week. But there was not a peep from The Age that this was "a dangerous move". They actually endorsed the mass protest. And yet, 19,000 people attending a Trump rally in Tulsa is suddenly "a dangerous move". Hypocrisy writ large. If it's any consolation (yes, I know it's not) - lefty lunacy is just as migraine-inducing down under as it is in the US.
  4. Pound for pound the highest quality thread on TBD. The responses are the equivalent of this great sporting moment: Apologies for the cultural appropriation.
  5. Hehehe.... I was going to ask - is that a downgrade or an upgrade on "Sleepy" Suspect that it's the former.
  6. Absolutely. It's the classic leftist pea and thimble trick. The staggering part for me is their inability to accept that contrary viewpoints are even allowed and that they think everyone else must be incredibly stupid for holding those views.
  7. It's not just the US - we are having to go through the same leftist garbage in Australia. Same deal in the UK too.
  8. Then I'll respectfully agree to disagree and leave it at that.
  9. True. B-Man, I just wanted to take a time out to say thank you for all the links you provide on the US perspective on the poisonous hypocrisy and lies of the feral left. It is greatly appreciated! You are a one-stop shop for an Aussie conservative (side note: in Australia, NZ and the UK we conservatives are known as...Liberals!!) - the anti-left eBay of TBD if you will. Thanks mate!! ?
  10. I disagree. There is absolutely NO link between an irrational individual's behaviour and corporate greed / power. None whatsoever. This whole thing has descended into a virtue-signalling farce.
  11. Errr...what? I thought that the excessive force used by a police officer on a black man was the root cause of current social unrest. Where are you getting your news from?
  12. Well he needs to be careful or else he'll be accused of discriminating against old bald guys.
  13. Yes, the hypocrisy is both staggering and shameless. Imagine the outrage if Trump wore an afro instead of a toupe?
  14. You can just picture the rabid leftists chanting " BUILD - THE - WA.....errr, temporary fence..."
  15. Someone should quit while they are only a few miles behind...
  16. I was a prety decent racist in my yonuger years. I won the NSW all-state 400m and 800m as a 15 yiar old. But that simply didn't comprae to the sheer thrill of being a karting racist. Alhtough I never did better than a 3rd place, I cosnider this to be the greater acheivment of the two. I am now a semi-retired racist who fills in whenever a catgeory B driver missus a race through inrujy or supsension. I was told that I colud have been a Formula 1 racist were it not for my chronic dyslexia, but that is a dicsussion for antoher day.
  17. Makes Tibs nuclear mushroom cloud look like a fart in the wind
  18. Well yeah...in a Nate Peterman kinda way
  19. Hollywood Elites - do they come any more "holier than thou" than this deluded, hypocrisy-ridden lot? So you want to shoot Trump admirers Tom Arnold? How about shooting something original for once - like a half decent movie!
  20. By the way - Sky News Australia just reported on Friday that of the 25 states that imposed curfews due to looting and rioting - 24 of them had a Democrat governor. Only Florida had a Republican governor. Damn you facts and figures!
  21. LOL WTF?!?!? Unashamed conservative and unabashed supporter of Donald Trump here - and I aint even American. Genuinely unsure as to what you are trying to prove - is it that you're smarter than the rest of us?
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