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Everything posted by SydneyBillsFan

  1. This dude is commenting on Josh's ability as a QB - seriously? He has a head like the proverbial computer geek who was always the last guy to get picked in schoolyard football. He is no position to comment on the American Cornhole League, much less the NFL. Best you stick to rebooting hard drives, Dick!
  2. Gen, that is not a funny story - that is a fantastic, memorable story!! I'll give your son a quarter for the signed card - deal?
  3. Not bad for a 4th rounder
  4. Completely and utterly positive, never a shred of doubt (Well...maybe a little when he punted on 4th and 1 in the Indy snow game) The cultural shift under his leadership has been one of biblical proportions.
  5. I just want to get past Indy first - at least for now
  6. ...are decidedly less feral than their antifa / green / Marxist counterparts. I'll leave you lot to your sewer.
  7. Its also just become 2021 in Oz....either that or I just woke up with a booming hangover. Hic....happy new year Bills brotherhood!!
  8. It would be interesting to see what those numbers would be over the 8-1 stretch since the KC game - my guess is we might even be top 5 in most categories
  9. Congratulations! From this moment you shall be known as crystalball.
  10. Surely if it was any type of injury of note he would have been icing it immediately
  11. Steelers have 56 yards of first half offence.
  12. KC not looking like a contender at the moment.
  13. His weapon of choice probably explains his lack of success:
  14. Merry Christmas to all, heres hoping for a very happy Bills new year!!
  15. Looks sharper, easier to read....I like it
  16. I just typed 'Bawstin' into Google Maps - nothing came up. Then i paused and thought about it for a second... (Go easy on me - i'm an Aussie!)
  17. I may be on my own here but I was hoping he would be fit to play - I really wanted to see Diggs take him to the cleaners.
  18. The guy with "FIRE ADAM GASE" in a Jets logo is particularly miffed.
  19. Not sure i would be celebrating being drafted by Jax either if i was Lawrence.
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