I'm not seeing the consistency required.
In boxing terms, we can put a beat down on Tyson, but then get beaten down by grandma's slipper.
The injuries are the cherry on the shite cake.
Wild card (and Dorsey) exit for mine.
There was a young Pat from Boston
Who took out his balls to wash 'em
His wife said "now Mac,
Please put them back,
Or just like the Bills, I'll squash 'em"
Sure, he missed a couple of 52 yarders in the wind. No disgrace there.
But - his misses all seem to occur in tight games that we typically lose. Kicking 4 FG in a game where we are ahead by 3 scores there is no pressure.
I do question his ability when the heat is on. A little bit anyway.
I swear I just opened my eyes and they were momentarily blurry...I thought it said "Diggs hit by car stolen"
I mean, who the heck was driving in that scenario - Roger Goodell?
I'm expecting to go home to a burning house this afternoon whilst spotting a bodybuilder stealing my sports car with my wife in the passenger seat.
Thankfully, the letter I received from the tax department remained intact.
Dunno about Haiku, but I wrote this one to the tune of Jingle Bells:
Mi-am-i, Mi-am-i
Fragile quarterback
Plays like ass and tough as glass
IR'd after a sack
I'm still working on the second verse.