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Everything posted by SydneyBillsFan

  1. The Dems ain't saving diddly squat - including their own arses come November.
  2. I did not see anyone use a derogatory term towards you - happy to stand corrected if that's not the case. Yet you felt it necessary to do so. Nobody is saying you should not be able to defend either yourself OR your opinion. Your argument is a straw man one. I just flat out refuse to accept that personal insults are an acceptable part of any rational debate. I trust that clarifies the matter.
  3. What does that have to do with anything? It's a simple question I posed - was it too hard for you? BTW, that would be the other available lefty tactic - shift the goalposts when the discussion point becomes uncomfortable. Which is an addendum to the "the truth hurts" principle.
  4. A serious question: Why do progressives always default to insults when they disagree with someone? It undermines anything you have to say.
  5. Said it before and will say it again: God bless the USA and God bless Donald Trump! To the progressives: Your despicable, evil, satanic and anti-democratic campaign will never work in a great Christian nation. One down - three to go!
  6. I am not packaging anything above a fourth rounder with 28. That would get us to 24 or 25. You are getting a really good WR there no matter what.
  7. There are some unlikeable mouthpieces on ESPN, but Mort was one of the good guys. It's a sad day.
  8. God no. We have neglected premium WR in the draft for long enough. Heck, I'd even burn a fourth to go up to 24/25 and get a Thomas or a Coleman. Beane-o, please don't mess around!
  9. Sheesh. I shudder to think where a white, Christian, hetero, beer n' sports alpha male (ie - me) sits on that list. Actually, I already know. The woke hierarchy is the same down under.
  10. Serious question: Would the reaction of the fake news media in the US be any different if it were, say, a black activist lesbian or a transgender person?
  11. I can proudly say that I was never sucked in by the Chinavirus hype or it's ineffective, big-pharma vaccines. Nope, not a single jab of untested, God-knows-what in this Aussie arm.
  12. My God, this case is an utter embarrassment for the legal system in the US. How the sheer hatred of one man can lead to a complete breakdown in legal ethics and values - it's staggering.
  13. Of all the issues that liberal lefties embrace and show the highest level of double standards, the lowest levels of morality and a complete absence of logical argument... eg: - Global warming - Youth crime - Law enforcement - Corruption - Wealth redistribution - Race politics - National security - Illegal immigration - Religious freedoms Etc. ....there is none that demonstrates their complete absence of a moral compass as definitively as the transgender issue and the impacts on our children. It's truly sickening to think that I breathe the same air as some of these morons.
  14. What is it with triple-chinned black women (and men) who become DA's and develop a chronic hatred for successful, white conservative men which drives them to launch dubious legal proceedings whilst ignoring real criminal activity? I strongly believe that this is going to bite the Dems on the arse in November.
  15. Yep. When all else fails, just play the race card. No level of critical thinking, integrity, credibility or common decency required. If I believed in reincarnation, I would hope to come back as a black lezzo. All bases covered.
  16. Watching a replay of Fanny on the stand. My God she is a sour (sub) human "I ran to the court room, I was anxious to get here" You've never run five feet in your life lard arse!
  17. Well, except for the bit where her former employee contradicted her affidavit where she claimed that her relationship with Wade only started after he began working for the DAs office. You know....just that small matter of perjury, it's nothing really.
  18. You wouldn't by a used car from Nathan Wade, that's for damn sure. "I have no cash receipts, your honour"
  19. Why ask me a question you already know the answer to? It's bizarre in the extreme.
  20. Lil' ol' Fanny about to get opened up and torn apart like a......
  21. Just as I thought - you've got nothing! Meme away.
  22. You've reached for the same lame meme hundreds of times, maybe more. Is that all you've got?
  23. No, that would clearly be you.
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