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Everything posted by ROCBillsBeliever

  1. Jordan Phillips really deserves a nod. If Aaron Donald goes, and Phillips gets more sacks from the DT position, but doesn't make it, that will--once again--confirm the anti-Bills bias in the media/NFL/refs, etc...
  2. What I do or do not expect is irrelevant. My point is that Ford was starting to become a whipping boy for the trolls here. I let Mr. Miller's description of Ford's play speak in contradiction of what the trolls have been saying, and followed that up with the observation that Von Miller may know more about how well an opposing offensive lineman's play stacks up, than, say, some folks on this board. I'm literally just being a conduit for a well-informed opinion that directly contradicts the hateraide that has recently been served by certain factions on this board. Call it public service.
  3. I know two things: 1) I will get flamed for saying this, on this board (sure: get your pitchforks ready, for me) And 2) This is NOT my take... it comes from the mouth of Von Miller, himself... I'll quit jub-jabbering and let the multi-time all-pro discuss the much-maligned (at least on this board) Cody Ford: https://www.espn.com/espn/now?nowId=21-41085879-4 Thanks to Marcel Louis-Jacques for capturing a solid repeal to what this board (not all of you, but many of the trolls on here) has been saying about Cody Ford: namely that he's no good. If Von Miller is complimenting Ford, then I'm beyond fine with Ford's performance. Sorry, Armchair haters, your negative opinions may not match reality... Also, I could be wrong, but Von Miller just MIGHT know more about football than you, and I highly doubt that he's a Bills homer... #gobills #trollscaneatcrow #turnthepitchforksonthetrolls
  4. It was actually for Eli Apple, who I would tend to think of as a bag of apples, rather than marbles. I would also ask the Iggles, "How do you like 'dem Apples?" I'm just Joshing ya, @Inigo Montoya. Great points! (Also, in case you were wondering, yes: I have an advanced degree in Dad jokes)
  5. First game I've made this season (wedding and honeymoon this Fall kept me pretty busy!). Going to the game with my Dad, which will be awesome! Very stoked! Nice weather out here in Buffalo--went on a long morning walk to dry up the alcohol in my veins, from last night. Need some room for more this afternoon. Go Bills!
  6. I see a trend: @Buffalo Barbarian likes the tall picks.
  7. I heard it whispered, in a high level business meeting, that PEDelman is no longer agreeing to change TB12's lace panties between every quarter. He's been angling for once per game, and now Tommy is getting cranky.
  8. And I hadn't even asked for an assessment ???
  9. There... I fixed it for you.
  10. @benderbender Attending some high-level business meetings, I see ?
  11. I must not have heard that second point. Makes sense, in retrospect. Thanks for sharing.
  12. I mean, I know we courted him prior to last year, but didn't have the money to sign him (Thanks, Doug Whaley...). I liked him, then, but yeah... didn't think he would be as good as he's been. Definitely a pleasant surprise!
  13. Wait... John Brown has more receiving yards than ANY wide receiver in the entire AFC??? I'll say that again, because I don't think anyone heard me: JOHN "SMOKEY" BROWN, OF THE BUFFALO BILLS (FROM BUFFALO, NEW YORK) HAS MORE RECEIVING YARDS THAN ANY AFC WIDE RECEIVER. But... but... but I read it, right here, from LEAGUE EXPERTS that he's not a true #1. How can this be? ???
  14. So long as he can get the 2 yd gains up the gut, when the other team knows he's coming, I'm in.
  15. He's great, I'll give you that, @Buffalo Barbarian, but my only hesitation is that he's another little, shifty guy. I'd prefer a bruiser who can a) Ram in a goal-line TD when there is a pile of people gobbling up all daylight, and still b) Torch people with some A+ speed. Don't want a second Singletary; want a compliment to him. Not saying I know that guy, yet. In the words of McD, "I have to look at the tape." Got all offseason to watch college folm, though. Just basking in the 7-3 feeling, at the moment, and thinking about slaying the Mile High Kids.
  16. Yes. When we win, not only does he complain... Schopp goes the extra mile, digging through his pile of voodoo dolls--all of which, oddly enough, look like his mother--and proceeds to undo every stitch in the fabric. He then re-weaves the fabric into a Velvet Elvis that looks like himself, and proceeds to "enjoy" himself, while staring, bug-eyed, at his own visage. Great commentator. Worthy takes. It's just a shame about the mommy issues...
  17. I read it right here on this board that if you do not pass for over 300 yards, then you are a hopscotch team, and not an American Football team.
  18. Oh no, no, no... That can't be true. I read it right here, on this board, that we got the wrong Josh. Whiffing on The Rosen One has #doomed this franchise. Humans are made of scotch, and there is life on Venus... Okay... Maybe the Venus part was a stretch, but the rest is all absolutely true, I guarantee ?
  19. I was in the market for a lumberjack to take down some hardwoods on my property, but you, sir, seem to have a saw on the field already. What's your hourly rate? ???
  20. This just cracks me up! The Ravens aren't even sure if they are or aren't attending? Is it doublespeak or is it confusion?
  21. JMHO, but she looks kinda plastic. If he was still rocking the handlebar moustache, he could have nabbed a true 10.
  22. The Mind Growth Set? Is that like, when The Brain (from Pinky & The Brain) joins Dipset? ?
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