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Everything posted by ROCBillsBeliever

  1. @Ridgewaycynic2013 I believe that T.O. believes he still got game, but that's not really saying anything ?
  2. My top 10 candidates (in no particular order): -Washington Carpetbaggers -Washington Rioters -Washington 1%ers -Washington Blue-Bloods -Washington Republicrats -Washington Democans -Washington Anti-Vaxxers -Washington Black Cats (if you've ever been to an indie show or a dance party there, you'll know what I'm referring to) -Washington Short-Buildings (because of the regulations regarding buildings over a certain height) -Washington Watergates Great clip. Awesome film!
  3. I guess I just hear a lot of the, "Hughes has lost a step", over the past three years. All players do, but he is still a force. He proved it versus Tunsil. That's my point.
  4. I feel like Tunsil gets a notoriety boost because of the whole gas mask bong / media attention surrounding that escapade / being under drafted. If Jerry "I'm too old for the TBD pundits to approve of" Hughes put on a clinic against him in a playoff game, then one of the two following statements must be true: 1) Despite what the TBD haters say, Hughes DOES, in fact, have gas left in the tank. 2) Tunsil is over-rated. I'm good with either statement. Hateraide-gulpers: just pick one, and quit harping on both.
  5. Am I the only one out there who read this as: Bills give "Special Teamers" the option to opt-out for 2020 while maintaining seniority and seat location? i.e. Reid Ferguson doesn't have to long snap this year, and he gets his same spot on the bench, in 2021. I'm sorry... not enough sports... my brain is melting.
  6. Nope... Next time they will owe me, personally, two lobster rolls, and you one unused Brady "enjoyment tool" . Let's be real, tho: lobster rolls are pretty pricey, folks... That's something.
  7. I'll admit, I haven't read all 21 pages of this, but I was listening to Marcel Louis-Jacques, and he noted that if the Pat********** let Cam walk, after 2020, they'll net... Wait for it... Wait for it... THE 3RD ROUND PICK TAKEN FROM THEM IN THE BENGALS FILMING SCANDAL!!! Yep... Effin Cheat-you-outta-a-check has struck again... Eff that withered, reptilian Sith underling...
  8. @scottlaw Mark it down: I am agreeing with you, for once. Put a feather in your cap, and wear it all day ?
  9. ...Ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical dedication to the Pope ?
  10. @Happy Especially if the bartender happens to be spinning CCR on the sound system ???
  11. Tom Brady is old. Old people are at greater risk. I am pleased by this confluence of circumstances.
  12. Frazier's title is Assistant Head Coach: Defense.
  13. Wait... no... you're one of those people who post on Two Bills Drive, huh? I've heard of your type...
  14. Wait... the hat dissolved, or the guy?
  15. The other night, I watched the Fitzpatrick roast of Fred Jackson (yep... I am that deep into missing sports...), and Murphy introduced Fitz. I was actually blown away at how witty, and probably not-radio-friendly, some of Murph's quips were. He had me LOLing a few times, no doubt. It makes me agree with many on here that maybe the three hour propaganda fest, and some of the callers who had next to nothing to say, were wearing on Murph. He may be a homer, but he kinda is paid to be, and you never doubted that he loved the Bills (compare him to Mike "I enjoy peering at pictures of Tom Brady by candlelight, while touching my nether regions" RODENT, covering us for ESPN...). I have to say thanks for the years of service.
  16. What about Mother Dahmer? I hear she's a real hoot!
  17. My question is, does running uphill make you a better downhill runner, tho? ??
  18. Fire them. Now. We need more blue-collar UDFA's with amazing trick-shot videos and calves like Michael Jasper
  19. They'll be hunting us like a floating taco, @LABILLBACKER... Like a G.D. floating taco... You captured the smoldering, tar-covered wasteland part, but the eye isn't quite... Googley enough... I would consult with Bob Ross on that...
  20. Deshaun Watson: 45 mph... Quit this Peterman-rag-arm talk. Fromm's arm is decent, and he has more than enough arm strength to be an NFL backup; probably plenty even to be a starter, if you consider Watson's MPH. #getwoke #scienceiscool #watchingtapeiscooltoo #numbersareimportant Cut Davis Webb. 3 QBs on the roster (two extra spots; one for Fromm/Barkley, and the other for an extra OL).
  21. Yep. There's got to be more behind the Baun fall. He is undersized, but maybe there's more to the diluted drug test than us pleebs have heard about. H.I.P.P.A. has some protections for things like that leaking out. Wouldn't be surprised if there's fire where there's smoke.
  22. Agreed, but I feel like McBeane have Vosean Joseph in their back pocket. He was stashed on IR last year because we were worried he wouldn't clear waivers and get to the P.S. May not pan out, but he's in the mix, at least. Tyrel Dodson, as well. They must like their chances, between those two.
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