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Everything posted by ROCBillsBeliever

  1. So many talents; so little time!
  2. I don't know; it's hard to say who which would be a worse situation. Like J.R.R. Tolkien said, in The Hobbit: TL jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.
  3. Agreed, yeah their training staff was having trouble holding him up. CEH is a heavy load, for a shorter back. Definitely should have carted him off.
  4. Edwards-Helaire just got hurt pretty badly. I never wish something like that on a player, and I hope he's okay, but if we meet the Chiefs, I doubt he will be ready to go, by the AFC Championship. That looked really painful!
  5. Title says it all, folks. I'm just glad that we are no longer the NFL's face of abysmal failure. Mods: feel free to merge with Around the NFL, but I thought this was worth a thread.
  6. Tre shouldn't be overlooked. He is made for endorsements. Dude legit could be a comedian, when he retires, and he's got a made-for-TV smile.
  7. McBeane! You heard the man. Commence Operation Dabollganger, post-haste!
  8. Is there any way we can just make sure he goes to an NFC team? Tanya Harding the interviews, somehow? Asking for a friend.
  9. Lo, in those days a star arose in the East, proclaiming the coming of another pundit $#!t-post on TBD!
  10. Schopp sounded shellshocked. I could tell he was happy, but he just had forgotten HOW to be happy.
  11. Now Schopp and the Bulldog on the postgame... What will Schopp say? My bet: He'll divert the conversation to his fantasy team 🙄
  12. Our dear, local genius, @High Football IQ seems to have gotten lost in the sauce. His last post: November 29th... attached, below. I think it's fair to say he's so smart, he realized he was WRONG about this team. Dead WRONG. We're CHAMPS, Baby! It's spelled C-H-A-M-P-S, in case you were wondering.
  13. That sounds like it's time for Allen to overtake Jimbo in the passing TD category Also, I'm conveniently working until 7:00 pm, but I'll have John Murphy in my headset. Let's bring home the AFCE, buys!
  14. There... I fixed it for you.
  15. Honestly, this is the first Nick Wright anything I've watched (besides other people's tweets of him being trolled on his Wiki, which I could have watched for 8 hours straight; they are money...), and the dude is trying so hard. I can't recall who said it, but someone on here (Bless them; they're correct) likened Wright to "Thirsty" girls on Instagram... Dude is straight up thirsting, but hey... at least he's trying. I think he knows that he's in on the joke on/of himself, and is playing the idiot because, hey... it gets clicks. Scummy, carpetbagging way of living, but it is what it is.
  16. Hey, wait a minute... That dog's no American... That dog's a POSER! It's clearly an AUSTRALIAN Shepherd... Come on, guy! I'm sorry... I couldn't help myself
  17. Wait... You mean to say that a team built on Process, structure, and repetition, that was thrown off schedule because the NFL decided NOT to punish the egregiously COVID-rule-breaking actions of the Titans, and was rife with injuries might have been affected in a negative way by these factors? 😱😱😱 (I agree... The Titans should have forfeited their game against us, allowing us to prepare for the Chiefs). Oh well, now they won't know what hit them when we come for their jugulars in the playoffs!
  18. And then he probably spent 45 minutes driveling on-and-on-and-on about his fantasy hockey team... Schoop's a classless, Bills-hating neanderthal who probably believes the NFL is a fantasy league, and that his fantasy team plays the real games... loser is that out-of-touch, if not worse.
  19. The question, Colin, stands: Blue Cheese or Ranch?
  20. Last AFCE Title: 1995. I am licking my chops, folks! What a win. What a freaking win! I would like to submit this evening's performance for the "signature win" category, please?
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