Nah, I just have the worst luck, around. Nothing but the football Gods doing what they have done to me for years. The Bills are finally good, and I can't see the game. That's what I'm complaining about: the bad luck.
No, but my work is planning on my regular, Saturday shift from 10 am until 7 pm, EST...
Some people aren't 9 to 5-ers...
Those people are pissed. It's like we got Billsed, even when the actual Bills have stopped Billsing us...
250+ yards... Against the Moron-led Jagoffs...
Don't get me wrong: Taylor is a beast, but you gotta put it into perspective. They were playing the worst team in the league, and trying to burn clock.
And we are lucky that the Titans and the Ravens will knock one of themselves out. That's huge.
The path through to the end is clear, and it runs through Kansas City.
I see an AFC Championship for the ages.
Freeeeeaking heart-attack of a game.
Houston: How does it feel to lose that one? That's for last year...
(Yeah... I'm still bitter; also, I don't want to play TN)
Remember all of those posts over the years when the haters (@High Football IQ: you and your kin... We are looking at you) would ask if Alabama could beat our starters?
My, oh my, have the times changed!