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Everything posted by ROCBillsBeliever

  1. Sending up some prayers for ya, Kenny!
  2. @Augie Wow, that's a heck of a story! Thank you for sharing. That comment from your co-worker's kid was pretty hilarious! Love it.
  3. I played Freshman and JV, in High School, before realizing that a 140 lb, 5 ft. 6.5 inch kid is NOT made to play football. I was only good because I was very quick (played soccer since I was 6, so I had footwork that translated well to RB). Mostly played RB, kickoff and return gunner, and what our coaches called a "Monster Back" (which is ironic, seeing as I was a pipsqueak). Basically, they had us cover a 5-yard zone from one hash to the sideline. Looking back, it was cool that we actually played zone in HS! Some of my favorite moments: -Blitzed all the way around the OT, once, and caught an opposing RB from behind and horse-collared him. Didn't get a penalty, BUT I broke my nose, gave myself a concussion, and saw stars (I didn't have a middle-bar on my helmet, and the RB was so surprised at being tackled behind the line, from behind, that his forearm whipped back and cracked me in the nose)... That was cool. Stayed in the game because... hey... it was the 90's. Also, never missed a practice with the broken nose. Just got a visor/shield installed on my helmet. -Once was gunner while playing against the younger brother of Syracuse Orange Hoops' legend, John Wallace. The kid was probably 220 or more, and maybe 6 ft. 2. I had one play where he pancaked me three different times on a return, and I kept getting up. Ended up tackling the return man. Again... I was fast, but that's about it. -Once made a tackle, playing gunner, where I started on the far side of the field, looped around, caught up to the KR (running alongside him about 5 yards away), then turned and slammed him into the opposing cheerleaders. Looked up at the ladies and winked. That was cool. -Last one: On a RB play, I carried 7 kids into the endzone. I refused to stop or go down, and the refs let the play roll because they couldn't stop forward progress.
  4. Ah, quick-typing on my way to punch in for work. My apologies.
  5. Superbowl chances 2 and 3 were lost to THAT Derp?
  6. Chuckie is probably thinking: "Damn... I wanted to cut Nasty Nate, with the salary cap dropping, but he's just got the steadiest clipboard-holding-grip I ever done seen. Cut that man a $2.775 Million check, so nobody steals him from us!"
  7. Pineapple and bacon is even better than pineapple and ham. Amp up BOTH the crispy AND the salty! Unbeatable!
  8. Biggest Person Available? 🤔
  9. Which means that, if--as their cap space and team needs seem to indicate--New England picks up a bunch of FA's, they will LOSE THE COMP PICK FORMULA!!! ... And all TBD shall rejoice!
  10. The real question is what it would look like, compared to the Joe Webb package (P.S. How was I the first one to go here? How?)
  11. Wait a sec... if McKenzie leaves... what happens to McKittrick? 😱😱😱
  12. I'm going to be focusing on the game, soaking it all in, but I am here at heart, TBD brothers and sisters. Regardless of the outcome, thanks for an incredible year, and Go Bills!
  13. Whelp... We can now confirm that Robert Graft is still funding the TB12 product, and that he's got his hands in the pants pockets of the NFL...
  14. I love the fact that many of us, here, have gotten to see Brandt transform from giving the Bills a polite nod or a thumbs up, a few years back, to being an all-in fan! Makes me think of Chris Berman, back in the day. Love to see it!
  15. I feel like they honestly should rename the Comeback Player of the Year Award the Alex Smith Award. I was watching 60 Minutes the other week, and they did a deep-dive on Smith's gruesome injury, the long rehab and recovery. My wife is a Doctor of Physical Therapy. She kept cursing over the injury itself, first, and then how impossible his recovery was.
  16. From the looks of that woozy attempt to get up after he got knocked around, and the turf-toe limp, one man may be wobbling in our way!
  17. Although I agree, in theory, the inherent flaw in your argument is that you utilized the terms "Texans" and "smart" in the same sentence. They shouldn't be used in the same galaxy, much less the same sentence. 😂
  18. @Ridgewaycynic2013 I looked it up on Pfffffff, and amended your statement for you, per their expert analysis.
  19. Dear Sir, Could you send a facsimile message (a.k.a. "fax") to P.F.F. (a.k.a. "Pro Football Focus"), with said intel? I have a feeling that their monitors were turned off, and there may have been a disturbance in their computing systems, corrupting the data for said Divisional Round game, which we are discussing. I could be egregiously wrong, though, so do please check the facts, prior to contacting said media god entity...
  20. Wasabi paste on a dual-nasopharyngeal swab, followed by mustard gas to the eyes.
  21. Unfortunately, copious amounts of condiments can only improve his visage... Dude is a born troll with the face of a gremlin, run-over by a monster truck that spent a week mudding in a field of cow dung...
  22. I'll say this: I was so worried about playing the Ravens. I was flipping out when the Steelers wilted like a bunch of pantywaists... Well, I'm glad we played the Ravens. This was amazing! What a freaking incredible win for ALL of New York (sorry, New Jersey)! Glad to share this with all of you folks! Love you, much!
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