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Everything posted by ROCBillsBeliever

  1. Real talk: Has anyone here seen Leroi AND Whaley in the same place at the same time?
  2. Bruce Nolan (Buffalo Rumblings Podcaster) is high on Richie Grant - S - UCF. I figure Gabriel Davis will have some inside intel on him, too. If he's good in Gabe and Bruce's books, and THIS is the list, I say take him. CAVEAT: I would try to trade back a handful of spots (5-8), and see if we can add a 4th and get Grant. Not many teams take S in the 2nd, but we need to plan for a future after Poyer/Hyde (sadly... I don't want to think about it, but we do need to plan ahead).
  3. I wouldn't say I'm a super-fan, but you caught the reference, spot-on
  4. They say a lot of DB's are just WR's who couldn't catch 🤷‍♂️
  5. OP, you know what's fraaaakin' insane, tho? When you have a QB with a howitzer mounted on his shoulder, and people on other teams, who don't practice with said howitzer-laden QB have trouble catching his missiles... That's flippin' WYLD, bro!
  6. The Rosen one has elevated, @Ridgewaycynic2013; didn't you hear? He's so much better than all of us that he has his own list 🙄
  7. Aww, gee... Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy...
  8. @NoHuddleKelly12 Nope. I hear the kids these days are using SpaceBook, MySnap, and FaceTok, exclusively, all at once 🤔
  9. Texans may have won the playoff game, but you know Beane the Witch consulted with Jobu about this, told him Watson had drank his rum, and the inevitable results came, in due time...
  10. Imagine being so petty that you join an opposing team's message board to troll them... Oh... Wait... You don't need to imagine this... You live it
  11. Thanks for the tape, @Motorin'! Hadn't heard of Tonga, before, but he looks like Star on juice! I'd take a late round flier on him.
  12. I wish there were an A-EFF'IN-MEN emoji... I would bless this post with it, countless times.
  13. Dude should quit football, and open up a sub shop, featuring the Brodacious Ham Sammich... Hey... It'll fly in New Jersey...
  14. PEDelmen has been peddlin' meds to his own veins for a decade... Rob-you-blind-and-take-an-orchid-rub Graft stopped paying to gloss over his side-steps and, low and behold, the brown log has hit the proverbial fan. Justice is finally served. Drink your bitter cup, you Great American Pat****... I am in no way sorry for this cheat.
  15. I feel like this is a foreign concept to us Bills fans, since we are so used to being the poachers rather than the poached. In fact, we should take it as a tip of that hat to our depth and player development that our reserves are being recognized and offered the chance to start on other teams. And, as other posters have mentioned, this may be Marlowe's shot to make a run at a good contract and a starting role. It's actually good for the Bills, the Lions, and for Marlowe.
  16. @Albany,n.y. I'm in the same boat: I was livid that Beane LET us get jumped by the fuggin' JESTS. I thought that was the nail in another 16 year (at the time) coffin. Man alive, am I glad we were stone-cold wrong!
  17. Personally, I'm hoping that would be Bobby Hart, with his conspiracy theories and incredibly poor R.A.S., but hey...a future sixth is a future sixth, am I right?
  18. I would be ecstatic, if we landed him in the 5th!
  19. Thanks for sharing the vid, @H2o! I'd been hearing about Brown, but hadn't gotten to watch film on him. Checks a LOT of boxes: True 1-Tech; capable of eating up two O-linemen, to keep Milano and Tremaine free to roam and create havoc; great size and length; improbably mobile, for a guy his size. I really noticed his hand technique on some of the plays. He's got a full quiver of arrows, in that department. I don't know where the draftniks are pegging him, but without a 4th, this year, I wouldn't mind using our 3rd, or trading back to grab him in the 4th round.
  20. Half credit. Good digging!
  21. This is a break in the pipeline cycle, though... Normally, it goes Carolina --> Buffalo --> Las Vegas... How did Cincy break in on this? Were they in on some high-level business meetings?
  22. Very true, @MAJBobby! I recall Beane said that he tried to trade up for Moss, at a couple different points in last year's draft, and nobody would swap with us. All the trade-happy draftniks out there need to keep this in mind: in the same way that Madden is not the NFL, the mock draft simulators are not the NFL draft. If Wizard Beane couldn't trade up for Moss, it just lends perspective to how the mechanics of the draft really work. Thankfully, Moss dropped, and we got our guy.
  23. I voted JOK, mostly because of precisely what @Reed83HOF noted in that YPP Tweet: Of the three players available, JOK would be on the field the most (we rotate DE's, under Beane/Washington) and with the number of RBs in our stable, Etienne would be splitting time, and an LB has the most responsibility of those three position groups. You could argue that for supply, DE's (or at least, good-quality ones) are in shorter supply, but, hey...
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