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Posts posted by ROCBillsBeliever

  1. 15 hours ago, jrober38 said:


    It drives you nuts that the current MVP leader was available when our pick came up in 2017, and we traded it to a team who picked him?


    It should drive you nuts. It was the worst decision this franchise has made in 30 years. 


    If Mahomes would be a leading MVP candidate with our WR group and OL, then I, good sir, am a taco... a fish taco. 

  2. 26 minutes ago, Estro said:

    Fire Sean McDermott.  


    The man has shown he has no semblance of identifying or developing offensive talent.  


    His firing would be step 1 in any serious effort to get this team back on the rails.

    Yep. I mean, his ability to identify offensive talent has significantly decreased since our win over Minnesota...


    Or was that your patience I heard decreasing?


    I'm not calling YOU out; I'm just calling out THIS line of thinking.


    Let's be honest:


    1. We are not getting better on offense, this year.


    2. A number of decisions made in the offseason had negative impacts on the offense.


    3. A number of unfortunate injuries compounded those negative impacts of those decisions, particularly noteworthy on the offensive side of the ball. 


    4. We are stuck with what we have, and will continue to struggle on offense.


    5. Daboll is stuck with this cast of characters. Can't draw blood from a stone.


    6. McDermott and Beane are also, at this point, stuck with this cast of characters. 


    7. We are getting 10 draft picks, high in each round.


    8. We have 100 million in cap space freed next year.


    So, if you can't bear to watch this year, that's fine; punch out, and come back next year.


    Please stop making up false narratives that anyone at OBD is becoming better or worse at identifying offensive talent. What we got is what we got.


    Accept this: Some mistakes were made; some unfortunate injuries happened; we are in cap jail; we fixed the defense this year; they will work on offense next year. 


    Or, don't, and become a Pat's fan. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 29 minutes ago, Sammy Watkins' Rib said:

    I know a team that's in need of a highly paid back up QB.


    I see what you did there.


    So Anderson has him beat in Height and Hand Size?


    I hear that those are the only significant indicators for QB play. 


    No sarcasm here... none at all. 

  4. 2 hours ago, frostbitmic said:

    It's a very simple offense


    1st down - Hand off to McCoy who gets hit as soon as he gets the ball ... struggles to gain 1 yard

    2nd down - Hand off to Ivory who goes up the middle for 3 yards

    3rd down - Either Anderson runs for his life and throws it away or Peterman throws an INT.

    4th down - An adventure as Bojorquez attempts to punt


    Hey, don't publish that script! You know Belicheck reads these boards, don't you? He will learn all our secrets, man! 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. 8 hours ago, LFC24 said:

    had had 10 completions for 80 yards lol. 1 good throw doesn't negate the multiple games of poor QB play. 


    he was bad. i don't understand this "he needs better weapons" argument. who is Darnold throwing to? The Jets offense is not much better than ours. 


    Quincy Enunwa?


    He would be our #1 in a heartbeat. 

  6. 13 minutes ago, buffalobloodfloridahome said:

    Every time he made a good throw down the field it got penalized.


    Yeah, DiMarco negated JA's lone bomb on the night, lining up in the wrong spot. His alignment had zero effect on the play. Zero.




    But we cannot allow the Bills to have anything good happen on offense, now, can we? I mean, that would be a travesty! All the haters would have to eat crow! There's just not enough crow to go around, folks!


    And think of the pundits... The pundits would have to admit that they're wrong, and they don't know how to do that. They would need to be re-educated. I mean, just imagine the fiscal burden on our public education system, having to send every last reporter back to school, kindergarten through college? It would bankrupt the nation...


    And you cannot blame the refs. I mean, they just did a good job of keeping their Vegas-based, back-scratching buds in the black, that's all. Nothing to see here... :ph34r:


    In the 90's they kept us from winning the Superbowl. Today, they are gunning for every Josh Allen pass over 5 yards.



    I want to Billeve...

  7. 21 minutes ago, BillsRdue said:

    BOOM! My thoughts exactly.  O'Leary, Streater and Brandon Reilly have all shown more than Foster, Holmes, Lee and RayRay. Thomas I understand they kept because he is good at reading and picking up protections. 

    Thomas also has laid down some nasty blocks. Leveled a DE last week (link and vid are in the All-22 thread). 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 59 minutes ago, jtothebrown said:

    So many of us have been wondering why we havent signed any semi-notable wr's this year with the obvious need for help in that department.


    I recently spoke to a very reliable source today that told me why! The Dez Bryants, Maclins, etc have turned us down. We go through the scrap heaps for a reason. 


    Does your "reliable source" attend any high-level business meetings, tho?

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Jpsredemption said:

    He will play and he will hook up with Hopkins all over the field.


    We all know that you hate Josh Allen. Unfortunately, for your current argument, Allen plays quarterback, which is on the offensive side of the ball. He does not play Cornerback, which is on the defensive side of the ball.


    For more literature on offense and defense, as well as rules of the game of American football, I leave, for you, this little gem:




    So, sadly, for your argument's sake, your mortal enemy, Josh Allen, will not be able to let Watson hook up with Hopkins all over the field.


    Plus, that would probably be stopped by the refs, seeing as the modern NFL has put the kabosh on any inappropriate displays, such as Watson attempting to "hook up all over the field," as the kids say these days. Need I point out the infamous "Brady Dildo" incident, of yesteryear? Perhaps a picture will remind you of said escapade: 






    • Haha (+1) 1
  10. 22 hours ago, Rebel101 said:

    I agree but I really think they thought the way peterman looked in preseason and it being his 2nd year that he was gonna give them a good season...why else get ready rid of McCarron. Who I believe would have preformed better then both our current QBs while also giving Allen a little of a Vet presence to learn from. Getting rid of McCarron was a huge mistake but it goes back to this coaching staff conceding the fact of winning games this year they knew the roster they were taking into the season there is no way they expected to be competitive so I think they are just trying to teach this year and see if there are any young players worth keeping. Because honestly some of the moves this FO has made have been mind boggling. I understand they were told to fix the cap and all that but some things they’ve done to do that are ridiculous because there were pieces they should have kept if they wanted to win they clearly don’t care about winning this year 


    I do recall a Beane interview, where his comment on McCarron was, "He's not the guy we thought he was." Beane left it at that, leaving us to speculate on what he was inferring. Maybe he, and the staff, believed McCarron would not be a good mentor, after having spent time with him. I think back to the McCarron quote after the final preseason game, where he said (paraphrase), That was the most exciting win I've ever had! An odd thing to say about a 4th preseason game against scrubs...


    Just food for thought. 

  11. 9 hours ago, teef said:

    You don’t have to, but you do have to respect me as a person. 


    Even though the OP wasn't posting about Josh Allen being a bust, do we still have to respect his opinion about pies?


    What about cake? Surely, we must respect the OP's opinion about cake. What are we, Barbarians, here, people? Let the OP have a goddamn opinion about cake!


    But not about pies!

    • Haha (+1) 1
  12. I know, the mods will probably end this thread because they think it's a joke, but hear me out: possibly the lone positive thing Bill's fans can agree on about Whaley's tenure was that he was an ace at reclamation projects, pulling guys like Jerry Hughes into the fold for duds like Kelvin Sheppard, just to name one.


    Should the Bills bring back Whaley, just as a pro scout? I bet he would work for cheap, too. Hairbrained plot, or stroke of genius? You tell me.

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    • Haha (+1) 2
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  13. This is just clickbait for all the hateraide drinkers out there; nothing more. All I'm saying is that we, as Bills fans, need to stop thinking with a loser's mentality:


    "The Patriots are always better than us."


    "We lucked into that win."


    This kind of thinking only begets more of this kind of thinking...


    Think as winners. Play as winners. 


    Accept that we played our asses off, and beat a damn good team, in their house.


    Accept that the Patriots, and Tom Brady, and Billy O'Bellycheck, are mortal. 


    And maybe we might be able to beat them. Maybe not this year, but the day is coming... 


    Some dingus named Norman Vincent Peale wrote some book, at one point, that a lot of people (probably not Bills fans) read:




    That's all I'm saying.



    1 hour ago, dubs said:



    I actually never was on that board. Sorry to disappoint you.

  14. QB #1:


    C/ATT     YDS      AVG     TD    INT    SACKS     RTG

    14/26     133        5.1        1       1        2-13        65.0


    QB #2:


    C/ATT     YDS      AVG     TD    INT    SACKS     RTG

    15/22     196        8.9        1        0        3-32      111.2

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