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Everything posted by ROCBillsBeliever

  1. I'm going out on a limb to say we'll win two games next year ??
  2. I believe both of my statements were hedged bets, at most: "2018 hasn't panned out fully, yet. Teller has potential, but we aren't sure what he will be. Taron Johnson looks like gold, and Neal I'm on the fence over. 2018's 5th round could end up producing a stud and two starters." And I said I was on the fence over Neal... I'm not sure if you're trying to make an argument, but there's really not one to be made here. I said the jury's out on 2018, but we can't look to the past regimes' drafts to indicate how successful this regime will be at finding diamonds in the rough in the 4th and 5th round. We clear?
  3. I like the logic, here, @racketmaster, but I think we need more time to judge the value of this regimes' 4th and 5th round picks. The 2017 draft had Whaley's stench on it, so that's hard to argue over; you almost have to toss it out as a partial-past regime draft. 2018 hasn't panned out fully, yet. Teller has potential, but we aren't sure what he will be. Taron Johnson looks like gold, and Neal I'm on the fence over. 2018's 5th round could end up producing a stud and two starters. Thanks for the reference of past years, though; it's good to consider.
  4. No. You're right. The Patriot Way is finding new methods for breaking the rules and getting away with it. They will get another pick because Bob Kraft will get off with a wrist slap, because none of the holding penalties against Hughes were called vs the Pats, because...
  5. I doubt he has that issue in a Bills uniform ?
  6. DK and all the message board hype ninnies be like:
  7. Part of me agrees. Another part of me thinks back to last year's draft, when people all balked at Sony Michel's "bone-on-bone" knees. And he dropped... to the Cheats. And just how did that work out for Bellicheat? Pretty damn well. Rings talk, and Michel was a big part of their late-season ground-and-pound that ate clock while Mahomes and Goff rode the pine, waiting to see the field. I'm just saying, Bryce Love's injury might drop him, but his Jr year, he was sheer magic. Might be worth a 4th.
  8. Bob: Make it Orchid good. Tom: is this good enough, Emperor Palpati... I mean, Bobby ol' buddy ol' pal?
  9. But... but... but, had the Bills lost the 6 players the Pat's had lost, this board would have lost its s$#*, run McBeane up a flag pole, doused Kim and Terry in petroleum, and lit everything on fire. That's the difference: we lose four players and people freak out. The Pat's smartly jettison six, and reap the benefits.
  10. I hear he has trouble catching the ball, and scored poorly at carrying his lunch pail, during the combine.
  11. For any Yankee fans of my vintage, you will recall Chien-Ming Wang's lisfranc injury, and how it completely derailed what was pointing towards an all-star career for the pitcher. This article gets a little science-heavy, but it's a good note of caution: https://www.nydailynews.com/sports/baseball/yankees/x-ray-vision-chien-ming-wang-pitching-arm-foot-article-1.410641 A player like Brown relies on his feet to gain separation and make ridiculous cuts. My vote: HARD PASS, after seeing what this injury stole from the Yankees.
  12. Yep. My point was that Beane made a good move; this is counter to what a lot of negative posters on here say about Beane. We should be glad about that, as Bills fans. Part of my point, too, is that I feel as though there are folks who post on here who are definitively NOT Bills fans, and they hate-post, troll, whatever you want to call it. These folks will never admit the Bills are capable of making a good move. So part of my point was also to address that. I won't deny that the salary dump the Ravens scored is a major factor in the deal; I'm just comparing deals and players dealt, and saying, "Hey... Looks like the Bills made a good move, here."
  13. In an article today from Buffalo Rumblings, a salient point was made regarding Beane's continued witchery (link at bottom if the post). In it, Matt Warren notes that the Baltimore Ravens received a 4th round pick for Joe Flacco. We all know that Beane wrangled a 3rd rounder from the Browns for Tyrod. But if you break it down, the pick we got from the Browns was at least 40 spots higher (this is BEFORE compensatory picks are revealed) than the pick the Ravens received for Flacco. If you think what Beane pulled off was a bad move, in light of those numbers, you either: 1) Are a Pat***** troll 2) Failed Kindergarten math 3) Take Hatorade, introveniously Link: https://www.buffalorumblings.com/2019/2/13/18223460/denver-broncos-trade-for-joe-flacco-altering-buffalo-bills-2019-nfl-draft-trade-possibilities Maybe we aren't the worst... maybe we sometimes make good moves. Maybe it's time to start to Billeve!
  14. The funny thing about this picture is, it looks like The Rosen One--facing away from the camera--is about to ride off into the sunset
  15. After an extensive investigation, it turns out that sports beat writer, Nick Shook, had done all of his research on not the Buffalo Bills, but on Mr. Bill's Bowling Lanes, a defunct bowling alley in Columbus, Ohio. When confronted about leaving Levi Wallace out of his report, Shook was quick to remark: "That twerp couldn't break 150 if his life depended on it."
  16. What's the right price for a paytoilet? ?
  17. But is his Dad available for comment, tho?
  18. There, I fixed it for you.
  19. But that would require ESPN writers using logic and reason, neither of which are methodologies allowed by contractual agreement when signing on as an ESPN employee. As some might inquire, a few methodologies allowed in ESPN's employee handbook: 1. The spaghetti-against-wall method 2. Algebra 3. Drawing straws 4. Tea leaf readings 5. Asking high-school tennis coaches for hot takes
  20. Whelp... I guess defense doesn't matter at all anymore in the nfl. It's a shame that the Bills are behind the times, once again... #sarcasm #maybewearentwrong #maybedefensematters #maybethepunditsarefullofs*#$
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