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Everything posted by ROCBillsBeliever

  1. @eball Like Buffalo Rumblings podcast host, Bruce Nolan, says: Be as good as you can for as long as you can, and hope for a little luck 😉 @Pine Barrens Mafia You know, this is the kind of meta-analysis we should really talk about. Is Beane head-hunting for the scouts that keep getting hits on high-value positions in the draft? Joe Marino, of Locked on Bills Podcast, noted the other day that Green Bay has quietly built a nasty WR corps, without a single 1st round pick (two 2nds, a 4th, and a 5th). If I'm Beane, I would be in Terry's ear (or pocketbook), trying to get him to buy out some of Green Bay and Pittsburgh's scouts. That's what's going to make us successful, down the road. 4-D chess, man!
  2. I went Franklin because if there is a chance to double-dip at WR, there's not another player left with his skillset. Also, I think Coleman falls further than Franklin would, so there's still a slight chance to trade up for Coleman.
  3. Yeah, definitely true on the Samuel signing, and good point on Brady's potential tenure. I mean, none of us know how long these guys will last. Heck, if you told me we would move on from Morse--or to a lesser extent Diggs, due to the dead money--I'd have scoffed at it, but here we are.
  4. @KDIGGZ Ha ha! That's exactly what I was saying: If we can get him with a trade down into the 2nd, or a slight trade up from 60, I'm in. Right there with ya, buddy! Agreed that he's not the value I want at 28.
  5. You know who else was skinny and went down easily? Diggs. Just sayin'. I'm not super high on Franklin, but we literally just need bodies that can run and catch, at this point. If we can get him with either a trade down in the 1st or a small trade up in the 2nd, I would be down with it. Also of note: I've heard that Brady courted Franklin to try and get him to LSU, while Brady was there. He's got some intel on Franklin, and if Brady likes him, there's got to be good reason for it. Just food for thought.
  6. Andy Reid is sending his son to consult with Sweat, now, about trying to drop further, so they don't even need to spend assets on him. Inhumane behavior, but #typical from KC...
  7. @GunnerBill I'll have a double-portion of Option 4, with a side of chips & malt vinegar, please!
  8. Does this mean McDermott will actually start rookie WR, this season, or is the plan to only pass to James Cook and Tyler Johnson 🤔
  9. Just saw that Vonte Davis passed. For the less than stellar time he had here, Davis should be remembered for some seriously incredible seasons: Sad loss.
  10. Have to agree on Corley. Sadly, he is mostly a slot guy, so he'll basically help some other team beat us 😭
  11. PLEASE, Tomlin: Take JPJ, so we don't have to! Bump another (Insert word that's been banned from this thread) down the board! Am I doing this right?
  12. That's valid: We aren't where we were, and the calculus has changed. Maybe I'm scarred; maybe those scars still speak.
  13. I feel like the only people voting "Yes" didn't live through the Watkins debacle.
  14. Yeah, @Ethan in Cleveland, I hear The Browns have global marketing rights in Nigeria: They may just need an insightful poster like you to head up their message boards, over there. Opportunity knocks, OP! Get 'er done.
  15. Or if Byron Murphy III slips, and AD Mitchell and BT Jr are off the board, I'd be good with Murphy, too.
  16. @Warriorspikes51 I was about to post this. Pretty aggravating. That one on Sherfield cost us in the AFC Divisional Round.
  17. Does Levi Wallace count, in terms of "Excelled"? Meh... 🤷‍♂️
  18. Whelp, instead of lying down and dying, like our D does in playoff games, this guy appears to make splash plays in those situations. The whole starter v.s. backup argument is moot... We had defensive starters who underperformed when the chips were down. This guy has proven he outperforms in those situations. For that reason alone I'm on board with this signing.
  19. Jerruh (Probably...): "I done heard that them there comp picks was the cats' pajamas. I reckon' we'll get us some, next year with this new strategy I've employed."
  20. Thanks for the clarification! I thought some teams had a boatload of comp picks. This makes sense.
  21. Is it so that no team can Garner more than 4 comp picks? I thought aid heard that, somewhere; not positive whether it's true or not.
  22. Welcome to The Department of Redundancy Department.
  23. We now have people to catch the ball 😱😱😱 Seriously, though, this is incredible news! Stoked that it's NOT just a 1-year. Beane knows we need continuity in the WR corps. Samuel reunited with Brady. Stoked!
  24. Awesome! Get that BAAAAD man out of Bengal stripes, and the AFC in general!
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