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  1. That's all this was. Trump wanted the wiggle room of an increased debt ceiling to pass now before his inauguration, that way he and the Republicans wouldn't have to take the blame for raising the debt ceiling when they take full control of the government, despite campaign promises of reducing debt and waste. Last time Trump tried to play chess, he asked why the board wasn't red and black. Democrats didn't blink here, so now the pressure is really on the Republicans to deliver.
  2. No offsetting penalty for the blatant holding by Taylor?
  3. Lol I like how Josh didn't know it counted as a receiving TD and thought it was pretty cool. His comment on starting himself in fantasy also gave me a laugh.
  4. Congrats, Josh! Wishing you both the best.
  5. This was my first interpretation as well. If Josh doesn't start to go down just before that, then the punch would've been at the same height as where the ball was when he was upright.
  6. Props to Brown for instinctively protecting his QB.
  7. Colts D-line is playing with strength in all phases of the game.
  8. Refs tried to ice the kicker for us lol
  9. I had a bad feeling about not taking the field goal before that attempt was even ran.
  10. Because those darn defensive players keep getting sacks, I keep having to order a Big Mac Sack deal the day after our games. It's just too good of a value to pass up. The Bills know this and are purposely sacking the QB just for this reason! Those sack bonuses and W-L columns are only a mirage! DISCLAIMER: Obviously this is a joke... I mean I'd never order a Big Mac otherwise 🤣
  11. Lol 90 playfully acting all hurt from his own teammate accidentally kneeing his head.
  12. And I’m completely fine with that. It’s a useful skill set for an offensive toolbox.
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