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Everything posted by Billsfansinceday1

  1. I revere and fly the flag 365 days per year and I always stand for the National Anthem with my hand tightly over my heart. I also spent 20 years in uniform defending others' rights to do otherwise. We can't pick and choose which parts of the Constitution we approve of and which ones we don't. Some people do not and never will understand that truth. Please note that my blood boils at disrespect for the flag as much as anyone.
  2. Nice analysis. I suspect that Holmes was given the night off because he is already part of the 53 man roster but those hands are a definite concern.
  3. OK. Take out Peterman now. Works for me.
  4. Lots of flags...and not against the Bills. That's new. TD JW!!!!
  5. I think he will at least be as good as TT but it is just too soon to put him out there and possibly destroy his confidence. Let him learn on the sidelines and I predict he will be ready by midseason.
  6. I said Taylor but that is only because Petermen isn't ready to succeed YET. It looks like Taylor has hit his ceiling and Peterman looks is life me he is at a comparable level. Don't rush it and damage his confidence. I suspect t he will be ready by mid season.
  7. I cannot recall one single instance where Bills fans jumped to a hasty conclusion about a young player. Alzheimer's sucks.
  8. they already have 12 picks and 5 in the first 2 rounds. If Kizer is the real deal, they will dominate for years to come. Under any circumstances, I don't see them going for a QB in 2018.
  9. The D looks like one that can be dominant. To a large degree, of course, it will depend on the offense to keep them off the field a reasonable amount of time with injuries and refs as the wild cards.
  10. Jones Matthews Streater Holmes Tate Brown
  11. Ah jeez. Just stop the insanity.
  12. That hardly qualifies as a speed bump. Yikes!
  13. Zay Jones. He looks like something special.
  14. Huh. I would think that part of the contract with the stadium would be that they are open for large events. Like someone already said, what's the point?
  15. HMMM. Two rookies at least providing a little cause for hope.
  16. Well, at least Schmidt seems to be punting well.
  17. Man there are a lot of flags whenever Hochuli's crew is on the field.
  18. Like it or not NE has a culture and so does Pittsburgh. I guess I am saying yes.
  19. That would be a monumental mistake as TV dollars erode and CTE grows in the fears of players and fans. Many fans will certainly leave and never come back.
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