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Everything posted by Billsfansinceday1

  1. I wonder if the national news will get wind of this. Does anybody have media connections?
  2. Wait. We are going to make a QB announcement 2 days after we earn our first trip to the playoffs in 18 years? That sounds insane unless it's Joe Montana reincarnated.
  3. About 100 pages ago, there was supposed to be some HUGE news today so I keep looking for anything...nuthin' but crickets.
  4. Well, if the baby came on time, he may be a bit preoccupied right now.
  5. Big fan of Deep Purple for many years. Ian Gillan has a great voice and I have always been impressed with his vocals in Jesus Christ Superstar. Gethsemanie remains one of the greatest show songs ever.
  6. It may get below freezing here just north of Tampa. Coldest weather we have seen since we moved here 6 years ago.
  7. How do you see Alex Smith and Cousins factoring into the QB equation? A couple of teams will probably not be in the QB hunt by draft day.
  8. Wow. Fromm is a good looking Freshman QB.
  9. I take it back?. Congrats to UCF for a perfect season. And then there is Bake Mayfield. TD Oklahoma Sooners.
  10. UCF playing Auburn tough but Auburn just a little better.
  11. Thanks Ice. It’s been a long time coming.
  12. I hope you will let us know what you decide. Congratulations!?
  13. It has always been challenging. I happened to be sent to SHAPE, Belgium right after the attempt on General Haig’s life. The bomb crater was still there in the road and there were polizei with machine guns everywhere. Things are worse now, to be sure.
  14. No...but I am misty eyed this morning. Must need more coffee.
  15. Thanks. I am adopted and got my DNA results today. I am 73% Brit. Cousins perhaps??
  16. Let me be the very first to say YESSSS.
  17. I was afraid it was an Achilles.
  18. That makes me so happy. Kyle finally gets into the playoffs on his first ever rushing TD.
  19. Looks like my simple answer will not be coming any time soon.
  20. It is covfefe. Very important word.
  21. It’s a simple question and it is unclear who is trapping whom. i would be happy with a simple answer.
  22. People were saying the same thing about Wentz and Goff a couple years ago and there was a lot of concern about Watson last year. There will be surprises on the plus and minus sides...there always are.
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