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Everything posted by Putin

  1. That’s almost as much as what I paid for my AR15 yesterday
  2. That was the dumbest decision
  3. Why going for 2 ????
  4. If they reverse the call I’m breaking my wife’s iPhone
  5. Wow I haven’t seen this much speed out of the RB position in decades
  6. Man this sucks having to defend a QB who can run the ball
  7. Our defense is getting sliced and diced
  8. We don’t really need a punter on this team but if we do decide to keep one I’m hoping it’s punt God
  9. Punt God great hold !!!!!!!
  10. Horrible throw by Barkley
  11. Probably a PS candidate
  12. Shakiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir
  13. How many more f¥>£ flags do the refs have left in their pockets ??? This is a freaking joke Johnson is not making this team
  14. Spector is a BEAST bah bye Edmonds
  15. Great call 🤦🏼‍♂️ WTH is going on with our defense????
  16. I would say so far all of our late round picks look pretty darn good
  17. Agree !! But imagine Josh throwing to Shakir
  18. Shakir was the steal in this draft IMO
  19. I’m pretty sure he would be at least a little better playing with the first
  20. I’m not sure if we still are s SB contender after this first half performance
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