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Posts posted by Putin

  1. People weren't shot for no reason. They didn't follow instructions, an officer felt threatened and discharged their weapon to protect the self or others. An investigation , grand jury , jury or judge etc found it was justified according to the letter of the law. Period. No one is shot and the shooter goes home and everything ends there. Maybe Kaep believes it does, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

    oh i know , the whole ( hands up dont shoot ) BS was created on a folse narrative , i was just saying what > Kapp is saying


    It's a union thing. They are obviously going to stand together.

  2. Not really, it's more matter of skin tone. This isn't 1950. Things are very different, laws are on the books etc. The past cannot be changed. Some perspectives will never be changed either. But there is only one truth, one reality. You'd think the US was under apartheid in the world according to Kaep.

    the same Kapp that is offended by the American flag because of all the injustice , wears a Fidel Castro t-shirt , smh

  3. The method of protest that they have chosen?


    They chose this type of protest because it was the type of protest that Trump was directly commenting on.

    I don't know if this post is serious or not. I'm assuming not.


    That said, my parents escaped from East Germany in the 50's to gain the freedoms that they didn't have there. They left behind everything to be free. Friends, family and all worldly possessions.

    I visited my extended family in East Germany numerous times and was aghast to see what it's like for people who have no freedoms.


    Being able to protest against an a-hole president is something that all Americans should be proud of and hold dear, even if you don't agree with them.

    1-why would you assume the post is not serious ?

    2- so the protest is against a-hole president ? i thought it was against the cops who shoot african Americans for no reason




    I was born in the old Soviet Union in 1966 , i remember( WELL ) when i was 7 years old in class i draw a mustash on ( back then Russian president Brezjnev ) in a school news paper , when the teacher saw what i did 10 minutes later 2 cops show up and took me to the station , both of my parents were picked up from work and brought to the station , ( i will never forget ) my mother on her knees crying beiging the cops to let this go , or else my dad would end up going to prison , we had to pay the cops off with everything we own money , gold , they came and took what ever they wanted from our house , 5 years later we got the permission to leave the USSR only because my dad was Jewish ,

    im now 50 years old have 4 kids born here ( in the greates country in the world ) United States of America

    not a day goes by that i dont remind my kids how lucky they are to be born here in the Greatest country on this plannet

    My whole point is this , most of these athleats dont even know how ( LUCKY ) they are to be born here , where if you want to kneel during the national Anthem you have the freedom to do so , do i agree with it ? it does not matter , what does matter is that we have choice , where in alot of countries untill this day you could end up in prison or worse , for just speaking out against the goverment .

    I just want to say this , we could have a debate about this whole standing or sitting during national Anthem , but there is no debate about that we live in the greatest country on this planet ,

    God bless America and our man and woman ( of our millitary ) who risk theyre lives every day ( for ALL of US )

  5. Put Peterman In!!!!

    This ^^^^

    There are a lot of so-called experts of this board that should be eating a whole lot of crow.


    First, Gaines has been more valuable to this team so far this year than what Watkins has been for the Rams.


    Second, some people here were sure that we would only win a couple more games and gave us no shot at winning against the Broncos, because we lacked "speed and talent"


    Third, there has been criticism of the coaching and it's clear as day that this is the best coached team we've had in quite some time.


    Fourth, people have been critical of Beane and the front office this offseason, virtually all of his major moves we've made have been positive contributors to this team.



    This is what a real football team looks like, not bits and pieces of a team via star power.


    Can't wait till next year when we have 6 picks in the first three rounds and all that cap room.

    Great win !!!

    But a little to early with all the awards ( IMO)

  6. gillislee and goodwin would have been nice to keep. one was easy to keep and the other way too expensive to keep.



    play makers do not have to cost a lot of money. simply having a wr who can open the top of the defense or a running back who can move the pile can do a lot for an offense. the hardest part to ever find is the tight end who can move down the seam of the defense.

    I did not see Gillislee move the pile on those 2 tries against the Chiefs
  7. It was a tough game... But football is a game for tough people. The first half wasn't pretty at all offensively. They got absolutely no push in the run game and Jordan Mills was a turnstile in the pass game. Allowing Peppers in the backfield all day.


    Rough play calling was also the norm in the first half. What happened to opening TT up??? I hope this is an anomaly because it was JV esque. The other team knows you're running it on first down... So run a quick PA or a backside screen. Dennison HAS to be better. The first few drives were very rough


    Football is a team game. I've always believed and preached that. It never comes down to one play. Football is a 60 minute game and you play it through the final whistle every play. Some times the first half stinks.. you regroup and have a fantastic second half hopefully. I'm also not a believer of singling out a guy just because he played bad. I've been on that side before, and you need your teammates to have your back. That's the family part of football. It's a long season


    Big props to the defense. Backs against the wall all day, and they never broke. The kept fighting, clawing and scraping by play after play. Shaq Lawson had his best day as a pro. Good for you young fella! Keep building on that


    Fantastic Defensive performance from the front 4 and the Defense as a whole. After adjustments in the second half they were flying Around and I appreciate that they played all 4 quarters even with no offensive scoring and having bad field position all day


    TT and the line have to play a lot better next week if we are gonna have a chance.


    Go Bills



    Man I was hoping this is the week we unleash T Taylor ,
  8. Does anyone change their goal? I know the knee jerk but if the Patriots have an average year and MIA forced to play 16 straight mixed with the Jets sucking is anyone kinda feeling the Bills this year or is the trading away of Sammy and Darby just really kill it for you? I'll hang up and listen.

    Darby trade wouldn't even be an issue for me , but the Watkins trade ( IMO ) definitely hurts our chances to compete against the Patriots, just watching the last nights game speed kills

  9. It's building a team, not just putting a bunch of talented players on the roster. Some pieces just don't fit. There is no way they would have signed SW for the money he's going to demand and people would have been more pissed that they let him walk for nothing. Get something for him and avoid a messy situation in the off season. If a player doesn't fit the scheme, try to get something for him and ship him out. Letting JW go was more of a ST decision than anything, TJ is good special team'er.


    I can't really argue too much about any of their moves to this point.

    We can't really argue with any of their moves to this point , is because we haven't seen anything ( YET )

    Let's see what happens on Monday morning

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