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Everything posted by Putin

  1. Agree 100% And it's about time that we are the ones getting those breaks , it's almost as I'm supposed to feel guilty about (Bills win because of the ball bouncing OUR WAY for a change ...
  2. Sorry EJ sucks as a QB ( even as a backup IMO ) but he ain't no d-bag
  3. For a second I was about check my calendar to see if it was April 1st
  4. Just like I said in predict the score thread , if can't throw for 300 yards , we better be able to run for 200 or we're not winning this game
  5. He made some big time plays for FSU
  6. Falcons @ home will be huge test for our D , If we can keep this game close with a chance to win at the end , I would be extremely happy with that , I just hope our young secondary doesn't get lit up , If will run the ball well and keep chains moving and keep our D fresh we might have a chance , Let's GO Buffalo !!!!
  7. Will find out this Sunday how good our defense really is , i have to admit that i did not expect our defense to play as good as they have,i dont expect the Bills to win this Sunday , BUT if our D play's well and its a close game ( even if we lose ) i will be really pleased ,
  8. yes lets hope , because $100million , oh well lets hope
  9. ill tell you what the F is going on Black people who were never slaves are fighiting white people who were never Nazi's over a confederate statue erected by democrats , because democrats cant stand their own history anymore , and somehow it's Trump's fault ..
  10. what about wearing pink in support of breast cancer
  11. holding hands up was a political statement ( against the cops )
  12. what about the 5 police officers who got ambushed and massacred in Dallas ? by a racist piece of trash who said he hated white people and the NFL denied Dallas Cowboys the request to honor fallen police with a helmet decal , at the same time NFL had no problem and no finds were inforced with ( hands up dont shoot ) > BS by the Rams players , how freaking sad is it that the NFL has no problem with players disrespecting our flag , but it has a problem with players honoring the fallen police officers , go ahead let the bashing and name calling beggin
  13. I protest against every single moron that kneels during our national Anthem 🇺🇸 Is that ok ?
  14. the same Kapp that is offended by the American flag because of all the injustice , wears a Fidel Castro t-shirt , smh
  15. 1-why would you assume the post is not serious ? 2- so the protest is against a-hole president ? i thought it was against the cops who shoot african Americans for no reason
  16. I was born in the old Soviet Union in 1966 , i remember( WELL ) when i was 7 years old in class i draw a mustash on ( back then Russian president Brezjnev ) in a school news paper , when the teacher saw what i did 10 minutes later 2 cops show up and took me to the station , both of my parents were picked up from work and brought to the station , ( i will never forget ) my mother on her knees crying beiging the cops to let this go , or else my dad would end up going to prison , we had to pay the cops off with everything we own money , gold , they came and took what ever they wanted from our house , 5 years later we got the permission to leave the USSR only because my dad was Jewish , im now 50 years old have 4 kids born here ( in the greates country in the world ) United States of America not a day goes by that i dont remind my kids how lucky they are to be born here in the Greatest country on this plannet My whole point is this , most of these athleats dont even know how ( LUCKY ) they are to be born here , where if you want to kneel during the national Anthem you have the freedom to do so , do i agree with it ? it does not matter , what does matter is that we have choice , where in alot of countries untill this day you could end up in prison or worse , for just speaking out against the goverment . I just want to say this , we could have a debate about this whole standing or sitting during national Anthem , but there is no debate about that we live in the greatest country on this planet , God bless America and our man and woman ( of our millitary ) who risk theyre lives every day ( for ALL of US )
  17. Here we go !!!! ( you conservetives snowflakes )
  18. i really wish everyone would keep politics out of sports , with the way the country is devided the last thing i want to see is more Trump bashing when i turn on the sport center , SMH
  19. Just a week ago - It's time to see what Peterman can do This coaching staff ( Dennison ) is horrible We have the worst WR's in the NFL OL zone blocking blah blah blah Amazing what one win can do
  20. How about we see if he can stay healthy for at least half of season ? $8M a year SMH
  21. This ^^^^ Great win !!!But a little to early with all the awards ( IMO)
  22. I'm pretty sure we ( Bills fans ) all know who EJ Gaines is , I will get more excited about him when the rest of the NFL will know who he is !!!
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