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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. CAREER.. Take that first year of learning out of the equation man... its not 5%.. We want what Josh can do at his full capabilities... no one is going to look at what josh did his rookie year and compare ANTHING from that year. period... did ya read anything i just said?
  2. It does matter. Winning always matters. Throw his rookie season out the door... Learning season and Josh's stats were that year. Let's start year 2 where he vastly improved. Then You have to look at how home crowd Noise helps compared to silence year 2. Then Throw weather into it. We had games with brutal weather/winds. Then Last year.. we added a game. I look at the last 2 years and do not see anything significant enough to how you state that Josh is better in away games....
  3. I doubt it come on...
  4. I hope it is Chris Rock... don't hold back baby....
  5. love the thread. Hope you do not mind but the best way I could do this is Make your reds Bold so i can display who among the reds I would like to keep and why Punt God Mat Araiza... this dude is a lock and don't get why he is not locked in. He going to blow people's minds in practices and any competition ends there. Cam Lewis. I think he is a very serviceable backup and makes the team Tyrel Dodson This player fits "the process" mold as he is a solid special teamer Shaq Lawson I have always loved Shaq. Team player and has great play/situational awareness though I hope AJ makes a big step up this year. Marquez Stevenson Love his speed and think he still has a lot to offer... BUT if he keeps mucking or dropping punts/returns in practices even... he will be an early drop.
  6. maybe its because its offseason... maybe its just me.. maybe I am cranky? But seriously... who cares what someone says, does or what Tom Brady says or does? The guy is a scum bag and I can care less.
  7. My thoughts are, why even bring this up? there are people that are going to hurt on this one for a long time... Why dig at old wounds? what's the point of this? Why bother putting yourself through the pain of watching the highlights?
  8. Pay oFF yea? see what I did there? lmao.
  9. LOL "Ground control to Major Tom"~~~
  10. did anyone see where that ball landed? seriously?
  11. of course who is to say how good the communication is between the new QB coach and josh ya know? just thought it would be an interesting question to present.
  12. So I went out looking for a Ken Dorsey topic to share some questions in mind (Your welcome @Hapless Bills Fan ) and I have these questions. 1. Josh Allen's performance...would one think that having Ken Dorsey at his side helped him a lot? If so how much? 2. Brings up the next question. Should Ken be upstairs or at field level for at least the first few games? OP put out a great topic, thought I would add to it with these questions.
  13. I got a message for Whaley
  14. yea... this game is personal
  15. man i was sleeping a long time ago
  16. oh man. your going to have to get over it lol
  17. it's not just the who, it's the where
  18. That dude will go anywhere for free food...
  19. he wanted different and is riding that train till the end...
  20. lol yep cause we wont need another LOL
  21. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH No..... Sorry I put this dude high! not this hi!
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