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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. how much better run defense do you all think we have compared to last year? this game scares me the second i saw it on the schedule
  2. seriously, ty for the update
  3. is KC playing really good or are the cards playing it really bad?
  4. read up we both nailed this
  5. HA there's my week 1 upset
  6. so you explain an aspect of this I would not understand, Finacial's is not my thing in football. my gut tells me the dude getting an extra 2 years and gone. and again, they made it clear “Jordan appreciates this good will gesture by the Bills as we continue to work for a contract extension.” its not like the work is over. that being said, as always thanks for explaining that side of football to us.
  7. i mean, are some of us blind to the fact of this final line was in this report “Jordan appreciates this good will gesture by the Bills as we continue to work for a contract extension.” How would one assume they are dumping an extra 1.5 mil without hoping to keep him longer? hell they could of given him an extra 750k and it would of kept him happy for the rest of the year. what am i missing folks?
  8. Bolded, i have not read anything to this being true or false and because so this looks like an assumption on your part. IF it is true im 100% behind you on this
  9. Patriots and the Dolphins. Many on these boards feel both teams got way better but Miami with a suspect QB and Patriots with a Suspect Oline. hope they knock each other's teeth in
  10. piss him off? meh... Von wants to feel fresh out there. Rams worked the dude to death. Von is smiling right now. we are not talking about a young tike ya know? lol
  11. your NUTS. They dont give him more money this year just to let him go. they give him more money this year to add years to his contract.
  12. they had to! how much more would his net worth be if in the next 3 games he gets 2-3 more INT? This was not by choice folks.. this was dictated lol
  13. Poyer gets a few more INT this year, they will have to pay more then that..
  14. True and false. There are specific running plays for each RB and there are general plays for any RB. The General any RB play Geary Dictates
  15. No.. we in the garbage business and Buffalo just took out the trash. The real Job is when we cut up whoever we go after in the SB. THAT will be the best day ever. 53 years old you saw some amazing football...
  16. we said the same stuff about davis. give it time.
  17. Many of those runs were by choice. A couple of those were good licks... Josh stood up and smiled... EVERY TIME! Its like he needed to be hit... im not worried
  18. "Josh Allen needs Consistency" sorry "Josh Allen HAS Consistency" have a good day as well.
  19. Turk, Some people love football. Some of us KNOW football. And its no disrespect the the poster we replied to its just that we see the game different. On that note take away a dumb int and a crazy fumble? I said before the game that this would not look close.... that our rookies would look much better then some thought... that Von will have an effect on this game. I still stand by that.
  20. he needs consistency? are you nuts? the first INT was not his fault. The second INT, I put that 50% on the WR. You have to understand JA got used to a Beasley squaring his rout. putting effort into doing so. Crowder is a different football player where Crowder uses a lot of deception in his game. When Crowder cut out and realized the CB was on his front side and not on back side, then Crowder should have ran his rout going slightly back to the line of scrimmage so he had the angle. he didn't do it and these are nuances Josh needs to learn from his new WR that played very little in the preseason together. This being said Josh should not of thrown that ball so i put that throw 50% Crowder 50% Josh. Josh threw the ball 31 times completed the ball 26 times. Math time 31 throws -26 5 passes went somewhere else -1 int not his fault So 4 passes went somewhere else Diggs every day catches that td, went through his hands so 3 passes went somewhere else -1 int (for the sake of argument) was joshes fault brings us to 1 ball was thrown away another was a tough throw under pressure. THREE passes out of 31. you think Brady never threw INT's? Lets get one more thing straight. Those announcers last night for a while thought they were watching Tom Brady play last night. and you say he has consistency issues? Just Stop. I said before the game that our CB's would look better then some thought and because of the Von Miller effect, that game would not look close. I said it in these forums. and if you take away a rookies fumble, we have 7-10 more points on the board. Gulp that down.
  21. IF you watched Beasleys rout running, when Beasley splits off left or right, its a square. Crowder when he splits off it has a little arc to it. One other thing. When you square to go out, you have to make sure that CB is behind, not in front of you and if he is in front of you then crowder needs to run towards the line of scrimmage. Thats on Crowder. That being said, Allen new the CB was in front. should not of thrown it
  22. They put cook out there and run him out of the backfield just to see pictures of if he blows the coverage or the player itself, then throw a short slant on the other side of the field so they get a good look at it. This first play of the drive dictates how much cook plays today 5 yard slant to McKeazie goes for 7 yards. Second and 3 then they take cook out and run the next play to test their favorite running play. Then they pass for a first down.
  23. For the Billievers, it's time to Believe For the lovers of this team around the globe, you will love us more To the doubters, you will enjoy crow To the average fan that is not like a fanatic like me... you will become one To the fans that only watch when we are good? your life has been changed To our competition... you will respect. To the excuse makers, there are no more excuses To the whining crybabies. they won't stop crying. To the haters after we win it all? They will still hate! Its season opener. Are you ready? I am
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