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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. There are a few things wrong with this. #1. Samuel had 62 rec. for 613 yards with not the best of QB's throwing at him. If he catches the ball 82 times.. Expect closer to a 900 yard season. #2. James cook is going to get better not worse. 625 last year... near 700 yards this year. #3 Shakir.. 39 catches for 611 yards last year... If he catches 52 times... expect a 675-700 year at least. #4 Kincaid hes likely going to get more and not less receptions this year.. 73 receptions for 650+ yards last year, Makes no sense that Kincaid's catches go down not up... your numbers do not add up.
  2. any links? anything? here ya go... https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/nfl-top-100-players-of-2024-patrick-mahomes-reigns-again-myles-garrett-top-defender-in-priscos-rankings/
  3. Justin Simmons please
  4. The Longest 6 weeks? On these Boards? The second Buffalo does not make the playoffs or loses their playoff game.
  5. ONE BIG pike of DOODOO If Cook had same amount of snaps Thurman had his first year....... I am not saying hes top 5 YET... Just stop looking at yards and START looking at how many carries the dude has and his average...
  6. So what? My point is... You can call Singletary average... no one should be calling cook average.. Cook is way better... Using the word average for him is so bad..
  7. Yep and all of these names were in the "run first era" you look at the carries these guys had compared to cooks... big difference... 60-100 more caries between the 2 years for each of those players accept Fred.
  8. Ok ok OK... Lets get some Perspective here guys ok? Antowain Smiths first 2 years he had 495 carries Cook first 2 years he had 326 caries.. This is a pass first league. Different even when we had Thurman even. Thurman's 505 caries first 2 years McCoy 437 first 2 years in Buffalo Travis Henry 538 carries the first 2 years in buffalo. The argument is, the more snaps, the more Average per carry goes down cause of all the no gains... The other argument is... the more snaps... also = more blow out plays as well. The bottom line... You cant compare our top 5 with Cook cause it was a different league with the top 5. its not a fair comparison. at all. The best thing you can do is look at averages only... You cant even compare reception yards to that area, cause that era.. defenses were slower and screen plays were in its prime... So lets look at OTHER Numbers.. OTHER than yards ok? Thurman Thomas.. Rushing TD first 2 years 6 Cook first 2 years 4 Thurman Thomas Passing TD first 2 years 6 Cook first 2 years 5 Thurman Thomas Rushing Average first 2 years 4.25 Cook 5.2 Lets look at total rushing yards.. JUST FOR FUN... Thomas 2125 total yards Cook 1629 Cook split his snaps his first year. Last year cook got 1122 yards Thurman got 1244 Thurman had 61 more caries his second year Do I think Cook is a top 5 right NOW? Heck no... its stupid even trying to go there... out right dumb.. Put people calling cook average? Thats down right hating... I dare you guys put cook at one of the few teams that runs first... and then look at cooks yards.. AND NOT TO MENTION... Thurman had an amazing offensive line. Stop hating Cook...
  9. Chicago Bears, 36 total hall of famers. "What team do you feel has had the most collection of talent in the history of sports?" I think OP needs to make this more specific. History as in most in one year history or ever? as in total? I noticed in his input that, he mentions teams during an era. Bills had 5 players a HC and a GM during an Era. That cant be ignored either.
  10. Alligator arms.. get it right...
  11. can we just put this thread to rest?
  12. 1. Crossing Patterns 2. Bubble Screens 3. and then the rare fakes that start to look like crossing patterns but then stretches the defense deep in the middle.
  13. There is not nearly enough data here and I will give some examples.. Third and 10 at the 30 with a huge lead.. Risk/reward 4th down at the 20 yard line with like 15 yards needed... again way ahead. games 0-0 late in the second. Third down.. long.. Take a shot. There are plenty of scenarios where it didn't matter if he threw an INT.. All this being said... does he throw too many sloppy throws? Yes... he does.. no doubt.. But when you have a QB named Josh Allen.. Your team also takes risks... maybe some unnecessary. In short.. we do not know what is on the mind of the HC/OC/QB on any given play.
  14. This news for me means nothing to me. The dude gave us a few good years... Who gives a crud what he skips. Its not our problem. moving on...
  15. yard prediction time for me. Numbers are Bolded in the body ^^ Some think Kincaid will get the most yards but Brady has proved that we don't care who gets how many yards, but who is open in JA read progression. This is what would make our offense scarry because defenses will have a hard time knowing where the ball is going.
  16. I will give you reasons why its not dumb #1.. One more injury away #2 Leverage #3 his value goes down do to performance. #4 Another QB gets signed lower than what he wanted $ wise with same talent. #5 Their star WR's get injured or their line badly injured and in doing so his stats severely drop i could continue but uh... you have gotten grilled enough on your post
  17. Ive been looking for an article or a website that discusses this, its why I ask. Is this a pff thing?
  18. I would love to know what arm sizes should be for a guy his size and style of play compared to actual size. can you at least explain that?
  19. I personally have a hard time disagreeing with Shaw 98% of this time. But I believe saying The WR's are a dime a dozen, turning into what the situation is with great RB's in the league... is so wrong on every level. The only thing that has changed is the gap between the #2 WR and the #3 WR and the fact that there are just way way more #2 WR's in this league now then ever before. They are coming out of college Bigger (better body control) or faster. Better rout runners are coming out of College the last 3 years compared to the prior 5. That being said the gap between a high end #1 WR in this league and a #2 is not closing. There is proof that Josh Allen makes WR's better ------------Before JA--with JA Best years in yards Beasley -----833-----967 Diggs -----1100-----1500 my point? what QB has these players we have gotten played for in the past.
  20. I 100% respect your work, you put a lot of thought into it and explain things very well. That being said I disagree with WR being the next RB as far as that kind of progression or regression goes. In your first bolded.. there is 0 proof behind that comment and in fact its the opposite... WR Josh Reynolds 2023 stats: 40 receptions, 608 receiving yards, five TD gets paid a 2-year contract at 7 mil a year. At RB the gap has closed stat wise with the difference in a top 5 running back or say a top 6-11 RB. Where as a top 5 WR is putting up way more stats then say a 6-10. now.. i don't exactly know where the drop off is with the best WR's in the league to the "next best" but there is a huge drop off compared to the drop off at RB. RB's went down hill do to play style. more and more teams in this league are pass first over run first. because some teams pass the ball 70% of the time or more... The need for high end RB on a team like that goes down... thus the value of RB went down. To your second bolded I 100% AGREE. and everything after that. WR's are getting.. faster.. or learning to be more physical.. they are learning to have better body position, 1 handed grabs used to be something you might see once a week in NFL now its 5 times a week. So I guess what I am saying is.. We are at the point in this league where having 2 really good #2 WR's in this league has become easier. The gap you are referring to that is closing is not a gap between the first tier and the second tier in talented WR. BUT what is happening is.. there are more and more talented #2 WR in this league.. making it easier to fill the rosters. While I agree with how you feel your thoughts about WR's, I don't agree with how you got there. Much respect.
  21. I don't know if it was next gen stats that posted it? But if your just Looking at Keon's 40 yard dash then its a huge mistake. His Slant, Dagger, Go and Slot Strike were all top 5 in speeds... What do you do when you don't have a true #1 WR? (yet) You plug in a variety of different types of WR's. You do not limit yourself to a WR that can only live on the sidelines (Davis) But what you do have is a bunch of WR's that can run anywhere on the field... No one WR does long routs all day... No one WR lives in the middle of the field all day... You use your WR's by mixing it up. Each WR runs deeper rounds just a few times a game making the defense have to defend the big field. Now Brady has had the time to develop a playbook to fit what he wants to see on the field. Some think we run more this year than last year... TBH.. I don't see that. Play DESIGN is everything.. This year don't expect 3 players.. when the ball is thrown to be all within 8 yards of each other... We will force the defense to defend a "Bigger Field" This year. Coleman himself can do a variety of things for us.. The corner of endzone jump ball, getting perfect body leverage, live inside and outside. THAT DEFINES the type of wr's we have on this squad. Add what Shakir and Samuel does with their speed.. to what Coleman does... Then you have to worry about Kincaid... and oh yea.. Dawson Knox... he is pretty good TE as well... I CANT WAIT to see what this WR squad can do... The other thing I want to talk about is QB rout progressions... how a QB is supposed to read through his progressions.. When you have a #1 WR... I don't give a flying hoot what JA rout progressions were... For the first half of last year... it was on Diggs to often.. and it hurt his timing.. Now Josh Allen can do what hes naturally supposed to do. Its what made Mahomes more dangerous when they dropped Hill.. as a defender... you could not concentrate on just one person. That is kind of what we are doing right now.. The difference is? Our TE is young.. his is getting old. Sorry for the long read. I tried to break this up the best i could.
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