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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. I don't understand the negativity on this thread. looks great. Weather will hit where they play but not as windy. everything inside i am sure will be modern. Why so much hate on what looks like a great stadium?
  2. This fan base still has a ton of hate towards NE and their fan base lol. The hate is real. That being said... we need NE to win this and Jets need to get off their high horse ASAP. Confidence is the key to greatness and right now... the Jets are a Confident team.
  3. 100% agree as it is their respectful right. Some will reply to this post and say well "they need to get over it blah blah blah" This was of my opinion till we proved that we can beat the team with a minute left. Look at what KC did to us with 16 seconds left to tie a game. KC has a rabbit foot in their pockets and a horseshoe up ther .... we have the right to express with respect.
  4. Awesome. Who cares? who made it your job to deal with Negative Nancy's, Karen's and Darren's of this board? Let them be negative and get 20 pukes, eye rolls, laughs and so on making their post look as bad as it is. This is how we police ourselves. The community does it automatically BUT I would like to also quote how Gunner put this so perfectly in the quote above. "There are various forms of fandom, none more Valid than the other" I will list. You have the fans that no matter the team in front of you will be positive. You have long time fans that got bit way to often and need time or proof of point to become more and more of a believer (and there is nothing wrong with this) You have your " sunny day fan that just come on when the team does well" You have your all-day fan that is on these forums complaining when we are good or bad. The Die Hard Fan The Fan that has only missed maybe 10 games in their adult life. Everyone has the right to express themselves how they wish. On some points they may get laughed off the board, but it is their right unless it's obvious troll. In short? I will say one problem we have on these boards at times... People have to learn to just drop it and "Agree to disagree". Put your point out and if they do not get it oh well. We have posters on these boards, no matter how right or wrong they are they will fight you to the death lol. Until I experienced a life changing event even I was and still am to a small extent. Its our right to express with respect. and if people can't handle the bolded, then they need to get over themselves.
  5. Another day on and I don't have to ask "are we there yet?" I have to say I LOVE IT. The ropes Josh Allen throws, I cannot see wind being an issue BUT, On a day its really really windy? there is going to be a swirl going on in that stadium. You get your lip for weather protection, you get your great view no matter where you sit. I LOVE IT! Go Bills
  6. I honestly do not understand why this is even a topic. Doesn't everyone have the right to feel how they wish to feel? who are we as fans to tell another fan how to feel. Maybe they feel they have been bitten one to many times? SMH
  7. then again maybe not.
  8. I think your underestimating KC with the 2nd best QB in the NFL will his way through many victories. Titans are NOT the 2020-21 Titans. not Close. Chargers are a dream matchup cause its about who can out gun who... KC will outgun that team easy. The Rams are struggling. That defense is not the same. your putting to much stock in hoping KC screwes up these games. I don't see it. k read above.
  9. 1. Chargers are not the same 2020-21 chargers Same as the raiders. both teams are missing to many pieces Bengals I agree. Seahawks is the one on the edge.
  10. I almost feel bad for Rodgers. This loss is going to be ugly
  11. So i would agree 100% but to be honest? I think Moss would want a fresh start somewhere else.
  12. I have a hard time thinking KC will go 9-2 from here on out. Their division is not as hard as we thought. their schedule. Titans 4-2 not the same team as last year Jags 2-5 Chargers 4-3 (this is a good matchup for KC) Rams 3-3 not the same team as last year Bengals 4-3 this game will be personal. Expect KC to win Broncos trash 2-5 trash team Texans worst team in the NFL.. or close Seahawks 4-3 This is the one game they lose Broncos come on man... Raiders have historically played them well but I dont think they split this year. There is not 2 realistic losses here for KC. MAYBE 1. You have to expect KC to win out with this schedule.. What 2 teams you think they lose against?
  13. KC is not going to stop winning so the pressure is still on us to try our best to win out. we can afford to drop 1 game right now thats it. I just hope as the season goes on KC drops another game. Looking real good so far! Go Bills.
  14. Miami's own fans are calling Tua trash saying "he should of thrown 6 int"
  15. Brady going,, wait... i do have a gray hair. Damn I should have retired... at least my life in bed would be better.
  16. So did this question really need to be asked/answered? 20/80 with 80% on Allen. I think he called to many running plays with Allen at times.
  17. So did we show SF how to defend Mahomes? this is going to be a fun game to watch
  18. Another case of not needing to live in Buffalo to receive Buffalo Love.
  19. Always was a fan of Dion Sanders Mr. Prime Time
  20. Yep. I'm a dude. I welled up and I have no shame in my game... Thank You Josh Allen for caring so much about/for this community. Lets Goooooooooooooo
  21. this is going to turn out to be 100 pages of mostly nonsense and I LOVE IT lol
  22. Q. Are we there yet? A. Well Kind of.. Q. Kind of? for Christ sakes are we there yet or not? A. No not exactly
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