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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. why wait. this dude has a great offensive mind. Better OC than HC. I think Indy's QB decisions is what failed Frank the most. Give the dude his dream shot coming home to buffalo as A. OC.
  2. I argued with a few of you a couple weeks ago that we are not the most "complete" team in the league. I got laughed at. But I think there are a mix of things going wrong with this team and instead of arguing over positional value I think we should be looking at the bigger picture. So I will break down every starting position and will break down some play calling decisions as well. This post I am more evaluating groups rather than individual players. QB No issues. Josh is going to have games he struggles and when he does you hope the rest of your team will pick up. Playmakers. RB's WR's TE's. I right now have no problem with our RB's. TE we are average at worst, and I am ok with that. I think for the line we have and getting making deadline changes we are fine. WR position is become more of an issue for me, and we need to get better here. Davis has had 1 great game last year in playoffs and has not lived up to what we thought he would turn out to be. Davis needs more time to just get better. Though Diggs has some breakaway speed, I feel we are missing that deep threat speed on the other side that is going to make safety's scratch their head and wonder what way to cover deep and when someone does break it deep it either takes to long of a progression or the biggest problem on the team lets us down. Offensive Line. I swear 2-3 of these guys do not start on a large chunk of teams in the NFL. There is a balance of great playmakers and an offensive line. For me the right recipe for having a bad offensive line is a good recipe for Receivers... Example Diggs, Smoke and Beasley. Because we no longer have that mix of speed, short distance rout running and long-distance rout running... the line is going to look ever worse than it is. May I remind you of a dude named Peyton Manning. Till he had a healthy mix of solid offensive line and weapons they struggled. 3 out of his first 4 years he could not win more than 10 games a year cause of a horrible offensive line. This line is HORRIBLE outside of our LT and C. Offensive Coaching. This is borderline annoying for me because I really like our OC but for every great play call he is making a drive, I feel he is making 2 knucklehead calls a drive. Draw plays on second down. Second down and long you can just tell a short play call was made. I feel JA is trying to hard on drives that do not have a chance. Settling for FG's in the redzone instead of forcing the QB into making long play decisions against teams like the Jets is bad decision. Josh is not god. There has to be situational awareness in our play calling and I feel we lack it at times. Offensive side of the ball. New OC, Bad mix of playmakers to offensive line ratio. The line can't be fixed but there are some fixes in our future. I have been an OBJ hater for years BUT... If he still has that amazing straight-line speed and solid rout running IF he passes all health concerns. To make up for things I think we need to look at Hines and Cook more going deep routs and grabbing Safety's attention more often even if as a decoy for shorter stuff to be wider open, then so be it. DONT hit the panic button yet. (next year if we do not invest heavy on offensive line in draft ima gunna be upset) (and not mid round picks either....) Defensive side of the ball. I am not going to reach into this "bag of tricks" we all darn well know if healthy we the best defensive unit in the league. PERIOD. We have been forced to ask backups to do way to much for 7 games. We need Tre back... We need Milano back. We need Poyer back. End of story. The pressure put on this DC do to injuries, is immense. In short? we can rip on every position being replaceable or replaceable all day long. Welcome to loosing Mondays. I normally avoid the forums like the plague on days like this but,,, I just wanted to get this out there and thought this was the best thread to do so.
  3. there is a window... but its only that little one near your roof for your attic. You have an aging Poyer and Hyde. Poyer likely gone next season and Hyde well... maybe 2 more years out of Hyde? Up till this year with injuries, we have had the luxury of having the best FS SS combo in the league. that small window is closing or shut based on if Hyde makes it back for a game or 2 in playoffs. we also have just 2-3 years left of Von Miller before he starts really feeling the age. Its a shame our secondary has been this beat up this season. We will always be in contention with the dude named Josh Allen at the helm. The SB window will never close that's the big bay window letting all that sun come in
  4. you know how you know a team is good when they have the best QB in the league. You know this team is great when they all have memorized 100 handshakes for each other lol go bills.
  5. Tua is a Franchise QB in my opinion, but he is on oxygen support. A. He is not a top 10 QB in this league. I don't care what 1 or 2 stats some of you just stare at B. He is serviceable maybe 15th best QB in the league only because of the targets he has. C. He is on Oxygen support cause if he gets one more bad concussion? that might do it for his career.
  6. 1. Start off by just using the flick of wrist. Starting out its not about how far the ball goes but to see the result of just a flick wrist throw. 2. now that you did that 30 or so times and have learned the spiral through the wrist its about arm throw timing with wrist flick. 3. start out with 1/4th or 1/2 arm throw timing that flick of wrist. between step one and 3 is about 60 throws. you can do this fast with a few extra footballs and someone helping. now go long arm throw. by now the flick timing should be good. 75 throws a day just doing this every day for a few days a week will have that spiral working like a pro. Follow finger placement on threads just like the 100 or so video's i am sure you watched.
  7. never enough when your average at the position.
  8. Rousseau does not own a Camaro as of last month, So I am guessing he is behind the wheels of a new car or a friend's car. Most people new to a jacked-up car like that, underestimates the speed of that car. TBH, I do not let dumb stuff like this bother me in the first place. Life is to short. Second, you going 45 on that road with or not with traffic is risky business on its own. I am not to far from that area.. a few go 45 and some go around 40. Me personally? i see a hot new car like that coming up behind me? I give it its respect and slow down... let that monster pass me. Life to to short for road rage like that. I may whisper to myself "you moron" but that's it. slow down more and let the car pass me.
  9. a 5th Rounder? This is grand theft at its best
  10. this is GARBAGE take. its cooks year. they grabbed a backup that never got more then 350 yard season
  11. 32 yards this season?
  12. i want to see a link on this
  13. giving up a second or third round draft pick is not "nuking our future" you want to win it all the first time then worry about multiple wins.
  14. Mayfield (all hype with a big mouth) Vick (retired) (animal abuse.. Enough said) Brady Yea... you know why Gronkowski WWE Elbows our players with a sinical excuse Watson ( Has no right being in the NFL in my opinion. This is what the NFL represents?) Ramsey (big mouth and cant back it up against top Quality QB's) Rodgers (mr rodgers neighborhood) (the dude cries every mistake someone makes but rarely blames himself) ***WHINER***
  15. yep. they gave up. and to be honest it's a mix of fear and knowledge. Fear cause of the team you're playing against. For years the Bills Feared NE and made one stupid play after another and gave up by mid third quarter. It's also Knowledge that they know if the Bills really wanted to crank it up (even above the INT'S) we could have put more points on the board.
  16. I actually agree with this statement. who gives a damn. pay the fee. what he makes even after extra fees is crazy.. and what happens to this show when the contract is up and the NFL says screw you! we not renewing your contract? Then will Pat be making his millions a year doing that same show? it is what it is.
  17. HA another Edmunds thread. last one went what 60 pages? Wonder how many pages this one will make?
  18. no this is silly guess talk. Last Monday Nite game they discussed the Sunday night game
  19. ESPN seemed to skip our game results half time "under 3 minutes" but managed every other game. does this frustrate anyone?
  20. we needed the jets to get off their high horse this game.
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