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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. at Von's age, this might be a career ender
  2. i have no problem with 3 OL, WR, LB, FS/DB mix
  3. 2021 we picked up 3 OL. you're acting like this is unheard of.
  4. so Miami has a horseshoe sitting half way up there... they have been so lucky this year
  5. correct but IF KC and Miami go down, life is good for the Bills.
  6. is this the day we take over the AFC again?
  7. oh stop. this is just as bad as the edmunds post. We slam our team when they play bad and praise the heck out of our team when we play good. to many "you must eat crow" or "i told you so" threads with people beating their chest while they posting it. Congrats Buffalo. you got your running game going. Lets see what happens when we play against real teams.
  8. he is there just to mock Belichick
  9. lol good stuff!
  10. This thread is stupid. We call our players out when they are not playing well and because of that we were "haters"? There is a difference between hating and calling out a player for what they were. Then you have this thread, pounding his chest, told you so! you must of been a hater! well give me an effing break. If the citizens have the right to criticize their president of the USA, truly fans have the right to criticize players when they were not living up to expectations. The last few years before this year Edmunds was NOT living up to expectations so we slammed the dude before it and because we did we were a hater? get over yourself man.
  11. yep I think certain downs they go a "big 3" formation with Brown, Davis, Diggs on one side of the field and McKenzie on the other side running the crosses.
  12. I told you guys, If he is in shape and still has that speed... he will take over #2 WR
  13. This data means NOTHING, do you know why? these graphs dont tell the whole story. Doesnt say that our entire secondary was out one game. Does not say that. One of our losses. You know what you can do with this graph? print it. Take a nice look at the paper form of it, then flush it down the toilet cause that is all this information is worth... what goes down the toilet. I normally love your work Turk but this is subjective nonsense.
  14. I agree, and I am not saying this happened... no true proof.. but lets fact facts.. after that hit is when his throwing got silly right? its just a fun conversation to have more than anything else.
  15. the point being, maybe it was a slight tweak that game that Josh really never mentioned cause it did not feel like something to tell a trainer. happens every day. then the next game, the same elbow gets tweaked harder and becomes an issue... again this happens often. The NFL rules dictate reported injuries. Players get tweaked all the time and do not say word one to a trainer.
  16. you made me think about this game 1:55 Josh gets hit square in the elbow. I remember him shaking it off and they never went to tent or ace bandaged it after. interesting convo to have though FYI just because he was not listed for anything does not mean there was not a slight issue.
  17. typical House sarcasm randomness lol
  18. so it was Baltimore's turn to get bit by the Jacksonville big this year. outstanding.
  19. this makes sense, he has been missing all year long.
  20. Get Jerry, Kyle... While we at it, heck let's bring back Gore. Trade deadline is over. nothing happening this late in the season
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