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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. Buffalo was taken out of the game fast and there was not enough uplifting moments in the game. Surely we are not blaming the fanbase for that game...
  2. yea no.. sorry. JA has one play where he has a ton of time and 3 where he is running for his life.
  3. Its not what the players like, its what is going to make players produce.
  4. Say this LOUDER. so the guys in the back row can hear you.. For christ sakes, Take note what the Eagles, San Fran and Bengals did with their offensive line over the last 2 years. If the NFL draft picks go as follows.. OL, OL, OL, OL... I can live with that. Double down at guard and T. Do it Early. Fix the damn line. And stop drafting so late on picks for the line.
  5. This THIS RIGHT HERE... may be the problem. Josh's best buddy is OC. There is a question to be answered.... Does Josh Audible away from Dorsey's play calling to much? Does Josh need an OC that is going to rein in that beast a little bit?
  6. I think he is going to wait it out.
  7. You have to give the dude time to digest for christ sakes. Last thing anyone wants is a knee jerk reaction out of our HC.
  8. there is a thread on not making any changes in coaching. they are there. That is the place to argue your points on that.
  9. I think THIS year it is not going to be just about the money
  10. was with you till you said denver
  11. drafting good and setting up a team for success are 2 different things.
  12. is annoying people a gift?
  13. well said. I think in hindsight, Dorsey was a mistake.
  14. and there was the mistake. we had a window.
  15. yea but he never did the bolded this year. Are the numbers better because of the OC or JA progression? or none of the above? I would argue JA numbers are about the same as last year?
  16. It is so close to being worth it though.... so close...
  17. I personally am not at the point of firing Gm and HC yet. BUT. what scares the living HECK out of me the most? failing another year of draft picks.
  18. this is hard to argue with
  19. LOL fresh new post of rankings of our OL. new thread. Go look at it. then come back and lets talk.
  20. so you can take a pile of dump. shine it up. make it look good, yet its still a pile of dump. Point? you can only level specific talent so much.
  21. to me that is the biggest issue at hand. I think we need someone with a proven track record no matter what QB was playing on that team. in a sense. I would argue that Kromer did not have a ton of talent to work with on that line....
  22. I know there is a LOT of threads on this, but people are jumping ship of there original thoughts from thread to thread. This puts it on record. Lots of trolling going on too. This kind of solves that issue.
  23. My biggest disappointment is the failure to fix this offensive line this year.
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